Hi Beautiful Soul,
How to Recognize Spirit Signs and Messages from your Body? It’s easy to hear your body when it’s speaking loudly.
Are you ignoring the subtle (and not so subtle) SIGNS & messages your body is speaking to you every day? If so, you are on a dangerous ride.
Loudly could be a strong emotion of grief, overwhelming anxiety, sense of fear, a trauma imprint or depression that persists, PTSD or mental health concerns, or illness that manifests and presents itself as a full-blown potentially chronic health problem that knocks you off your feet.
These louder messages are easy to hear, even if you choose not to listen and make changes to slow down and hear what your body is guiding you to do to care for yourself.
Beautiful soul, what I’m referring more to is the secret signs of your body, your heart’s secret, deeper whispers and subtle messages intuitively speaking to you.
Your own signs are communicating to you through many ways. Each intuitive “hit” or “ah ha” is guiding diligently and lovingly each moment to listen to what is being spoken and shown to you, inviting you to TRUST the message as true for you, accurate for you. From here you can choose to apply the helpful, healthy and abundantly loving ACTION your body is prompting you to take.
Action that is destined to bring joy and a higher frequency to live your life on purpose with greater Clarity, Confidence, Creativity, and all the money and love you are ready to receive.
In a new video, Colleen describes the importance of Recognizing Spirit Signs and Messages from your body by slowing down, paying attention, and placing particular focus on your heart.
Learning to trust your intuition will deepen your spiritual practice and grow your intuition.
WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO NOWMoving into this next chapter and new energy frequency of the planet which is 100% about making choices from HEART frequency and higher heart consciousness, we must become experts at self awareness, deep self care and what ALIGNMENT feels like. We already know what being out of alignment with ourselves feels like.
In order for your dreams and creations to come to fruition ~ which includes embodying that you already are health, joy, abundance, love and a beautiful spiritual being as you are in this very NOW moment.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to sustain your good health, your joy, a deep sense of peaceful existence, a vibrant business, healthy relationships and success in all ways that matter to you, unless you FEEL GOOD on the inside more often than not.
Your belief mindset coupled with how you FEEL inside is the equal vibe that reflects your creations that “appear” outside of yourself.
(HINT: the creations are not outside of yourself, they are a mirror reflection to what you believe and perceive).
Living more in alignment, experiencing the gift of healing emotional baggage and blocks in the way of manifesting, and learning to trust your body’s intelligence and wise guidance more is only one BIG arena of magnificence you can expect working closely with me.
Another incredible benefit you can get excited about is the opportunity to grow and manifest (attract in which already exists) is doing your inner work within a caring community of heart centered conscious women and entrepreneurs equally on path to raising their heart frequency consciousness and co-creating in safe, loving environment amongst souls who SEE YOU & where we help each other.
Together we heal and manifest faster pace than doing it alone. Our program is all about “connecting the dots” to receive channeled guidance. You’ll take leaps and quantum shifts that can take years on your own.
How does that sound to you?
Let’s Chat! My Crystallize Your Vision spiritual coaching group program with 1-1 coaching may be exactly what you need to deepen your self trust and ignite your spiritual connections this year.
Book a Free Clarity Consult
Until we connect, please subscribe to my YouTube channel for lots of free content and golden nuggets on how to deepen your Spiritual Connection to Life, Love, Happiness and Richness!
I trust you’ll enjoy the video as a wonderful reminder of the power of your intuition like these members of Crystallize Your Vision program.
“I’m seeing how so much of my inner work has made me more grounded from where I was a year ago and I’m really trusting myself.”
“Colleen’s guidance took me beyond my limited perceptions of what I believed was possible, effortlessly manifesting my dream house I’ve envisioned for 15+ years and being the successful bidder.”
“Trusting my Intuition is paying off. While meditating something guided me not to attend my kids wrestling tournament 4 hours away. I always go. Although heart broken I choose not too. The tournament was cancelled. My intuition was right!”
“Thank you so much for your guidance Colleen. I have been doing some therapy sessions and I swear I get more out of our group calls then I do from my one on one sessions with my therapist. I am so thankful our souls were brought together.”
Inside Crystallize Your Vision you’ll practice tapping into your own intuitive personal guidance system & learning how to recognize your spiritual cheerleaders and interpret the SIGNS and messages circling in your body. More each day you’ll trust Spirit speaking in your daily life, guiding you towards greater harmony and freedom for living your highest purpose.
Monthly Enrolments by application. Learn more about Crystallize Your Vision:
Life & Business will be so much more amazing as you “lean into” the wisdom that’s bubbling up in you!
In Vibrant health & Harmony,
Love Colleen