CLICK HERE to view this video on my YouTube Channel.
CLICK HERE to view this video on my YouTube Channel.
Spirit Communication: Moving Objects…Signs from a Loved One? When someone dies, their spiritual body continues living in an alternate vibration or frequency if you will. This is not another time or place as some believe, but here and now, among us. Our loved ones passed on are always available to communicate as WE and THEY desire.
My sharing today is the latest in which my father Gerry Wynia sought and captured my heart’s attention through Spirit Communication. But first, a little background.
On June 10, 2013 it will be 18 years since the anniversary of my father’s passing. Since that time, Dad has endeavoured to capture my attention in a magnitude of playful ways.
I have felt Dad’s presence as if he’s sitting beside me, seen moving objects, recognized his scent, heard his voice, witnessed electrical occurrences like street lamps turning on/off, and a common form of Spirit Communication – Dream visits.
Watch my YouTube Videos to see what I’ve experienced: Spirit Signs from Loved Ones Who Died
Spirit Communication: Moving Objects Signs from a Loved One is a favourite form of communication because I am an organized person. Most items in my home have a place, so when a picture frame or candle or angel ornament is suddenly turned about or moved inches from its original location, I take notice. If a person is not highly organized, it’s unlikely a loved one passed will elect to communicate this way. Rather, they will engage in another Spirit Sign that will invite a person to stand up and take notice.
Believing in Spirit Communication wasn’t always easy for me. To expand your awareness, read my blog:
Dad loves horses. Years ago, I was given dad’s horseshoe previously nailed above the horse stable entrance on his property. Having a part of Dad in my home means so much.
The horseshoe sits at the base of the speaker stand, adjacent to a Circle of Friends candle holder. Remember these? Very popular a few years back. Recently, I walked nearby the speaker stand and VOILA…there sits the Circle of Friends candleholder on its side, tea light tipped out and three (3) LOVE sayings sprinkled about.
To the common eye it would seem that someone accidentally tipped it onto its side. Perhaps moved with a foot, or caught by the vacuum cleaner cord, or a dozen other mental suggestions as to HOW it was tipped over? Because I’ve experienced this type of Spirit Communication for over 17 years, I knew without doubt that Dad was expressing his love and support. This was not ACCIDENTAL.
When clients ask, “How do you know it’s this person or that person who died?” I respond with, “You will know, it comes from within like an Ah Ha moment.” Trust your first instinct and feeling, the one before your mental chatter interferes.
The chosen form of communication at a given time is highly personal. Emotions may range from sadness, anger or grief to joy, laughter and exhilaration depending on what is occurring in life and what the moving object represents to each being.
Whatever the message, it’s beautiful for you and yours to interpret its meaning. You know you BEST, trust yourself!
Check out my YouTube VIDEOS: Spirit Signs of Loved Ones Who Died
Are you grieving the death of a loved one so much it hurts to breath? When a loss occurs, there are inherent stages of grief and varying emotions a person may feel including shock, denial, overwhelm, anger, guilt, sorrow, aloneness and fear. I can help you transform grief and ease the physical and emotional pain associated with your loss. I will guide you to awaken your inner psychic and expand your body’s intuition, so you may communicate and receive loving support from your beloved spirits in daily life.
Imagine you will……
- Transform grief and loss
- Discover Life after Loss
- Recognize & Interpret Spirit Signs
- Communicate with loved ones who died
- Deepen your intuition, trust your inner GPS
- Move beyond grief and embrace the joy of communicating with Spirits
Learn how to: Transform Grief & Loss
Want to deepen your inner psychic and intuition?
Through Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA), I’ll help you establish a raised frequency vibrating at a whole new level to accept your loved ones in their new form and draw from this unexpected gift of Spirit Communication they offer you now.
Read Client Testimonials: Spiritual Guidance
Dad tipped over ‘Circle of Friends’
Hi Jill here. I have been searching on google for more info on Spiritual signs in the home. Did not find much except for your site. I have had a similar experience with objects moving or falling for no reason and also like you believe it was my Mom and Dads spirit wanting attention.
But today I had a weird thing happen. I took a glass of water outside and placed it on the table. Just after this a chip of glass sprung off the side of the glass and fell next to the glass on the table.
Cant explain this but put it down to a spirit or one of my spirit guides trying to give me a sign.
If you can give me any more insight on this I would be grateful.
Regards Jill
Hey there Jill, just wantd to share my gift. I’ve been with a man for 14 yrs we’ve raised 5 kids together and he’s been married before so he wasn’t bouncing on marriage lol but this past January while in the car he says we are getting married on May 5th. I cryd happy tears after being engaged fit 11 yrs I coulnt believe it. That day is heartbreak bc I lost my grandma 25 yrs ago who raised me and gave me security and unconditional love witch I never had from my parents. I just knw it’s her bc her pic is on my wall behind his chair. And he also took me fishn wks later and we road by an old plantation house. Me and my nanny loved that type of house. Well he said he wants us to have a wedding in front of this random beautiful place. God is Good and small Blessings Have Big Meanings
My father passed away in November 2019. Since then, I’ve noticed small objects being moved or knocked off shelves in the small cottage we shared. Of course, I dismissed the matter at first.
Nonetheless, I went away a few days ago and, as usual, disconnected my laptop and placed it on my bed. (This may seem odd, but it’s just where I put it when I’m away for a few days.) When I came back today, the laptop, adaptor and cable were on the floor, although undamaged.
Naturally, my first thought was, “I must have left them there” – but I don’t think so. (Apart from other things, I’m not the sort of person who leaves computers on floors. I also remember it being on the bed.)
I speak to my father every morning and evening anyway, but, although I’m a Christian, I’m not remotely superstitious.
I expect my father is just being playful? If it is him, I hope it’s not a sign of distress. I’m not upset by the matter, but thought I’d share in case your readers have similar experiences.
Hi Dan, though I don’t do readings on the blog or email, I’m happy to share a few insights. Your Father is at peace where he frequents now, still growing spiritually and his soul expansion lessons, but your father is showing up to capture your attention on something too. Playful yes, but I hear “Dan, stop taking your work to bed” whatever that means to you? There are some additional messages. Often when there is repeat after repeat this is a sign that not only is he by your side and a Huge cheerleader for you, he wants you to see something that will help, direct or even more clarify your journey.
I teach people how to open to the field and trust their inner guidance, their intuition, for the purpose of direction. Great timing as I’m in the preliminary stages of research for a new online program helping people navigate transitions and new experiences of the unknown, including tapping into the spirits and signs all around you that are prompting and guiding you. The veil is thinning for Spirits and we are ball becoming more tapped in and open as spiritual beings.
As a Transitions Coach & Spiritual Intuitive/counsellor that helps people Navigate Life Changes and transform experiences and up level at navigating life after loss or loss of health, relationship, or business to empowerment and reinvention of self far greater than before.
Join my community be accepting this Free 8 Best Steps Guide: g
Interpret Spirit Signs
Spirit Communication Services
A collection of Trusting Spirit Signs examples on my YouTube Playlist: Spiritual Education Videos . Considering subscribing:
Trust this is helpful.
I had the same experience. 4 days after my brother died a strange thing happened right before my eyes. As I was taking a shower, I saw the towel being pulled slowly as it fell on the bathroom floor.
I heard knocking sounds on our living room wall too. I knew that someone was moving the furniture slightly banging it for me to take notice.
Instead of getting scared, it made me feel good because I felt my brother’s presence. you only worry is that I am not certain of what the message is.
Jesus’s cross was also loved and dropped on the floor a fee days before that happened. We replaced the cross with another furniture which says, “Family is forever”. That furniture is the one that knocked on the wall 4x or so.
Please help me understand this.
Thank you.
Dear Camille, heartfelt blessings for the transition of your brother and I LOVE his ways of communicating his presence to you. the towel story is very much like my cousin Rob (like a brother) who would throw my towel on the floor (the year we lived together) and use it as a mat to dry himself off. What a brat!
Yes, nothing to fear. The messages are multi-dimensional and can have different meanings depending on the “things” or “challenges” you are facing at this time in your life. I most certainly can help you access this information if you booked a Spiritual Intuitive consultation with me. Would you like that?
To support your intuition expansion, enjoy my YouTube videos on Spirit Communication. Feel free to follow my channel or subscribe to our site’s newsletter so you can receive the latest YouTube videos on Spiritual Signs. Sign up on the home page by scrolling down:
Trust Yourself to Recognize SIGNS:
Reappearance of Mom’s missing watch:
Spiritual Communication playlist collection:
click here
I had a fake red rose rise from a vase and float in front of me while I was home m alone
Wow Miranda, thank you for sharing your experience on my website. That helps so many people know they are not alone. Was that the first time you saw an object move before your eyes? You may love some of my spiritual videos over on YouTube that support you on your life journey.
