
How to Raise Your Health Vibration is a question you want to ask yourself every single day. Lowering inflammation, being healthy, feeling energetic is paramount to living a life of love, happiness and financial fulfillment.

At the beginning of a new year, we often think of fresh starts. As I open the calendar to optimism I am hit with the reality of the importance, in fact THE MOST IMPORTANT consideration – our HEALTH. Without our health, we don’t have the well-being, the energy, and the inspiration to accomplish, create and give back to others. We are all here on the planet to serve, but this is very difficult when we are not thriving.

I have a dear friend facing a rare cancer who is going through an incredible life experience. One of my clients lost her husband to a sudden heart attack and she’s grieving. Another client her Mom suffered a stroke before Christmas. Myself, I was hit with a flu/cold combination for the first time in 15 years. A nasty outcome of doing too much and pushing myself too hard at times based on ancient mindset beliefs that something must be this way or that way.

Between cancer, heart, stroke and flu/cold, these health conditions all share a common denominator known as INFLAMMATION. There is silent inflammation (heart attack) that creeps up and slowly destroys our health, and there is chronic inflammation we can actually feel (arthritis). Stress also plays a significant role in inflammation and poor health.

In 2017 what kind of healthy lifestyle do you want? Do you have a Vibrational Health Plan to feel good on the inside and be amazingly health on the outside, to magnetize and attract your goals faster to you?


Prevention of health? Lowering risk of illness?
Losing weight and getting super fit?
Lowering daily stress to feeling happier?
Having more play and fun?
Up level your financial health to have more money to take time off to do what you love?

Any of these intentions take a shift in consciousness. A mindset that eliminates doubt and allows your desire to come into fruition.

I can help. In fact, I help my customers and clients EVERY SINGLE DAY achieve in these arenas!!
Health wise I work intimately with life changing health and anti-aging products that work for you.
Mindset, emotional and vibrational alignment I work with people daily to reset their energy vibe so they can dissolve the old neuropathways, the outdated beliefs, and attract in what feels better in a way that is aligned with them.

5 Ways to Raise your Health Vibration:

1. Eat Foods and supplements that Lower Inflammation
One powerhouse nutritional is a fruit named mangosteen. The phytonutrients in the rind/peel of the fruit found in large numbers are called XANTHONES and are massively beneficial to the human body (pets too!). With over 200 (and counting!) different biological activities discovered in the rind/peel, one person consumes the whole fruit juice puree called XanGo Juice and sleeps more deeply, another has less joint & arthritis pain, another their digestion and stomach condition improves, another their skin sensitivities clear up! A multitude of health benefits I’ve been enjoying for over 10 years!! CLICK HERE to learn about XanGo Juice.

2. Exercise your body
This is a must in my books. Do you exercise 3-5x per week? Exercise has so many biological benefits as well as mental & emotional health. If you are not already enjoying regular exercise, spend time discovering something new that you’ll be able to do weekly and love it. When you do exercise that turns your crank and puts a smile (and good sweat) onto your face, you’ll do it again and again once you create the habit. Exercise produces endorphins that make you want to come back again and again, you just need to begin the habit of movement.
What exercise, pick something you like? Try something you’ve never done before. Go at your level and push yourself a little more, within reason, so you feel like you are challenging yourself. Listen to your specific body’s needs because we are all different. Still not sure which activities to engage in, reach out to me and we’ll create a vibrational movement plan for you.
Myself, I’m a cardio junkie and LOVE high intensity hiking on the Grouse Grind trail in North Vancouver, British Columbia or 60-90 minutes on the elliptical. Each week I include some burpee push-ups and planks for core strength, abdominal exercises and what I absolutely love is Bikram’s hot yoga 1-2x per week. Bikram’s yoga works most every muscle in the body, every system, improves spine health, core strength, balance, helps joint injuries heal and so much more.

3. Engage in Deep Breathing
Breathing deeply is one of the most simple, yet powerful effective methods for purifying the body, mind and spirit. In my practice when I combine basic breathing exercises with a more powerful technique called Rebirthing, clients truly tap into their unconscious to access what is ready to be transformed. CLICK HERE to learn about Rebirthing.

Any time you feel overwhelmed, stressed, pressured, taking in a deep breath through your mouth, filling up your lungs to the top until you can’t breathe in more, then releasing with an “aaahhh” sound goes miles to relax your body and slow your mind down of its constant negative chatter. Choose to do this for 10 in and out breaths, or for 10 minutes and you’ll feel like a million bucks! You may shed some tears, maybe you’ll laugh, maybe you’ll get silent, who knows. Your body is a wealth of wisdom and guides you when you listen.

4. Declutter Your Surroundings
Declutter your space, your home, your desk, and your closets. Go through papers you have saved and shred those no longer required. Toss or recycle broken items. Fix or repair what needs your love and attention. Visit your closet and storage cupboards and prepare to donate clothes you haven’t worn all year long or toss out the ones unrepairable that are falling apart. If you are a book lover, which books are you ready to gift away to a friend or donate to free up space in your home and office making room for current learnings? Be creative, follow your intuition, and trust your own direction.

5. Create positive Beliefs around Health & Money
We cannot THINK our way through stuckness, we have to FEEL our way through the emotional grid. Tune into how you are feeling, cause there is a mindset behind your feeling that is helping to create this emotion.

Your feelings, your emotions are your guidance system. Commonly I refer to it as your internal GPS. Ask yourself if you are operating at a 1 (low frequency) or closer to a 10 (higher frequency). The first number that pops into your mind is always spot on. What you reflect outward creates your reality and circumstances. If you are anywhere below the number 8, we can change that for you.

Do you want to improve your financial health? We can do that too. If you like helping people achieve health & wellness as much as I do, and want to earn more money, residual income, that flows in month after month once your business is growing, I can show you how to create a business of your own that can help thousands of people worldwide achieve tremendous health. This can be achieved without changing what you are doing now. Imagine helping more people feel amazing while generating additional cash flow from your home, computer, phone and even while travelling. Sound good? Ask me more…

Consider teaming up with a professional like myself to help you create your Vibrational Health Plan for 2017 and beyond. Shift out of feeling stuck and get happier and healthier.
Together we can help you re-align through to improve how you feel, bring you higher on the frequency scale so you feel good. When you feel good, or better than you did before, you’ll immediately attract all kinds of amazing experiences towards you with less resistance, more ease and grace. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Transformational Coaching Rocks! CLICK HERE to learn more.

I am a powerhouse heart-based intuitive and facilitator of change. I’ve helped Entrepreneurs, Visionaries, Global Leaders, Business Owners, Actors, Parents, Teenagers, and many more transform their Health, Wealth and Love relationships.

We’ve closed out 2016 which was a 9-year and the completion of a 9-year cycle according to numerologists. In 2017 we are beginning a 1-year cycle which is fresh beginnings, new starts, creation time. You design your life!!
By starting a new year that is a 1-year in a new cycle, it’s the perfect opportunity to shift gears now. Making decisions how to raise your health vibration and follow my 5 ways to lower inflammation, you will be on track to design a new vibrational health plan that embraces feel good vibes and opens a pathway to achieve success in your health where it matters to you most!!


Watch my YouTube video:
How to Raise Your Health Vibration: 5 Ways to Lower Inflammation

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Much Love & Happy New Year Blessings
Colleen xo