What is ESM?
ESM refers to Energetic Self-Manifestation, and was founded by Diane Raphael & Gayle Way.
According to the Universal Principals of ESM, Energetic Self-Manifestation is:
• for anyone who wants to create self-change.
• about the energetic impact of beliefs.
• a psychoenergetic process and a philosophical approach to life, based upon Universal Principles.
These Universal Principles are:
we are Quantum Beings; we are Eternal; we are Innately Whole; and we create every aspect of our own lives. This psychoenergetic process reconnects us to the knowledge of what and who we are.
From the ESM perspective, everything in our world is a reflection upon how we see ourselves. As Quantum Beings, we are creators of our world, created from the beliefs which operate within our subconscious mind. We create from two places: from our innate wholeness, which is our spiritual/energetic/quantum core of wisdom and love; and from our fears, which represent self-limiting beliefs which do not serve us in living full and vibrant lives.
Self-doubt is created when we make the choice to separate from our Authentic Self by suppressing or rejecting our emotions. Doubt is created when we deny the Truth of our personal experience.
ESM requires embracing or taking ownership of all parts of Self. As a result, we reconnect with our wholeness and create solely from our joy. We begin to feel and see the power and abilities we embody. We become aware of our “Quantum-ness”, our connection to all things and the power we have to influence our world.
ESM focuses on the Wholeness and the Oneness factor (i.e. we are all connected). Also, the focus is on the solution to issues?rather than on what appears to be missing.
ESM is as much an experience of ENERGY, connecting with our energetic self and everyone and everything around us, as it is a way of being.
How does ESM fit into a session?
Bodywork in combination with ESM (Energetic Self-Manifestation), founded by Diane Raphael and Gayle Way, helps us develop a deeper sense of self-love and compassion, recognizing we are the true power and creators of our own change. ESM is naturally a part of every session.
ESM (Energetic Self-Manifestation) is a journey of:
• Self-love & Integrity. Living in our integrity is loving to ourselves & others.
• Trusting ourselves completely, eliminating self doubt.
• Being real with ourselves and others, authentic all the way.
• Seeing ourselves, our beauty and power, to discover how great we are.
• Embracing teachings and ancient knowledge that reside within all of us. We do have the answers!
• Living responsibly for connecting with our own JOY!
• Being in the moment, creating our dreams.
What are some real possible outcomes?
• Dissolve pain and discomfort in your body and heart.
• Release long-standing addictions harmful to your health.
• Eliminate self doubt and trust your inner guidance.
• Enhance your intuitive abilities to make wise personal and business choices.
• Create work doing what you love and realize new streams of income.
• Enhance your financial picture and embrace your inheritance to abundance.
• Feel more Joy and Peace and recognize your responsibility to joy.
• Experience a loving relationship with yourself, attracting loving people to you.
How do I learn more?
CONTACT COLLEEN TODAY! – schedule your FREE phone consultation