Watch: Trust Spirit Signs you are on Track and join my community email by downloading eGuide
I believe you are very close friend passed and somebody said something bad about him and I saw a marker flight up and at that person and it stopped and fell on the floor he stopped talking about my past friend
Tara, I love this! thanks for visiting our website. I’m Colleen, the founder & facilitator of all healing services.
Spirit(s) are always nearby. Our Spirit Guides cheerleading and supporting us in ways we may not see. Something nudged the person who spoke unkindly about your close friend, an internal voice and slightly paranormal with the elevated marker that rose up. Spirit and Source want us to live in love and give forgiveness to those who appear to have hurt us, for it is “Us” that remains in pain.
If you have not visited my YOuTube channel, enjoy some Spiritual Videos inside the Spirit Communication playlist on Trusting Your Intuition, Interpreting Signs from Spirit and our Loved Ones transitioned.
YouTube Collection CLICK HERE
I was celebrating my birthday this evening with family. Prior to my mother asking if one would like cake, my father switched the television to a cartoon, while flicking through channels, that in that exact moment showed cake. Then, while eating cake, again on tv it was mentioned that it was someones birthday. Moments later, a picture frame fell off the wall…not of anyone in particular but a decorative hanging. My mother though it was my grandmothers saying hello, however, ive had many negative spirit experiences in that home so im a little weirded out.
Am I overreacting? Could it be my grandmothers joining us instead?
Dear Laurel, I’m grateful you’ve arrived on our website. Thank you for sharing your spiritual story of a possible visit from your grandmother, even when you are a bit weirded out. Take a deep breathe in, put one hand on your heart and one on your tummy (solar plexus) and ask yourself this: “Was my Grandmother visiting?” or “Was that you Granny?” ~ you’ll get a feeling, thought, words or something come to you and you’ll know.
Yes, it can feel kinda scary at first. Especially if you believe negative spirits are interfering with you. They don’t have to. I can help you understand your experience and overcome these happenings if you’d like a consultation/spiritual coaching call.
Send me an email: CONTACT ME to book a private session and find out pricing. I offer a 15 minute consultation to discover what you are most needing spiritual guidance and life coaching in.
These links and videos will help you:
In this video my cousin Rob in Spirit shared a video and knocked the clock off the wall:
My dad passed nov 20, 1992. I was alone with my 5- month old baby in his retirement home while he was in a hospital cancer ward 5 hours away. At 4 am I heard footfalls on the stairs getting closer to the bedroom we slept in, baby and I. I continued to hear the footsteps get closer. Then, they stopped right on the landing outside my bedroom door for a few seconds. I had the baby in my bed, I became terrified and started shaking. The doors and windows were all locked. I pulled the covers up over us and plugged my ears and faced the wall opposite the door with my back to it. I prayed in earnest for Hod to protect my baby and me. Suddenly the door to my bedroom slammed shut very loudly, but I had already closed it when I went to bed for the night. I shivered in the bed for about 15 minutes before I had the courage to turn around and look at the door. Naturally, I saw nothing and the door was in a closed position. About 20 minutes later, my mother phoned (4:20) am, she announced my dad had passed in the hospital between 15- half an hour ago. Before he died, he said to my mom,” if only I could be back at home in comfort and be able to drive my car around the block.
Does anyone know what this visitation meant? I have never had any more noises, signs or anything except this one time.
Of note, my dad was very angry with me the months he fell ill and at times he was quite abusive.
Dear Jane, thanks for visiting our website and leaving a comment on this blog about the night your Dad passed away in the hospital while you were with your 5-month old baby in his retirement home, and you were frightened by the footsteps and presence outside your bedroom door followed by a slamming of the door. Yes, I can help you with this.
Jane, you were scared because this was unfamiliar to you and new. The first time happening. You were being visited by your father, his Spirit, as her was preparing to pass over to return to his natural home, as a spiritual being. He had wanted to be back in his retirement home and to be close to you. He knows he was very mean to you and he’s saddened by his behaviour and underneath his mean, abusive energy he actually loves you. He was in pain emotionally for a long time. My father has transitioned over 26 years ago and he visits me, especially the early days after her transitioned (died).
For more than 20 years I’ve helped my clients better understand the presence of loved ones who passed when they want to communicate with you. I’ve also been helping people heal their hearts from grief and loss, overcome self doubt and learn to trust their own intuition. I teach people how to understand the meaning of SIGNS from their loved ones in Spirit. I also offer guidance and counsel to navigate through loss and changes in their health, relationships, financial career and spiritual matters to find greater peace.
Learn more here:
If you are interested in learning to recognize these signs, visit my YouTube channel. There is a playlist titled SPIRIT COMMUNICATION with a collection of over 50 videos where I teach and share my personal stories of recognizing and communicating with loved ones died and energies in spirit supporting us:
If you’d like to receive spiritual inspiration on new videos or join my FREE class called Spirit Conversations with Colleen , subscribe to the newsletter at (scroll down to join).
If you or someone you love would like a spiritual guidance or consultation session, reply back and we’ll set that up!
In Vibrant health & harmony, Colleen
I had a instead this afternoon were I went in my kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. I warned it up then head back toy room got to my bedroom door and I hear a big bang and glass breaking. Then I look by my dresser and my candle holder fall off my dresser and broke. I also had my glass globe for my celling fan on the floor because I cleaned it and haven’t put it back up and that broke because the candle holder fall on it. I’ve been having stuff fall and peace breaking off. What can this mean?
Dear Betty, thank you for commenting on my blog about Spirit Communication and Moving Objects, Signs of Loved Ones in Spirit. Betty. The fact that you were guided or drawn to this blog post subject, its highly likely that your loved one (can be more than one) are endeavouring to communicate.
When this begins to happen repeatedly it has been my experience over more than 25 years since the passing of my father Gerry and cousin Rob that our loved ones who died commonly like to capture our attention to communicate with their presence and support when we are going through a particularly difficult emotional time in life navigating change in our health, relationship, finances, and trauma healing. Also, during celebrations, anniversaries, birthdays and more. We all have loved ones and spiritual guides, angels, spirit cheerleaders who are watching over us and walking with us.
Learn more here:
To guide you in better understanding the message that is being portrayed to you through the falling candle holder and ceiling fan, we’d have to book a spiritual guidance consultation session together that I do for my clients.
I can help you make sense through an intuitive reading, spiritual guidance or coaching to develop your own intuition to trust yourself more. I offer a free clarity call to find out your needs, then I can make a suggested solution and service to help you. Consults are held over zoom.
Go ahead and book a call here:
If you are not ready for a consult and prefer to stay connected, go to: and scroll down to join our Newsletter where you’ll receive my free eGuide called 8 Best Steps to Raise your Vibration to attract Vibrant health, Love, Money & Magic!
More helpful information and my YouTube channel below!
Blessings, Colleen
I lived for my entire life with the stored emotion of unworthiness and the corresponding state of mind of lack.
I went through an exercise and figured out what created my issues and where it came from I then worked on changing this state of mind and being.
I live in a state of gratitude now as my new state of being 90 percent of the day.
I have healed myself from an auto immune condition by removing fear from my body.
I feel that I have turned a corner and my life is about to change for the better financially.
Would love to chat further on my future.
Hi Cheryl, I just replied to your first comment 🙂 Thank you for sharing about hearing a voice. First, a heartfelt congratulations for the shift that you’ve made in your life. From feelings of unworthiness and stored emotion to freeing your mind and body moving into more gratitude. The BIG WIN is indeed healing your auto immune condition. Hats off to you! YES, I sense your transition and would be honored to help guide you through into this next chapter of your life. I see your Intuitive abilities blowing up, more joy and abundance coming in (including financial) and its all coming from embodying your authentic heart.
Please go ahead and book a zoom call for a free 15-20 minute consultation. Find a time on my calendar here:
Or write me at or through the website:
Considering joining our newsletter or checking out the Spiritual YouTube playlist: SPIRIT COMMUNICATION VIDEO COLLECTION
June 3 2009 my sister died. Her youngest granddaughters birthday is the same day. Even though we were grieving the loss of my sister,we had a small party for granddaughter to celebrate her birthday. As we were all sitting around eating birthday cake,all of the alphabetical magnets flew off the refrigerator . We all looked at each other and gasped. I said “Cindy”,my sister’s name. We all agreed it had been my sister’s spirit who made the magnets fly off the refrigerator. There wasn’t any other explanation..
Patty, I absolutely love this! Thanks for leaving your WONDERFUL spiritual occurrence on my website. Your sister “Cindy” who is in spirit has a fabulous sense of humor. absolutely I have had those things occur over the years, again and again. My clients who work with me over time see and embrace it happening more. How do you feel knowing she is celebrating WITH YOU for both her birthday and her youngest granddaughter’s birthday.
