The Power of Your Spiritual Intention when you believe and truly see yourself as a powerful manifestor, is an energy frequency within that resonates a vibrational resonance to Create More Magic!
Last week I held a workshop called Universal Spirit Signs to Your Success. It was profound and amazing!
There was a full moon that night, on November 12, 2019. Although I’m not an astrologer I was aware of its powerful support available to me/us in whatever endeavour we were focused on improving ~ your Health, your Love Relationships, your Business and your Spiritual development.
As you watch my video tap into HOW this unfolded in the workshop experience and how this same approach can be applied to improve your connection and desired results for love and abundance in your life, your relationships, your business.
3 things I did to align to this beautiful energy:
1. Set up an intention that is focused on service to others
2. Follow your initial guideline plan
3. When the energy feels OFF, or not fully aligned, ask for a greater result and keep following your initial guideline plan until the moment you are INSPIRED to do otherwise
The powerful connections and expansions the participants had and felt was a result of me staying the course, following the initial plan or process, until I was guided or inspired to do otherwise. It blew my mind (not literally, ha ha) how staying the course led to a moment of profound letting go on my part and trusting internal guidance to be spontaneous and flip things up, brought results far and above anything I could have hoped for or imagined.
“Attending Colleen’s ‘Spirit Signs to Success’ workshop was one of the most profound experiences I’ve ever had. It is said that 2 people in a room is more powerful than one. The first thing that happened was I began to channel someone who died. Someone I never met before. One of the participants lost a loved one 8 weeks ago (Keith) and he came through me with meaningful messages I was guided to pass on. I further received key messages for some of the other participants. I believe I was able to channel the profoundly meaningful messages and these miraculous Gifts from God were openly received because of the love and intention of each woman. Each of us shared a united purpose to allow in more inner peace, high vibration and remembering we are truly powerful beyond our beliefs.
Something that has been deeply changing has been my awakening to remembering the truth of who I truly am. I am the creator of my life and I have the choice to choose how I wish to move through my life as opposed to reactionary. It STOPS HERE! We are no longer victims. We are living purposeful and on cause. My whole life I’ve been preparing to prepare to live and now I’m choosing to live! Thank you so much Colleen for this Gift!”
~ Robin Cull-Hewitt, Certified Life Coach & Youth Educator
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Who am I? How can Colleen help you?
I’m a Reset Your Vibe Energy Coach, Spiritual Guide, Law of Attraction educator and Holistic Health and Nutrition educator. I help people FEEL GOOD again by Navigating through Life Transitions to Create a Life they Truly Love to Live.
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Love & Blessings
Colleen xo
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