Never Give Up Hope on your Dreams! Why? Because all things are possible, your dreams are real, and you are a powerful creator beyond measure.
Do you see yourself as an inspirational thought leader, an entrepreneur or coach, someone who influences people, policies, and cultures? Or do you feel you have little to offer the world?
Do you KNOW you have much wisdom, insights and knowledge to help others yet you are feeling stuck, trapped, paralyzed? Perhaps repeated patterns doing the “same old” producing the “same old” results? You FEEL and SENSE the fuel inside, it’s there, waiting to be ignited… like an ignition to be turned on.
Regardless of what level of inspiration, optimism and well-being you are at, when you experience transformation at the cellular level, magic happens. Your focus improves, you tap into your wisdom (inner knowing), you easily attract the people and resources, and you have the energy to take appropriate action. This is because of your internal shift, from the inside.
Never give up hope on the possibility of living a joyous, loving, abundant life. When you surrender to “what is” by allowing your body and mind to show you the subtle (and not so subtle) thoughts and memories that you are holding onto at the cellular level, only then can you make a change.
Feeling is healing, emotion is wisdom, and surrendering is power!
I have a transformational story of a beautiful woman’s life forever changed. This is a woman that I’ve had the honor to know, to help, to learn from.
My video will INSPIRE and IGNITE hope to never give up on your dreams….
She’s given me permission to share her beautifully poetic testimonial:
My past has left me devastated,
in its aftermath,
how do I rise above these ashes?
Scorched Earth?
That would have meant that I wasn’t even existing on the earth.
Think deeper, lower, amidst the bleak, utter darkness that is, Living without a life.
I can’t tell you when, why or how, but I reached, (not out) but Up.
And there was Colleen, holding her hand for me to hold onto, (if I chose.)
A broken, shattered, battered shell of a human being.
That was me.
There is a novel about the changes, challenges!
Insights, foresights, and…feelings that I am now experiencing.
Once devastated, now I am breathing anew
Once destroyed, now delivered.
Once destitute, now nourished.
Once friendless, now friend-FULL.
Cursed, now blessed.
To have pride, without being prideful.
To have morals without being moralistic.
Justice, without being judgemental.
May God, the Divine grant me the peace, and the presence.
And, of course, not forgetting one of the most important senses,
A sense of Humour!
Does her upward swing mean she’s always on track and doesn’t self-sabotage herself sometimes? Does it mean she doesn’t have bad days and have to pick herself up again – feeling as if she hasn’t made any progress? Most certainly not.
Each day we have a choice to feel good, or feel bad. Each day we have a choice to feel better than we did the moment before. The days when we feel like we are falling back, we aren’t really, it just feels that way.
When transformation takes place at the cellular level, it’s a permanent shift. What’s essentially happening when the going gets rough is that we are meeting a new part of the cellular memory deeply ingrained, peeling away the layers of the onion if you will.
I have a powerful approach that works that will shift your gears, free you from your chains and transform your life to attract in the love you desire, create a business that nourishes you, and energizes you to get into the best health you’ve been ever!
I can help you release what is holding you back, say farewell to pain and experience a massive upward shift in your energy. Through Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA), I’ll help you establish new neuropathways (the messages you tell yourself), to create the life you truly want and have deeply desired. Think of it as an energetic leap or fast forward into your Soul’s next chapter in evolution.
You are a powerful creator!! Let’s begin with a conversation.
Book a Free Discovery Call: Contact Me NOW
Visit my YouTube channel: WATCH NEVER GIVE UP VIDEO
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Much love
Colleen xo