Patty, you’ll love this video I re-created about a moving photo magnet that my sister Corrine who passed in 2008 moved. it was the kitty cat:
Signs Your Loved One is Communicating through Moving Objects
Have you visited my YouTube channel where I share spiritual insights and spirit stories like yours?
If not, considering subscribing to our website mailing list. Go to: and scroll down to subscribe to the newsletter for updates and new video releases on spirit communication and navigating the challenging realms of grief and loss.
If you’d like to book a channeled session or spiritual intuitive healing, please reach out: CONTACT COLLEEN
I’ve had my 6 year old grandson over for going on 3 weeks for his christmas break. He’d been staying up late at night and watching utube videos. We’ll he stayed up last night I went to bed at midnight. And I went to check on him while I was going to the restroom. He was still watching his videos. Well he mentioned to me that he heard silverware moving in the kitchen and a big cooking pot being tapped on, a bag of cat food bag making sounds and I just don’t know what to think of this. I just told him to get to bed.
Dear Judy, Thanks for sharing your story about your 6 year old grandson who stayed with you over Christmas break and up late one night when he told you he heard silverware moving in the kitchen and a big cooking pot being tapped on, and a bag of cat food bag making sounds. Your response of not knowing what to think is usual if this is a FIRST experience for you.
You could start by asking yourself if there is a loved one who passed away that might be communicating with you? Maybe there is someone who you’ve been thinking about lately and on your heart especially during Christmas?
I wrote this blog about my father after he passed away and began to surprise me with his regular spirit visits and continues to show his presence in ways to me like moving objects.
I offer spiritual guidance and healing to help people TRUST themselves and become more comfortable and open to what is happening for you in the spiritual realm, and learn to recognize and receive signs and messages with greater ease and support people through transformational & grief healing.
You may enjoy some of my YouTube videos to help gain more comfort and understanding:
5 Spiritual Signs Your Loved One Died is Communicating with you
Spirit Signs You Can’t Ignore: Build Self Trust with Loved Ones Guidance
Or join our community email list to stay connected!
I have street lights go on and off for me all the time… the dryer has opened up on me once and just tonight (which made me jump and get scared) my little tiki guy plant that hold a plant like in his head fell over. It sits on the edge of a windowsill (we just moved In last Wednesday. My mom gave that to my wife and I and I have no Idea what ANY of these things mean for me because I haven’t recently lost anyone close to me. My half sister died a few years back and even than I hardly knew her. Idk who is communicating and what they are saying to me and why.
Treasure, thanks for posting about lights turning on/off and objects being moved/fallen. As you can see by the multiple comments on this blog page I wrote in 2013 about my father Gerry’s spiritual presence and way of communicating after he died, even though you have not lost someone “recently” its viable that a family member you didn’t know well, or your Spiritual Cheerleaders (I like to affectionately call them) are endeavoring to capture your attention for multiple reasons. It could be you are more open, curious and ready to heal/resolve a conflict in your life or to listen/interpret the messages better as you step into something important in your life. Anniversaries, birthdays, celebrations of life are key times our loved ones show up. But it can be ANYTIME.
You have a lot of questions I could not possibly answer online. This would require a consultation. I offer a free 15 minute discovery call if you want to book a time with me? I’ve emailed you direct. Please reply or write me at: and we’ll set-up. From here, I offer 1:1 private consultations and have a Spiritual online program that may benefit you immensely to help you navigate what’s happening and live even more on purpose.
Be sure to watch the videos on the blog and consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel:
Watch the videos in the Spirit Communication playlist: WATCH HERE
For 20 years now I teach people how to recognize spiritual signs from our loved ones, interpret their meaning and heal from the trauma of loss by moving WITH & THROUGH grief. Learn more here:
GRIEF & LOSS Guidance
I hope this all helps! Reach out.
blessings Colleen x
Hi Jill,
I just want to share what is going on here..
For about a month or so I have been experiencing volume on my tv suddenly get louder I always just thought it was the tv having issues.
Today I was moving a cabinet into my daughter’s new room after a separation.. I put 3 medium art works on top against The wall and my daughters night light lamb Infront of it herd a noise like something had fallen.. I go to my daughter’s room and the art work in front of the lamb was on the floor and lamb was still up there slightly on its side.
I don’t know if it’s my father or something wants me out of this house.
Hey Marco, thanks for visiting my website! I’ve replied back to you to your comment to Jill.
My grandaughters outlets are litterally unplugged everynight??? What is going on?? My daughter went to open her bedroom door and it pushed back to her with force! No one in the room! The same house!!??
Hello Judith and thanks for visiting my website & popular blog post on spirit communication and moving objects. We appreciate you sharing your bewilderment about your daughter’s bedroom door seeming to push back with force. There are increasingly wild occurrences happening more and more in terms of moving objects. Many of these experiences are connected to spirit energies like your loved ones transitioned recently or long ago (ancestors), sometimes various spirit guides and more.
Did you ask your daughter what she was thinking about or FEELING at the time. Did the force of the door startle her or did she feel fear in any way? Do you? Was your daughter or someone in the family feeling emotional about something or someone they care for, even reflecting on someone or something related to loss. It’s not to scare you, but rather to get your attention. What do you believe is the meaning of “pushing back” ~ It related to either of you ladies and perhaps your bond as mom and daughter.
I’d need a little more background, as I channel guidance live with my clients over zoom sessions. To book a session to receive my support, contact me here:
CONTACT COLLEEN (click here)
You may also enjoy some video from inside my YouTube channel like this video where the heavy heart vase was moved:
MOVING OBJECTS, Signs from Loved Ones who Died
Look forward to hearing from you.
blessings, Colleen
Hi Shawn here, I lost my brother tragically in a car accident on Father’s Day and I just found my birth certificate that was lost for year in my apartment and it shouldn’t be here at all and my lamp has been turning on and off lately after reading your blog here in wondering if he was the one. Who left my birth certificate in the middle of the floor at my place to tell me he’s trying to communicate with me
Hi Shawn, this is Colleen Wynia. I’m the website owner & intuitive guide, coach and healer. My heartfelt love to you for the sudden and tragic transition of your brother on Father’s Day. I feel you and I’ve helped clients through grief/loss healing for the past 20 years as a result of my own loss of dad and cousin Rob (who was like a brother to me). Shawn, I’m happy you reached out. Yes, from all that you’ve shared with the finding of your certificate in a place that “shouldn’t be here now” and electricity occurrences ~ you can TRUST yourself and know that your brother is indeed communicating with you. Spend time speaking back to him in your quiet place moments or meditation times if you do that.
If you’d like to understand what your brother is wanting to bring forward to you and learn how to recognize the signs like moving objects & electricity occurrences, write me at CONTACT ME or and we can schedule a personal intuitive guidance session.
I also have a YouTube site where I speak about moving objects & electricity and more. You will this video about my father moving a vase and crystals on my nightstand:
Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from Loved Ones Died
Hi my dad recently passed i was thinking about my dad more than normal the early hours i heard a clash and bang went downstairs to find pictures on the shelf i have of my dad were all on the floor.i will admit i was a bit scared is this a good thing?
Cheryl, thanks for your share. I am sending you heartfelt blessings for your dad’s recent passing. He is a bit of a “rebel” or “likes to disrupt” I sense. Not sure if was his style, or has become more playful? He is having fun to capture your attention, loud & clear. It can feel scary or odd at first, yet after more than 20 years since my own father’s passing, then my cousin Rob (like a brother) 9 months later, and many more loved ones for the next 15+ years. In my experience and those of so many of my clients, Spirit Communication is very real. Did any of the photo frames break during the tumble onto the floor? Learn more on ways to Interpret Spirit Signs: CLICK HERE and email me to request a short Discovery Call or professional consult to learn more: xoxo
Over the past year I have had a lot of strange things happening around me and to me. It started off with feeling someone walk around on my bed. It would always stop when my wife came to bed and right after she fell asleep it started up again. This is still happening everyday. It went to touching me and with time I was touched all over my body. I heard things being knocked on the ground and I am not insane but twice I Saw My Pen from the driver’s seat where I was sitting fly through the air and land perfectly inside of a little box where it came from. There is only one way to get it in the box like a crayon. So it flew from the driver’s seat to the passenger seat and I picked it up and put it back with me and it flew one more time. I was alone. . At the same time I could feel electricity in the air really strong and it was strange to me. I told my wife and she thinks I’m crazy. But I know what happened. How is it possible for spirits to move objects around us? Why would they be touching me all over my body? Sometimes I feel a sharp poke or a hand on my stomach or electricity on the bottom of my foot like I’m being electrocuted and it really hurts. Please don’t think I’m crazy because I am not. I’ve never had psychological problems and I don’t take any drugs. Please let me know what’s going on. Thank you so much for your help.
