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How to Trust Your Intuition and Develop Confidence
In this intimate interview, Rachelle Rozon shares her transformation experience turning doubt into heartfelt success and confidence working with Colleen Wynia in the Crystallize Your Vision program.
You’ll learn how Rachelle transformed limiting beliefs by moving the needle on her low self worth story. She made a spiritual connection with her grandmother who transitioned (died) to Spirit, increased her awareness of self sabotage addictive patterns, doubled her coaching fees and then doubling them again, deepened her relationship with her daughter and tapped more into her Intuition and Spirituality that’s always been within her.
Rachelle Rozon, Anxiety & Post-partum Women’s Coach explains:
“Colleen and I met through the entrepreneur world. I had been struggling with my new business and had worked (for free) with several women, all of whom provided incredible testimonials about our time together, but I was still not feeling confident enough to charge for my services.
I knew that monetizing creativity was something that Colleen’s program focused on, but I had no idea how being able to monetize my creativity was tied to my self worth and sense of self.
Through our conversations I learned that Colleen was into energy, spirituality & educating others on how to connect with their intuition and reset their vibration in life. At the time I didn’t understand how our inner vibration is projected into the outside world and how resetting certain things inside myself could bring prosperity & abundance, but this is exactly what Colleen has shown me.
I was drawn to working with Colleen because of her spark. She has this innate, alive, loving quality and I knew that I needed more people like her in my life. I was really intrigued by the idea of being able to connect with loved ones and others who have transitioned from this life and learn how to trust what is already within myself. I come from a heavily religious/shame filled background and I had never had anyone who was able to guide me to get connected with my own inner knowing and in Colleen I saw this potential.
Since beginning this work, I’ve been able to double, then double again the amount I was charging for my coaching services (working with women who experience Anxiety & Depression), connect with my grandmother who transitioned several years ago to receive a powerful message about healing generational wounds. I’ve become aware of addictive patterns I’ve had in my life and have been able to give up certain vices and continue to work towards living a sober life where I no longer feel the need to numb myself. I have been able to show up in a powerful, present way for my daughter by simply allowing myself to “be” in her presence and “be” there for her, rather than feeling as I had in the past that we always had to be “doing” and have really been given the opportunity to start fresh a fresh life, to see the value that I inherently bring to this world and to live my life from a place of wholeness.
Colleen’s program, Crystallize Your Vision, contains simple & easy to implement strategies that I have used to simplify my life and focus in on what really matters. Through our time together, I have truly been reborn. I know myself better now than I ever have before and I see how coming into alignment with my inner self has attracted to me abundance, financially, spiritually & emotionally. I am honored to have crossed paths with Colleen and am SO GRATEFUL for the lifetime access her program offers.”
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Crystallize Your Vision program helps women and heart-centered leaders transform pain and self-doubt into Clarity, Confidence and Creativity to Energize Intuition, Ignite Freedom and Crystallize Your Vision to truly Live on Purpose.
How to Turn Doubt into Confidence and Success
Crystallize Your Dream Home with Clarity | Personal Transformation:
Crystallize your Vision Confidence and Success | Personal Transformation:
How to Trust Your Vulnerability, Signs of Strength:
How to Trust Your Vibe Signs, Spiritual Assessment Made Easy:
Love to meet you over a Clarity Call!
In Vibrant Health & Blessings
Colleen xx