How to Transform Despair to Hope, Peace and Joy is celebrated in this wonderful Client Success Story with Sabrina. I wanted to bring you hope and real solutions for a better tomorrow and I’m in deep gratitude for her wearing her heart on her sleeve. Despair to Hope, Peace and Joy came into Sabrina’s life as she committed to our Reset Your Vibe series of spiritual coaching sessions.
To Transform Despair to Hope and Inner Peace, it takes connecting deeply with the power of God, Source, Divine Universe, Angel’s, however best you relate to your personal faith by putting it first. It takes real guts and courage to do the inner work to transform your life. I know, as I lived years in mild depression, despair at times, utter disbelief that life would ever change. Yet, something inside me spoke loudly saying “There is a way” like it did for Sabrina. We both did the work and life began to fill up with more ease, joy and and things to be grateful for.
Transformation is based on the foundation of Energy Healing and the energy frequency is the core brought into all facets as we approach the various physical, emotional, and mental health aspects. We collaborate with all the Spiritual helpers ready and lined up for Sabrina. By integrating Transformational coaching, spiritual intuitive downloads, Grief/Loss guidance, powerful breathing techniques like Rebirthing (also known as The Breath of Life or Conscious Connected Breathing), Massage and Bodywork, and acupressure and more, Sabrina’s life began to change. It takes courage and daily commitment to your journey to transform your life and its absolutely possible!!!
“My biggest take away from Colleen’s ‘Reset Your Vibe’ private sessions was moving from a feeling of total despair and gloom to renewed hope and at peace. I met Colleen during an event where I experienced her massage, which felt amazing! She explained how she helps inspire her clients through Life Transitions and I wondered if she could possibly help me? I was suffering from my relationship breakup feeling overwhelmed, distraught, and empty inside. I felt stripped of myself and that I would never feel good again.
Colleen has a spiritual, compassionate way that allowed me to accept my emotions and know its ok to feel this way. Going through her Reset Your Vibe series the despair began to lift and I felt lighter, hopeful and more at peace. The breathing sessions with spiritual guidance really helped me lock in an understanding. It took time, and I know things will still come up, but I’ll never go back to that level of lost self again. I loved the blending of massage which always leaves me feeling amazing and rejuvenated. Thank you so much Colleen for helping pave a path of self-acceptance and inner strength.” ~ Sabrina Geracitano
Energy and Energy Healing is the foundation to all change and improvement in your life. To make the shift from any emotion that doesn’t feel good – from Despair to Depression to Confusion to utter overwhelm – your spiritual body and the rest of you is craving inner peace
Still not sure if this is possible for you, visit Colleen’s Client Testimonials to here from people worldwide.
Don’t wait another minute, your life’s joy depends on you to make the first move!
CONTACT ME and let’s schedule your Discovery Call.
In Vibrant Health & Blessings
Love Colleen xx
Reset Your Vibe Energy Coach