More and more people worldwide are experiencing strange occurrences, like moving objects, sensations of touch, Electricity and countless more. Sometimes when a person leaves a room and returns they see a change. Other times they are witnessing an amazing “movement of an object” before their very eyes. Other times we feel a touch or movement about us. You are not crazy. I believe you Todd (is it Todd?). Many of these phenomena’s are Spirit Signs from loved ones who have died, transitioned. Over 20 years has passed since my father and cousin Rob died and yet it still continues. Our Spirit family and friends may be especially aligned with us following their death (they have not truly died) and come near us when we need support in our life the most. Spirits can related and assist us. The reasons are ENDLESS….. numerous and HIGHLY specific to your life situation. As a person who has lived it, and a professional Energy Healer/Life Coach and Spiritual teacher, I help clients pull the “nuggets”, make sense, and use this powerful Spiritual information to infuse your life with wisdom and improvement in the areas of Health, Relationships and Business.
Visit Interpret Spirit Signs – they are asking you to listen up. There is more than meets the eye. My youtube videos may help: SPIRIT COMMUNICATION SIGNS. To be specific to your life experience we’d need to SCHEDULE a professional consult together by Phone/Skype. Email back. In the meantime, breathe.
Last night as I was sleeping I heard a loud bang if something had fallen on the ground so I got up so fast and checked the kitchen thinking one of my cats did something but nothing was there. So I went back to bed. I woke up and noticed where I put my moms vape which was on top where the fireplace is where her and my dads photo is and by this flower we got her for her 64 bday well it was on its side instead of standing up. And the tip where you put your mouth to was gone. I still cannot find it. She passed away October 12th from cancer
Dear Kait, thank you so much for sharing your spiritual connection with your Mom on my website. Is this the first time you have notice her since her transition October 12th. What an amazing lady and proving to you she still loves her vaping!! Clearly she got your attention and that helps heal the heart. At least it has for me and my clients over the years. If I can do anything to support you, I support my clients in both grief counsel and recognizing and interpreting spirit signs all around us to keep us on our life purpose in finding renewed joy and success. Love to have you join my newsletter for other inspirational videos. You can do so by accepting this free copy of the eGuide 8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration:
You may also enjoy subscribing to my YouTube channel. There is a playlist specific for Spiritual Education:
Someone that was very special to me for a time, passed suddenly last July without me knowing for a few months. He had left a message on my phone and then I never got to call him back. I have so many regrets and so many good memories. I want so bad for him to communicate with me now. I miss him so much sometimes. Is this possible?
Dear Karen, thank you for finding my blog and sharing your sorrow and loving message about your “special someone” who passed suddenly in July. My heart goes out to you. I speak from experience after 25 years of losing over a dozen beloveds, many very close to me. It’s beautiful that he reached out and left you a message. I could tell you that he’s not upset and wants you to forgive yourself, and that what unfolded was exactly what was meant to, yet you are the one who has to forgive herself to relinquish regrets and lean into gentleness, space to grieve, and invite him in to communicate. I think if you TRUST YOURSELF MORE, you’ll notice “Signs” that he is around you. To support you in self trust, I’ll share my newest YouTube Video blog and please watch it through. Read blog: CLICK HERE or watch directly on my YouTube channel: 3 Signs to Trust Your Intuition to Hope and Freedom
After watching if you want to book a consultation with me for Spiritual Guidance or Grief/Loss counsel to help connect with him, learn to recognize the signs and heal some of your grief, then send me an email at: I’ll send you a direct email too!
My deceased mothers framed picture crashed on to the floor & came apart twice
My followers & readers very much appreciate you sharing. You Mother is “impressing” her strong personality upon you. Its a BIG energy, working hard for your attention, and I hear the phrase “coming apart at the seems”. Does that mean anything to you? something about if keep going in that direction you (her image too) going to break. More spirit signs messages and insights over on my YouTube Channel on the Spiritual Education Playlist:
Hi have been having objects falling for no reason or objects turn on whether im in the house or out and return it the object would be on. I had a stero cone on when I was put and when I returned it was on and I told it that it was time for it to turn off so I can watch tv and when I reached for remote the stero turned off . after that had other objects do the same. Both my tv’s get static fuzzy when I walk by them all the time and I have done everything from moving them to have electrician come out because also my lights go dim and then teal bright. Had street lights turn on when in drive under and when I come back and drove under it would go off. Pennies I am picking up pennies all the time sometimes in the spot I pick them up from. Thats just a few of the happening with me. But really other then the pennies I don’t feel its a relative . I have felt like its spirits watching over me or with some of the object its the spirit still connected to some of the objects and I get rid of it. I believe when you buy something that was pre owned it could have a spirit connected to it good or bad. But I am wondering is what is happening is it me that projecting the happenings?
Tina, thanks for visiting my website & sharing your experience and question on my blog. In terms of “which Spirit” I absolutely encourage you to TRUST yourself, trust your inner wisdom and the first hit/hits that come to you. I’m on for that. In my experience and understandings of creation, quantum energy and law of vibration I’d agree with you when you speak of good versus bad. Personally and in my teachings I don’t judge Spirits as “bad” ~ though can be perceived as bad, dark happenings, powerful teachers to wake up. So yes, I believe it can be based in projection so you can show yourself something that is up and ready to be resolved, transformed, healed. Does that make sense?
As a Transitions Coach & Spiritual Intuitive/counsellor that helps people Navigate Life Changes and transform experiences and up level at navigating life after loss or loss of health, relationship, or business to empowerment and reinvention of self far greater than before.
Love you to join my community be accepting this Free 8 Best Steps Guide: g
And enjoy more of my blogs & video articles to expand your awareness:
Interpret Spirit Signs
Spirit Communication Services
A collection of Trusting Spirit Signs examples on my YouTube Playlist: Spiritual Education Videos . Considering subscribing:
My Daddy passed away also. And I now live alone in the same house with my 7 year old son. ELECTRICITY LIGHT FLICKERS!!!! AND!!! OBJECTS JUST DISAPPEARING FOR A WHILE. AND REAPPEARING WHEN U LEAST EXPECT IT DAYS LATER. AT THE SAME PLACE IT F*KN WAS ?? I am not a crazy person i know 100%. Its many times already? but lights flicker its everytime i have a question in my head like lets say around the house.
I know the morse code now with the lights. Fast flicker is no. Slow dim is yes ?? its crazy for real
Dear Vanessa, thank you for visiting my website and commenting on my blog of my father’s presence through SIGNS like moving objects and & electricity occurrences. I first experienced the electrical signs over 25 years ago. Love and blessings for your Daddy’s passing. He’s made a beautiful connection with you and your openness to “tune in” to the Yes vs No messages. Its wild at first ~ indeed. You wait, so much more COMING IN FOR YOU! Once this “channel” opens for you to recognizing Spirit, your whole world, relationships, spiritual interests and for many how you live life or show up in your purpose.
If you need any guidance, please reach out to request a free initial consult to go deeper on any questions or wonders or struggles you have. I help intuitive people and emerging spiritual leaders deepen their intuition, self trust and ability to navigate loss and change while manifesting clarity of life purpose living in greater abundance and joy!!
Book a Free consult with Colleen:
These links and some videos on my YouTube channel about Spirit Signs & Trusting your intuition may help.
Join my community by subscribing to our Newsletter & follow us on YouTube 🙂
blessings, Colleen
can you tell me about my man. he died and I can barely breath
Dear Bobbie, so much pain. My deepest Heartfelt condolences. Appreciate you having the courage to share your vulnerability on my site. You are not alone although it can overwhelmingly feel like that. I can help you in a professional private intuitive guidance zoom or phone consultation. Write me directly to: and we can schedule a time. Read about Spirit Communication & Grief/Loss.
Another approach I’d recommend depending on the covid situation in your city (where do you live?) it would be highly beneficial for you to have a holistic energy bodywork and breathing session to help release the emotions. I offer this to my Vancouver, BC, Canada clients. Who do you know in your city? The body holds onto so much and your health mentally / emotionally / physically can also become jeopardized during recovery. Learn about massage here BODYWORK & MASSAGE and source someone in your hometown. I can help you learn how to open your intuition and communicate with your man to gain steps in moving forward with him by your side.
