
What is your Dream Life? 

Do you Dream & Aspire to live a joyful lifestyle filled with loving relationships, endless opportunities to grow personally, more money than you’ll ever need, and geographical freedom to experience the things you are most passionate about, while spending quality time with people you care most for?

Many of us dream about it, some are taking daily strides and actions towards achieving those dreams and perhaps a select few of us can honestly say we are living our Dreams. The beautiful thing about Dreams is they never need to end. As dreams are met, new Dreams are created. Are you on-track to Living Your Dreams?

Emotional Health is Key to Living Our Dreams

Regardless where you find yourself today, an essential aspect to achieving our desired dreams is LOVE. Love for the Dream, love for yourself, and love for the well-being of others. In treating our body with loving awareness and kindness, we will co-create optimal emotional health – A FEEL GREAT LIFE.

We know if our physical health fails, our attention shifts, and we cannot fully experience life as we desire to live it. The same rings true for our Emotional Health.

If we feel lousy or sad, carry anxiety or feelings of frustration, are angry with someone or about something, feel unhappy about our accomplishments, our successes, our body and our intimate relationships, our health is subject to stressors – all playing havoc with our emotional health – not to mention the impact on our physical, mental and spiritual well being.

Because we understand the Law of Attraction works to bring us more of what we place our attention on, the more we THINK & ACT to raise our vibrations and thoughts, our emotional set point is also vibrating at a more optimal level to attract into our lives the resources and opportunities required to reach our Dreams.

Raising Emotional Health Frequency

Helping my clients with their emotional health and well being is my specialty. Quantum Healing for Body & Mind encompasses a collective approach, drawing from Quantum Energy, Intuitive Guidance, Massage, Acupressure, relaxation breathing, dialogue, and my own modality style to help dissolve core beliefs held deep at the cellular level.

Interestingly, as we embrace our emotion and allow feelings to be felt, we actually get in touch with the message (and meaning) of the emotion, coming through by way of insight, memory, a thought, and/or sensation in our body, ultimately enabling our body’s wisdom to instantly dissolve and raise its emotional frequency, helping us FEEL BETTER, happier, relieved, pain free, increased clarity, excited, inspired and much more.

I help my clients feel more empowered, more self-loving and have a greater capacity to love others. The benefits of Emotional Health are wide spread and unique to an individual’s life work on themselves.

If you have Dreams you want to fulfill, emotional wellness is PARAMOUNT. We offer simple, yet very effective tools to raise one’s Emotional Health Frequency. I offer a FREE phone consultation and personalized Package Rates for people committed to their success. Ask about the New Client Massage Introduction session rates !!

To view positive results my clients have experienced: CLICK HERE

Contact Colleen Today!

Looking for a New & Personally Branded Website?

GingerKid Creative is a full service Vancouver design firm specializing in branding and web development for entrepreneurs and small businesses. We are experts in branding, web design and development and marketing and are focused on creating material that is unique and reflects your company’s individuality.

To contact GingerKidCreative call Jaime at 604.506.1774 or CLICK HERE

Looking for a Cleaning Service for your Home or Office?

Merva’s Cleaning Service has an opening for new clients. Located on the North Shore, Merva brings over 20 years professional cleaning to her North and West Vancouver clients.

Offering customized packages for home owners and businesses, reliable and results oriented. You provide your choice of Eco-friendly cleaning products and Merva guarantees her work.

For a consultation, contact Merva today at 604.988.5047