Hi Beautiful Soul,
I know you’ll enjoy this video on 5 Signs Your Loved One Died Is Communicating with You. But first, I’m sending you massive hugs and energetic loving vibrations as you near the holiday season.
I’ve really needed to send myself hugs the past 5 weeks so TRUST your Heart frequency when it speaks!
In this HeartLink Insights I have a question for you and a video to help you with answers to the question.
The Question…
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being 100%, 1 being very little, how much do you truly TRUST yourself, your intuition, when making decisions? Place your hand on your heart and ask. You may be more trusting in some areas and less so in others.
What about listening and trusting your Spiritual Cheerleaders (loved ones passed, Angels, God/Source, Divine universal beings) that are popping into your life every single day to extend guidance that is for your highest alignment and harmony when tapping into personal life realizations and making business choices?
I created this video called 5 Signs Your Loved One Died is Communicating with you to guide you to TRUST the Signs of Spirit more, and to recognize your body’s Signs and interpret the meaning of the messages with greater clarity, confidence, ease and flow.
I share how I recognize and trust the messages my sister Corrine (who transitioned 18 years ago) communicates to let me know she was with us on a very special day.
If you love SIGNS, or have a loved one died communicating to you, you’ll LOVE this short 5 minute video!
I’ve had to really dig deep and trust day by day where I’m being guided each moment, and what I can do well that’s self-loving, as I’m coming out of the tail end of a flu-cold that lasted 5 weeks. (Anyone else experience this?)
I’ve never been “out of good health” for this long of a duration. Oh ya, with the exception of a serious vehicle injury in my early 20’s and a cliff jumping experience about 5 years ago that re-wrecked my low back all over again – OUCH!
It’s been difficult to trust myself, yet overcoming self-doubt, that causes heart stress and emotional brain drain, is what I am mastering day by day.
This internal struggle has made me very good at helping you tap in and transform that which is ready to be relinquished or lifted from your heart so you can live your best life!
Everyday we’re being bombarded with “choices” coming at us. The choice to make decisions in our personal and business life.
Sometimes I make a decision from SHOULD versus what my body and intuition is telling me. When I do this, I go against the grain of harmony and true alignment with myself usually learning the hard way.
In my recent TikTok Reel I share how essential it is to stop doing that and REMEMBER that your body knows.
Click to play my TikTok Reel on “SHOULD” vs “ALIGNMENT”
One of the beautiful things our Spiritual Cheerleaders are here to support you in is to TRUST that you already know the deep truth. You only have to make a decision to CHOOSE to listen and take divinely led action.
You may know notice at Christmas time, leading up to a birthday, anniversary, or special holiday that your loved ones who transitioned appear more active in capturing your attention, as do all your Spiritual Team and cheerleaders.
Be on the lookout as the holiday approaches. Our Spirit friends love to be mischievous!!
I LOVE to read your Spirit Signs stories.
If you are up for sharing, leave a comment on the YouTube video or post the longer versions on this popular Blog I wrote many years ago when Dad started communicating through moving objects. So many stories from around the world. Read the blog:
Spirit Communication: Moving Objects Signs from a Loved One
Would you love to explore Spiritual topics with me in our Free class?
Register for the next Spirit Conversations with Colleen:
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
5:00pm – 6:00pm PST (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Register early:
ARE YOU READY TO TRUST THE SIGNS AND MESSAGES OF YOUR BODY TO MANIFEST A LIFE YOU LOVE & have the foundation to navigate stormy seas with greater more Love, Ease and Grace?
That’s when working with a Spiritual Intuitive, Energy Coach & Transformational healer like me comes in. Choose from…. Crystallize Your Vision Spiritual program, 1-1 intuitive coaching or our Free monthly Spirit Conversations with Colleen class.
Life & Business can be oodles of FUN when you choose you first!