Hi, I guess I will start from the beginning, my mom was hospitalized December 22, Nd 2020 on December 27th 2020 she was placed on a ventilator all due to Covid. I spoke with her briefly to tell her we love her. Of course she was worried if I got all the Christmas presents for my brothers family and mine from her. I reassured her everything was received and that I would wrap everything but no one would get their present until she was out of the hospital and could give them to everyone. As we had many for her here. I have taken care of mom for 27 years. My brother she saw maybe if lucky 4 times a year. Yet she adored him and when she spoke of him, my brother walked on water. Me I didn’t miss a day, old dependable and was stricter with her due to mental health issues and other severe medical issues. But I did what I did for so long out of love. She of course never thought of it that way, which is killing me more. I wish I could have been just her daughter and felt loved. Anyways I’m sorry. My mom passed away January 14th, 2021. My brother and I are no longer talking, due to his ignorance and him and his wife being alcoholics. My husband has cancer and I’m dealing with pure sadness. Mom knew I needed her here to help me, since my husband is very sick and I have three kids. She wasn’t suppose to go, bc I needed her. Well again mom was 72 and passed on 1/14/21. I finished cleaning out her apartment on 2/14 one month of her passing into the morning of 2/15. I went into the bedrooms which I removed the only lighting which were lamps in the bedrooms so they were dark. I put my flash on my camera to take pictures of the walls so I could get my deposit back. Well I went into the guest bedroom and I have a picture of a circle light behind the door. There is no way light got to this area behind the door and looks like wet paint. It wasn’t painted. Every time I went to take a picture a flicker or like something was in front of my cell phone. I got a chill feeling. I then moved to my moms room and took pictures in there and noticed that when I took a picture of the wall it also has a paint streak on it, like fresh paint. It WAS NOT painted!!! None of the apartment was painted. I looked at the camera picture noticed it, then instantly said in my mind that’s odd, I know it wasn’t painted and nothing unusual has been going on around here, so I snapped another real quick. The mark was gone!!! So I thought. It was now on her carpet. The hazy mark. As I said I thought it was gone so I continued taking pictures. I want you to know that I looked at all my pictures probably an hour after I took everything and didn’t notice anything other than the first mark on her bedroom wall and had retaken in seconds later snd thought was gone. Well I took a picture of her other wall where her bed was and the mark shadow was where her bed was. Then I took a picture of the wall with her big window and a shiny paint mark there and a small one at the other corner of the room. I then took another picture and there is a hazy portion almost circular with a light light small like orb in it. Again didn’t see any of this while taking. I then went to her master bathroom where I would help her shower. I do didn’t turn on the lights bc I was already with my flash on and took a picture of the light above bathroom mirror and wall between them. When looking at this picture, I saw that I was circled not on me not touching me but around me and around my cell phone perfectly while taking picture with like a silver or whitish lining around me. I was so taken back, while showing my friend and her saying to leave, I got another surprise. I noticed a face looking at me between the light snd the mirror while I’m in the mirror circled. I don’t know what to make of this…I decided to look at all my pictures during the month it took me to clean out her apartment, and noticed with the light on a face looking at me in the corner of bathroom mirror, days before I think it was at 2 a.m on the 11th 3 days before all the other pictures, were taken. I cleaned the bathrooms floor to ceiling and took pictures. I also noticed on January I think 28, or 29th I was taking a picture of her dresser snd bedroom furniture to see if my son wanted her bedroom set, bc she loved it so much. It belonged to her and my dad who died in 2007 but they were divorced, but boy she loved him and would never get rid of it. So I cried at the thought and my son said he would take it. Well looking at those photos there is a shadow in the mirror of her bedroom set, as I said her dresser. My dad died 12-15-07 and mom 1-14-21. If you add 15 +14=29. My parents anniversary was January 29th. If you can tell me why and is she trapped there. I’m dying inside, because of Covid we weren’t able to be by her side the way I would have been. I was her power of attorney due to mental health issues. Like I said my heart is so badly broken, with losing my mom due to Covid snd my husband being sick and going in for surgery this Monday coming. I appreciate you even listening or reading my heartbreak. If you need to see pictures I have them all. When circled in picture it was like I was a target of some sort. I just need answers. Maybe she doesn’t want to say anything to me, but to my brother whom she seemed to love so much more. I would make sure he got the message, as much as it would hurt, but I did love her and honestly my 27 years of dedication to her, bc I loved her, I will continue on with. So I out of my love for her would get the messsge to him. Thank you very much for your time.
My dearest Traci-Rene’e, this is devastating for you that you couldn’t be near during covid. You feel heartbroken right now for ALL the reasons you have shared – heartbreak, loss, abandonment, lonely, devastated, worried, unsure – but there is SO MUCH LOVE here coming from both your Mom and Dad. I want to assure you that your Dad is with your Mom, and your Mom is communicating to you and expressing how much she loves you. Its very clear to me. I know you are not feeling this or seeing the happenings as such, so I want to invite you to a complementary strategy call with me. I can explain. I help my community and clients through verbal phone or zoom consultation. Here I can download / intuit messages from your loved ones as they channel in the moment. I do not provide this level of feedback in writing, as speaking is my channeling and connecting method, through tapping into the quantum field of you, your guides and loved ones around you (I often refer to the energies).
To schedule a complimentary 15-20 minute discovery call, please write me at: and I’ll send you my booking link. I’ll send you a message via email as well. If you want my guidance further we can carry on. Sound good? Looking forward.. how is your husband since Monday’s surgery?
Watching this video may bring you some solace until we connect.
My mums picture face down when i get home from work im not to good at the moment my son said on xmas day at there home sane thing happened could this be her
Dear Wendy my heart goes out to you. In my 20+ years’ personal experience and working with people to help them heal from grief and recognize spirit signs from loved ones I’d ask you this… “If you are thinking of her, grieving her, sad over someone connect to her or of that nature – she is in your heart and thoughts and you see her picture move from one position to another and then your son confirmed a similar experience of his grandma, yes she’s wanting you to know she is with you.” I’ll invite you to my Spirit Communications page CLICK HERE and over to my YouTube Channel where I have a playlist of Spiritual Signs from my family. Spiritual Education Playlist. If you’d like a private consultation please reach out.
I was with a delightful creature for a year. He was in a toxic marriage and said he was saving for 20 years for a divorce. He got an apartment and we spent more time together than apart. He was about 2-3 months into the divorce and was in debt. He returned to the wife and it has been extremely difficult. Energy don’t lie and I know what I felt. I would send him a msg occasionally and sometimes he would message back and forth. Nothing inappropriate or out of line, I don’t believe he was happy at all. I don’t even know if it was him replying or his wife. He took his life 2/2/22. I am absolutely devastated. I talked to him the day before and he asked me to come to where he was. I didn’t go. I had been extremely hurt and was trying to put my pieces back together from all that time already passed and I didn’t want to be hurt again when he went back to her again. Then I get a msg from her saying he had passed and now I am tortured with the thought of if I had only went. I am desperate to hear from him. I just want to wake up from this dream and have him back.
Dear Robbin, my deepest condolences for your emotional shock and heartache you are feeling about your love who suddenly took his life on 2/22/2022. Regardless of the health of your and his relationship, it is always a deep loss when someone we love dies. I am hearing you feel at blame for not meeting him and you think this could have changed the trajectory of him taking his life. I know you feel this is true, but sweetheart YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME. He is telling me to say that to you. Do you have a counsellor or therapist to speak with? Someone you can work through this grief. If not, I help my clients move through and beyond grief and shock of loved ones who die and sense of loss of self. As well as helping guide my clients in healing their hearts and navigating life, I teach how to recognize signs of our loved ones in Spirit who are actually closer than you know and with you, supporting you.
Consider what you need and if you’d like to book a phone or Zoom session for my guidance and support, we can set that up for you. I offer individual sessions and packages for ongoing counsel every month. here are some links to learn more and also my recent YouTube video about Signs from Spirit.
About Colleen’s grief counsel and spirit communication services:
Transformation Grief and Loss:
And my recent YouTube video about noticing the Signs from our Loved Ones who died called “3 Ways to Trust Your Intuition (Signs from Spirit)”
If you’d like to schedule a phone or zoom video consultation to be supported by me, let me know and we can take it from there. I’ll be happy to answer all your questions and help you get answers from your beloved.
In Vibrant Health & blessings
A love heart picture frame of me and my daughter on the wall suddenly fell off, would this be my mum, time to communicate with us.
Hi Jon, you’ve landed on my website with a common question, “Is it the person that comes to my mind like my Mum.” I teach people how to recognize and interpret signs of our loved ones and how to take next steps to navigate life after loss and how we show up in the world. If you FEEL its your Mum, then its always the 1st hit, name, person that pops into your mind.
