
Upcoming Events in North Vancouver

North Vancouver Events
Ageless Living & Networking: Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Are you LOOKING your Best?
Are you FEELING your Best?

Are you LIVING life at your Very Best?

Everyone Ages. HOW we age is a CHOICE!! There are decisions we can make starting TODAY to ensure this happens.

Firmer skin in 90 seconds, watch here:  AERIS video

Natasha AERIS

Why Attend?
North Vancouver Events are offered to Connect with like-minded, like-hearted people who help each other succeed in life. If you have a business, Expose your awesome products and services. If you have a health goal, Motivate yourself to stay on track.  Checkout the safest, greatest & latest Science based Health products that can add quality years to life!

What Health products will I learn about? Heard about the Mangosteen Story yet? If not, you will. We’ll cover the spectrum from head to toe, topically and internally – for best of health!

What Results do customers experience? The list of  potential health benefits is long. Some results include…. fewer wrinkles and firmer, healthier skin, increased vigor, more focus, less anxiety,  happier moAeris Eye Duood state,  improved joint mobility and fewer aches & pains, healthier cardiovascular system, weight loss, hormonal balance, fitness performance and strength,  and my FAVOURITE slowing the cellular aging process from the inside.

Is there a Prosperity segment? You betcha! We’ll explain how customers easily earn FREE product. As well, how some choose to join us to help anyone grow a residual income that can pay for a lifetime. All through a proven lifestyle business model.

XanGo AERISXanGo Original NEW white bottles

Event details:

Attend our North Vancouver Events & you’ll be entered to Win a Massage or Transformational Coaching session! 

DATE:           Tuesday, January 26, 2016
TIME:            7:15 Meet n Greet, 7:30 – 9:00pm
PLACE:        #417 – 3600 Windcrest Drive, North Vancouver, BC
COST:          FREE – You are welcome to bring a healthy appetizer to share.

Please RSVP your hosts Natasha Lietzmann or Colleen Wynia:

Natasha: (604) 562-6365 or
Colleen: (778) 288-6202 or


My Services

Massage & Bodywork

Massage and Bodywork are a natural, proven approach to stress management, relaxation and healing. I offer a number of different practices to suite your needs.

Transformational Coaching

I can help you release what is holding you back, say farewell to pain and experience a massive upward shift in your energy.

Spiritual Communication

Intuitive Guidance is a unique form of spiritual counseling based on the principle that Intuition is inherent in each of us. Intuition is instinctive, all-knowing and innate to every individual.

Nutrition & Wellness

I can counsel you in good nutrition and quality supplementation. I will help you make permanent positive changes that will stick with you for life.

Colleen Wynia

Reset Your Vibe Success Coach
P. 604.984.6202  | C. 778-288-6202

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