As energy beings, our Quantum health is a direct reflection of our Internal Environment. In each moment, the body is sending messages to and from every cell in the body.
Combined with the impact of and response to our external environment, messages sent from and to our cells, organs and every body system impact the current condition of our Body and Mind.
These constant Quantum messages being relayed either communicate Health and Wellness, or create a toxic, inflamed, and often an overly stressful state in the Body and Mind. The condition we choose to experience is ultimately up to us. It’s our responsibility, our choice!
In understanding the relatively new science of epigenetics as an empowering model for creating the desired life, as introduced by cell biologist, scientist, author and internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit, Dr. Bruce Lipton, we will begin to recognize, accept and experience the Power of our Beliefs and how thoughts create our desired outcome or destinies.
Are you looking to:
- Transform emotional heartache
- Dissolve physical pain or discomfort
- Improve response to Stress and minimize harmful effects
- Enhance the quality of personal relationships with your spouse, child, parents
- Increase your Financial Health
- Recover from a financial or job loss
- Awaken to your professional passions
- Feel good about yourself and your life
If you are committed to taking an initiative to create the change you want in your life, contact Colleen to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation.
Extremely personalized and confidential, Quantum healing sessions draw from Colleen’s unique blend of Deep Tissue Massage, Acupressure, and Breath Work, combined with Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA), Colleen’s personalized approach for experiencing the new science of epigenetics.
Colleen’s role as your facilitator is to co-create an environment in which change can take place. The Facilitator is a vehicle, a bridge or Medium, for The Energy to stimulate the body’s innate intelligence system, for re-balancing itself. “Innate” refers to natural, inborn or instinctive.
The body has everything it needs to re-generate and re-create. Its only foundational requirement is establishing an intention, combined with encouragement, acceptance and love.
Consultations are highly intuitive and designed to guide you in connecting to your innate wholeness, your natural state of well-being. In accepting and embracing your current physical condition and feelings, you will ease emotional and physical pain, while awakening your Heart to greater levels of peace and joy, and expanding your Mind to improved clarity and mental focus.
“One cannot heal another. One can lovingly provide a nurturing environment for change to take place.” – Colleen Wynia
CONTACT COLLEEN TODAY! – Schedule your FREE phone consultation