I can help you in a private phone/zoom consultation (email me) or you can learn more at my website links: Interpret Spirit Signs and Spirit Communication Guidance ~ and also a beautiful collection of spirit signs examples on the YouTube collection playlist: Spiritual Education ~ Contact me if you’d like a 1-on-1 session or join my community by accepting this FREE 8 Best Steps eGuide:
Why was my angel ornament moved to my front door
Diane, is this the first time you’ve seen this angel ornament move? Do you remember seeing other occurrences like this? You have a loved one with you, generally someone who has passed away, usually someone you know but not always. I help people interpret spiritual signs and messages like this and can do that in a private consultation by Zoom or phone. I also teach folks how to interpret messages, identify their loved ones near and much more. My blog with video will help give you some hints: Interpret Spirit Signs or send me an email to schedule:
Hey just wanted too share experience that I have at daughter in law passed away back in September ever since her passing my husband and I have experienced the unexplained..I have felt her all around us from doors opened that I keep closed too being touched..never scared myself thow because I feel its her..but the other night I feel asleep before my husband and was woke too him calling me too wake me up when he seen my cell phone levitate in the air ligh up bright and fell too the floor..I told him I feel that it’s our daughter in law just showing cause that’s the kind of person she was and ALWAYS was smiling..we miss her soo much?but I think it scared him a little..
Tanya, thank you so much for visiting my Reset Your Vibe website and finding this blog to share your wonderful spirit story of communication from your daughter in law coming to you. OMG, love it!! absolutely your daughter, especially knowing her personality and character as “LOOK AT ME!” (I’m hearing her say with a smile and dance/jig!!). My cousin Rob who transitioned 24 years ago was a HUGE show guy (big heart too) and therefore using electricity a really vibrant and alive way for him to communicate over the years with me through lights, radio frequencies, computers, phones & clocks!! and moving objects too! I work professionally to help my clients ease their fear and better learn about the ways our loved ones enjoy communicating. Perhaps show him a few of my YouTube Videos on this Playlist: SPIRIT COMMUNICATION or this easy to read blog: INTERPRET SPIRIT SIGNS – Write me at: if you’d like a consultation. love that your husband has you to support him! Blessings, Colleen
my ex boyfriend/bestfriend passed away Nov 23rd . I don’t believe in the paranormal but recently cabinets have been left open out the blue , is this signs ?
My Heartfelt condolences to you first. You’ve landed on my website and I support people in moving through grief/loss and tapping into the SIGNS of their loved ones too. Great question. You are asking what so many people are experiencing more often these days. As you intuition opens, you can connect more with your loved ones transitioned (passed). I can answer “yes” ~ however, its more powerful for you to check in with your body and ask your gut instinct, you will know. when we doubt if this is happening to us, or wonder if the odd “moving” experience is truly from this particular person, we can recognize by the personality and character of your ex boyfriend/bestfriend. Short answer is yes!!
If you’d like to learn more, start here: Spirit Communication
Watch this youtube video where I have many videos to help you learn to trust yourself. Start with this one:
How to Talk to Spirits when you when you Never Believed in the Afterlife
if you want to book a consultation directly, go through my contact page or write me at:
Blessings, Colleen
My father in law passed on Tuesday. He was a with a heart of gold.
My mother in law has had cheese, a jar of Branson pickle and the fork he used go missing. Could this be him already?
Emma, heartfelt blessings for you & your family with the passing of your “funny” father-in-law. Love your “heart of gold” comment about him. So funny, I always said that about my dad. He held his heart close to his chest showing the stronger, less vulnerable side. Feelings like your father-in-law did too. Short answer – YES! His signs of mischievous tricks he’s playing on your mother-in-law. In my experience of many beloveds transitioned, there is no time between worlds for them, or us as we transition.
Enjoy my YouTube videos that speak to disappearing and moving objects. Watch these and feel free to follow my channel or subscribe to our site’s newsletter so you can receive the latest YouTube videos on Spiritual Signs. Sign up on the home page by scrolling down:
Trust Yourself to Recognize SIGNS click here and Spiritual Communication playlist collection: watch here
Reappearance of Mom’s missing watch: watch here
I’m trying to Contact my Uncle who has Passedbover to the Spirit World as I lost him to CANCER
Dear Claire, thanks for reaching out. My heart goes out to you for the passing of your Uncle to Cancer. I’ve lost many family & friends to cancer and its never easy. Sure helps when we can communicate with them thought.
How I help my clients best is show them how to recognize and interpret signs and messages from your loved ones transitioned. Rather than the standard psychic or mediumship readings, what I do with clients is teach or educate you about ways Spirit is already communicating with you, how you can better recognize and realize, learn to tap into your intuition to trust yourself more and how to get into a state of flow and alignment to receive your messages. I also offer guidance and counsel for people to heal their hearts grief around the loss, including loss of sense of yourself or your way in health, relationship, career and spiritual matters.
Would you like to book a free 15 minute consultation? I can give you some guidance around connecting with your uncle and from there talk about a session to help you. Would you like that? If yes, please book a Zoom call with me here:
In the meantime, enjoy this YouTube Video HOW TO TALK TO SPIRITS AND TRUST YOURSELF or the full playlist: SPIRIT COMMUNICATION as it will help you.
My partner of so many years died of cancer. We couldn’t be apart he said he will always take care of me. His love was so strong I miss him I miss him horribly. I was in the hospital for a stroke someone came into my room then left I yelled for help who was in my room my sister left nobody seen anyone. The smell of a horrible stink I smelt from him was there I yelled for him please come back. My sister came are you ok I said no Bob here get him the phone rang I found out he was in emergency room under me he passed. I broken down no. It’s been over six years he still around he went with me to my new place it’s only my things but he moves the shower curtain against my body, my bed mattress sinks in, if I feel sad a heavy push on my shoulder and if people stay in my home things fall off things and heavy shoes goes up and down my hallway. My homes is brand new . If I leave the home I will smell him then it goes in car, store, ECT I was back in the hospital fighting a coma my hand was held but nobody seen anyone. A hospital director came to talk she asked if my love one is visiting I said I believe so she said then tell him your going to be ok they need to finish helping me. Even the hospital knew I was feeling crazy. I then went back to speak to the hospital for help they say I’m a lucky on to be so very loved and as soon as he knows I’ll be ok he will watch out for me with so much love. I left and now I say to him it’s a good day I’m ok and I let him know when I’m getting guest to take a break. I miss us.
Dearest Sandy, I’m so happy you found my website blog on spiritual communication and that you shared your BEAUTIFUL story of your partner who visits you and is there for you through all these years. You are so very loved. Thanks for sharing your story with us! You would love my YouTube videos full of spirit stories and moving objects like shower curtain hooks my sister Corrine moves all the time!
I’d love to invite you to a Free community class I host now and again called Spirit Conversations with Colleen. its a place for you to tap into your heart and honour your spiritual journey. Each class we cover topics to guide you to Energize and Trust Your Intuition, Communicate with Spirit, Deepen Self Confidence & Raise Your Vibrational frequency to expand your manifestation ability and much more.
Click here for event details and registration for this FREE class:
Love to have you join my mailing list where I share spiritual insights, videos and upcoming classes:
Follow me on YouTube if you like spirit communication videos like this one Recognize Signs of Loved Ones Died, Moving Objects:
Hope you join us!
sending blessings, Colleen
Hi Jill,
I just want to share what is going on here..
For about a month or so I have been experiencing volume on my tv suddenly get louder I always just thought it was the tv having issues.
Today I was moving a cabinet into my daughter’s new room after a separation.. I put 3 medium art works on top against The wall and my daughters night light lamb Infront of it herd a noise like something had fallen.. I go to my daughter’s room and the art work in front of the lamb was on the floor and lamb was still up there slightly on its side.
I don’t know if it’s my father or something wants me out of this house. Ji
Hi Marco, thanks for visiting the website and leaving a comment about the tv volume increases, as well as the recent art work that fell while the lamb remained. Yes, clearly that’s energies of spirit and most often our loved ones who passed.
My advice for you is to TRUST your first instinct. I feel your father, also some grandpa energy around.
For more than 20 years I’ve helped people better understand and recognize the presence of loved ones passed who want to communicate with you., while healing from grief and loss, overcoming self doubt, and learning to Trust their own Intuition more to elevate their life and business.
I also teach clients how to understand the meaning of SIGNS from their loved ones who transitioned in Spirit and offer spiritual coaching/guidance so they can navigate through loss and changes in their health, relationships, career and spiritual matters to find greater peace.
Learn more here:
Yes, no coincidences. I get that’s a powerful SIGN of your father’s presence. It’s a good clue when items fall without breaking or rearrange themselves entirely, while under normal conditions both items would fall. For more than 25 years since the passing of my dad and cousin Rob, I’ve received signs of their communication this way.
If you are interested in learning to recognize these signs, visit my YouTube channel, and spirit communication playlist with a collection of over 50 videos where I teach and share my personal stories:
Electricity Signs from Loved Ones in Spirit
Spirit Moving Objects – falling clock
If you or someone you love would like a spiritual guidance or consultation session, reply back and we’ll set that up!
Hope this helps!
