Lower Inflammation, NEW Science to Increase Longevity. In my video I recommend an awesome book about the NEW science of inflammation and give you 3 Tips How to Lower inflammation.
Dr. David Perlmutter‘s book “Brain Maker” is easy to understand and explains the importance of lowering inflammation and the new science to increase longevity.
Lowering inflammation is a HOT topic! Best way to lower risk of dis-ease and illness is to lower inflammation in the body. You will have more Vibrant Health, less pain and can add quality years to your life.
Make changes TODAY that will increase the quality of your life, increase your energy, maintain a healthy weight, eliminate depression and feel happier each and every day.
Book a Discovery call for a personalized free consult.
Let’s explore:
Best Anti-inflammatory Foods & Diet
New Science of Inflammation
Natural Ways to Reduce Inflammation
Mangosteen is one proven “Gold Nugget” in wellness nutrition. Mangosteen is a powerhouse anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.
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Another fantastic resource sight is Positive Health Wellness. Karen Reed, the Managing Editor regularly contributes articles filled with Health, Nutrition, Fitness & Anti-aging Tips. I love her recent blog on the Best Foods for an Anti-inflammatory Diet! CLICK HERE
Book a Free Discovery call for a personalized well-being & spiritual consult.
Partnering with a Vibrational Coach can help you transform ancient beliefs, negative feelings, and become a powerful magnet to attract in things that feel great, aligned with your heart, inspire you to take action and motivation in the right direction, make you more money, enjoy a balanced life and vibrant health.
There are many pieces to the puzzle that my Reset Your Vibe program can assist you with.
ASK YOURSELF, what’s it COSTING you in Business and your Relationships to be out of sync?
I can help you release what is holding you back, say farewell to pain and experience a massive upward shift in your energy. You will literally Reset Your Vibration by relinquishing past emotion and cellular memory, opening yourself to attract your vision and dreams faster to you.
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