Colleen Wynia
Spiritual Intuitive
Hello Jill,
Just in the last month I have had candles in my hall dropping off a shelf and I picked them back up and add them back on the shelf they drop off again when I left the hall way. This Friday I had an iron board that was at the back of my bedroom door fall forward onto my work desk knock everything off my monitor pc the lot, the ironing board has been there for over. Year and never moved. Today Saturday I was cleaning round with the hover and when I went is to the hall the rug was rolled up. I thought it could be my mum as I haven’t put flowers on the grave on my mums bday or Christmas. Mum passed 5 years ago. Can these things happen from someone from the other side.
Hi Dee, thanks for commenting on my website blog post. It’s Colleen Wynia here of ~ you’ve landed on the popular blog post about Spirit Communication. Appreciate you reaching out and sharing your bewildering experience of repeated Moving Objects and wondering if it’s possible to be your mum.
Short answer ~ absolutely it’s possible. You’ve been thinking of Mum. These types of experiences have been happening in my life since after my beloved father and cousin Robert transitioned (passed) more than 25 years ago. Now i help my clients heal from grief, loss, trauma and self doubt so they can trust themselves more and deepen their awareness of such occurrences.
Ask yourself, “Mom, is this you? What are you telling me?” then allow your heart to share a Feeling, Image, Memory, Words, a Sensation and tell me what happens. If we’ve been thinking about our loved ones who passed, like your Mum, they are still present in spirit form and can hear you.
If you’d like to learn more, considering subscribing to the mailing list at where I share spiritual insights, teachings, classes and youtube videos about moving objects. here is one you may love:
Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from Loved Ones Died
Or Schedule a Spiritual Coaching or Intuitive Guidance call by writing me at or CONTACT ME HERE
My father passed away less than 3years ago with me and him not settling or differences and I had a case of 36 bottles of water sitting flat in a chair picked up and dropped in the middle of the floor and another time while watching tv a lid to a soft drink flew off the counter I’m wondering if it’s my father trying to tell me something
Dear Arthur, my condolences for the loss of you father less than 3 years ago. Thank you for visiting my website blog and sharing of your wild experience of 36 bottles of water suddenly dropping on the floor and the “flying” lid. Those naturally would capture my attention. I’ve endured the loss of many family members and friends the past 25 years, beginning with passing of my father Gerry. I’m smiling about your father’s moving objects to capture your attention, because our loved ones in Spirit can be so darn PLAYFUL.
Regret your not settling differences before his passing, but PLEASE KNOW THIS. Both of you were son/father in each others’ life to help you along your personal growth journey to learn lessons, teachings to help your soul awaken more and become ever more conscious.
Now that your father has transitioned and not living in his physical body, he has a greater sense of consciousness and foresight that he was unable to display when alive. He had a strong ego coupled with his own pressures of self preservation and protection through childhood upbringing, suffering and life long experiences. Yes, he is here to make amends and has a few things to say to you.
I want you to know I help my clients learn how to recognize signs, interpret their meaning, and communicate with loved ones. I bring messages through as well as grief/loss/personal development guidance and spiritual coaching. I can help you to understand and make amends within yourself through my guidance/services. If you’d like to book a free 15 minute Zoom or phone consultation to talk about how I can help you, please contact me and we’ll set that up.
CONTACT COLLEEN, click hereor email me at:
I’ll invite you to check out my YouTube Channel Videos, as I have videos on the Spiritual Communication Playlist that will help:
3 Ways Loved Ones Who Died Communicate
Power of Channeling Spirit through Emotions
Moving Objects: Signs Your Loved One Is Communicating for REAL
I have dreams about my grandma, that passed away , very vivid dreams. I had a dream of her last night, haven’t dreamt of her for awhile before that. But today as I was sitting on my bed I was trying to remember the dream. I was thinking of her and wondering if she was OK. I also thought about my aunt that passed away recently. Well, after my thinking process I go to the bathroom and continued with my thought process of her. I get a text from my bf and set it back down on the table. Not even a minute passes I hear one loud thump. I look over and my phone is all the way over by my dresser. My phone was not on the edge….. I was a little freaked out at first but now I know it was either my grandma or aunt.
This is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Although there are countless ways our loved ones in Spirit can choose to communicate with us, dream visits are high on the popularity list. In part because we are rested, relaxed and in an open state in which we can receive our loved one’s presence. As well, Dreams are easily accepted in society as Natural. I love your sharing about the “thump of your phone”. This is absolutely real and my sense is its your grandma. Your aunt is close as well, but your thoughts and heart have weighted heavily with your Grandma and she wanted to confirm LOUDLY with a “thump” that she hears you! How’s that for fun? Your Grandma is a playful one…more so now!
I was about to eat today when I noticed my plate rotating, I was perplexed but surprisingly, I wasn’t scared. I said, wow, whatever this is, be careful not to pour the hot food on me. Few minutes later, the plate rotated again like a quarter turn. I smiled and wondered again.
Last year October I lost a very special friend, he was like a father to me. I mourned him and still do much more than I ever mourned my biological father. I really miss him.
Dear Sally, what a beautiful surprise visit from your beloved friend who was like your father. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience on my website post as people need to know this is getting more common as the veil is being lifted between our dimensions. It’s been over 24 years since my dear father Gerry (in the post) transitioned and his ongoing presence helped me ease my grief. You know the moving plate was your beloved because he was the first person that downloaded into your thought consciousness. Have peace knowing it WAS indeed his presence and reflect on the message he wanted to communicate to you – through food/meals and connection. Given this will be happening more and more, you will find value in my short blog Interpreting Spirit Signs and subscribing to my YouTube channel where you’ll enjoy my video collection on the Spiritual Education Playlist: . Love to hear from you more stories and your questions connected to your beloved, especially during this difficult time in the world for many. Knowing our loved ones are with us in Spirit will help many grieving the sadness in their hearts as their father transition. Blessings, Colleen
Hello, I’ve recently been noticing a specific toy figure turning from it’s original position at home, it happens from time to time, not too often but enough for me to think it’s not ‘normal’. If it’s a form of communication from a spirit, Have any idea what’s it trying to say through this behaviour? Thanks.
Ever since I moved into my new home Which it was built in 1960 it’s not actually new. I have been seeing lots of different things feeling lots of different things being touched. It’s very physical when he touches or she I’m not quite sure what it is or who it is. There’s always shadows in the windows and the curtains get drawn back. This doesn’t happen to nobody else but me and this home and I can sometimes get it on video. Things are very physical in this home and I’m not quite sure what it is I feel a presence that comes to me at night when I’m trying to sleep and night lays on top of me taking my breath my anxiety goes out the roof. My bed will start shaking rumbling and the whole upstairs bedroom where I can see all this activity real Rock like a boat. I’ll look outside and there’s no wind. I always hear a hissing sound like there’s wind though that will come from different directions. I’m later told that someone did die in this home. I’m really wanting to think this is spiritual because if it’s not then somebody playing a awful prank on me. In the past two years someone was playing a prank on me you would think I would see signs of it or have caught somebody by now I have 10 cameras around my home because I don’t know what it is or who it is this doing this.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us Chris. I believe its Spiritual, not a prank. Wanting to connect with you. It’s safe to trust your instinct. I have a suggestion. Rather than “trying” to figure out Who/What the spirit/entity is, what if you focused your attention on yourself, how you are feeling, and tune into what in your life you could use some extra spiritual support with? What’s really difficult right now – self-love, relationship, spiritual alignment, money, work….family? Ask the spiritual being to assist you and work together. Then through this conversation, you will diffuse any fears and in time feel for yourself who/what the being is and what their purpose might be showing up at this time in your life.
Over the past 20+ years, in my experience of more than 12 loved ones who transitioned (died). They show themselves in many ways. They often move objects. I have felt physically touched by them too. Always for the purpose of wanting to be a friend, coach, helper. Moving Objects is huge in our family because we are fairly organized in our lifestyle and thinking. Our Spirit family also loves playing with electricity like lights off and on, radio frequencies, music, dreams, synchronicities and so much more. Video blog to help you:
Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones
My YouTube Spiritual playlist:
Me and my son just now seen a what looked like a white sheet of paper folding and floppinging and we walked cautiously being everyone else is sleeping but whatever it was was just gone I’m totally freaked out and my son what the he’ll is this we get cold chills all through our body’s before we enter the kitchen
Dear Stephen, have you had more experiences since April?
Most definitely you are on track in your understanding. This is indeed the spirit of someone you knew well when they were living, wanting to connect with you to communicate. Each message is a beautiful expression of their love and quite often their playfulness. It was 19 years on June 10 since my father transitioned over and he still moves the frames and candle on my bedside table, or any other item I may have in “his” corner! It’s fabulous and he’s only ONE of my many loved ones doing so.
Like you, I was skeptical or rather unsure at first. How you know is you FEEL YOUR WAY. Listen to your intuition and gut instincts. When it happens again and again, no longer doubts reigns.
I ask you this “Who’s name comes to mind when you think of the toy figure being moved?” Stay with it and you will know. I teach that we can access our spirit messages ALL BY OURSELVES. With my clients I help them interpret what it means for their well being and alignment to live the life they desire.
I heard a noise going up my steps . I turned around and saw my angel in a frame . The passage next to the angel is: as you have faith in your right hand, and courage in the left hand you are not alone.
It really blew me away. What do you make of this?
The angel was moving from left to right hanging on the wall.
Beautiful Steve, I love it! Are you the same Steve that commented a few years ago? You are clearly being provided a STRONG confirmation that you are divinely supported from those in the Spirit realm. My sense is you’ve been having a difficult time TRUSTING yourself, perhaps doubting your intuition and knowing. Your angel is your symbol and representing strong love to remind you that you are supported along your journey, what you are facing and expanding more each day. You are ready to HEAR yourself more, so trust your gut instinct as you are never alone. Did you have a loved one who died on your mind at that time? Check out my Interpret Spirit Signs post and schedule a session if you’d like a professional intuitive consult with my 100% attention. Would be wonderful to support you i gaining clarity and how to trust more. CONTACT ME
Hi, I just recently moved in a duplex with my daughter and we left for 2.5 hours the other night and when we came hoe noticed the refrigerator of all things had been moved forward and over a few inches and my daughters magazine collection had been moved, I really think somebody has a key and came in because the doors/ windows were locked, but nothing was taken and why only move those two things? My beloved dog was here and I’m afraid they scared or hurt her, any insight would be greatly appreciated!
I can well understand the shock and wow of items in your home being moving about when you or someone you know didn’t do it and there was no break in. Clients and visitors source me out because in my experience, the moving objects I’ve experienced during the past more than 20 years is most often my Loved Ones in Spirit (who have died) communicating messages to me. It was a surprise for me in the beginning and I didn’t believe it. Over time moving objects, lights flickering, clock radio volumes being turned up or stations changed and so on. At times it can be God or Source’s way of getting our attention to look inward, through angelic means. Inviting you to listen, love, and trust more along your path. Signs like this captured our attention as it has done to you. Have you lost someone in your life that you miss, or have been thinking about more lately? There are many reasons for Spirit to reach out to us, mine do very regularly. Animals like your dog are very tapped into the energies we cannot always see (though some people do). If your dog is not hurt, it may only have been a shocking surprise to have so much activity happening at once. I’d have to speak with you in a professional consult by phone or skype to educate you further.
Have you read my blog or seen this video? It will help:
Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones
Hello, my friend and I are very interested in communicating with spiritual beings and I found this article because I’ve wanted to educate myself further in speaking with spirits and guardians. My friend and I use a Ouija board (mainly) to interact with the spirits in each of our homes. We ask them questions and they answer and it gives me chills every time honestly there have been mainly occurrences when a sport has closed a door and once even started playing music on my phone. We have met many spirits but mainly communicate with our guardians. I was wondering if it was possible to have guardians that were not related to you, and also, is it possible that you can have multiple spiritual guardians? Or maybe you have a few spiritual guardians and one angelic guardian? Sorry I have so many questions I want to try so many new things when it comes to speaking with other beings. Also, my grandfather passed away very recently, about 2 months ago and I was ALSO wondering if it took a while for a spirit to fully pass? I haven’t tried using the Ouija board or automatic writing to reach him yet but does it take a while for a spirit to fully pass through or does it vary? I’m so sorry for all the questions but thank you so much for writing this article and reading this possibly. Thanks again.
Dear Alice and friend. Wonderful to meet you and learn of your unique experiences with spirit communication. I am grateful you discovered my site and happy to address a few points.
First, in my experience using a Ouija board or anything else for that matter is a “vehicle” or way to strengthen your ability to recognize spirits. I don’t work with one, but whatever tool you like to use as you are developing your ability to TRUST the messages that come to you will indeed be beneficial. Follow what feels true for you.
Yes absolutely, we can have multiple spirit guardians or angelic beings. On my journey, many of my “helpers” have been people I know who have passed over. Others are ones I haven’t met or don’t believe I know consciously, though likely have met on several occassions in past iives etc. different spirit helpers we draw upon as well, depending on the support and lesson we are in currently.
The loved ones I’ve known who have transitioned (as I like to call passing over) have done so immediately. Their Soul’s evolution continues to evolve and develop, as such they take with them “who they are” at the moment of their human death. Perhaps it takes time to “settle” into this new form, this way of being, but they are fully present and can connect with you immediately. That is up to “them” and up to “you”. We are always co-creating our experiences with permission from each other and intention. Talk to your Grandpa and look for signs of him acknowledging you.
I’d be happy to support you further in a consultation if you like. I offer a free initial phone consult if that is of interest to you.
Beautiful to have connected and I know you are on track. When I first started to notice spirit presences, the key was TRUSTING they were real and I was indeed not dreaming or making it up.
Learn more by visiting my webpage on Intuitive Guidance and scroll down to Interpreting Spirit Signs:
Blessings to you, Colleen
Hello there, my mum died of Cancer 5months ago, i was her ehen she took her lay breath. Recently I’ve been very imotional and finding it difficult to get over her loss. I visited her grave today and sat talking to her,
Crying and telling her how much I love and miss her. I asked her if she was close to me and hoped that she could see and hear me. I asked for a sign that she was with me. Just as I was leaving the grave, i turned to blow her a kiss when I noticed that the Christmas wreath I got her was turned on its side. There was no wind or I didn’t catch it on my foot! I do believe this was her sign to me, to reassure me that she is fine. What do you think? Please advise?
I appreciate your share Jackie and acknowledge the grief you are experiencing. personally I’ve lost many loved ones including my father almost 20 years ago now, so I do feel what you are going through at some level. Absolutely, you can trust yourself Jackie. I believe this is indeed your Mom. We know this because you are asking if it’s her (so she’s the one you think and sense), and also that you were the one who gifted her the Christmas wreath. This is “only the beginning” of many more beautiful spirit connections with your Mom. Depending on your way of noticing change, she may try several ways or choose 1 or 2 styles that speak most to you. My blog titled Interpreting Spirit Signs may help you. Click here:
If you’d like further support to understand while coping with grief, we can schedule a consult by phone or skype.
Much love my new friend.
Hello, I was wondering if I would be able to get your opinion on something that happened to me last year. The first one happened while I was eating on morning. I had a plate on my lap and had just taken a bite of my sandwhich but while I was chewing I noticed it got harder to control my jaw and I felt really heavy. Almost like I had an extremely heavy blanket draped over me. I didn’t think anything of it until the plate started to slide off my lap and when I would fix it, it would just slide again as if it were being pulled. Seconds later if felt like the blanket was taken off and I was able to chew and swallow my food. The second time happened around the same time in the morning about a week later. I just woke up and was getting out of bed at the foot of bed and I remembered that I needed my phone which was up by my pillows. Before I could even turn around my phone hit me in the back. It didn’t hurt and wasn’t hard enough to leave a mark but it still scared me and I broke down and cried right there. I’m still tearing up and getting goosebumps just writing this. Sorry for the long explanation but it’s always in the back of my mind and I’m always worried it’s going to happen when I’m all by myself. I was wanting to see what you thought about it. I’m scared because I don’t know what it is. It didn’t feel negative and I’m not sure if maybe it was just trying to get my attention and realized it scare me so it backed off? Or maybe it was a loved one? Thank you, Chelsie.
Dear Chelsie, thanks for having the courage to share your experience and for reaching out. I’ll share a few things to support you in this blog, then I’ll invite you to private message me via email if you’d like further insights. Most importantly, the very fact that the “energies” or experience didn’t feel negative to you is your answer. You have nothing to fear, as fear is self-imposed limitation when something “new” and particularly a “strange” occurrence that that we’ve never experienced before and cannot “humanly” explain. A week has passed since you wrote your note to me. Please check in to see if you feel more relaxed about things, less frightened? I want you to know this is common for Spirits, our loved ones who have transitioned and other loving souls in Spirit to capture our attention. You are safe and when you are ready to experience communication alone, by yourself, you will. Rather than me “tell you” who I sense is present, I invite you to “tune in” to the character, the personality, the FEELING of the Spirit’s energy presented through these actions you experienced. Does that make sense? It is someone who loves you very much and truly wants you to open to them, and the knowing that life continues in a new form. Watch my impromptu youtube video about my sister moving object: and then email me. We can work together if you’d like to learn more and expand your intuitive abilities. Know that you are not alone and nothing to fear, many blessings to you, Colleen
For months now we have had many objects move, mobile phones fly off tables, pictures swing side to side on wall, bursts of wind moving curtains but no doors open etc.. glass ornaments flying off tables.. the list goes on.. should we have a guide visit us to ease our minds..? My housemate’s ex partner passed nearly 3 yrs ago, we feel it may be her, pls enlighten us on what we should do.. regards Lisa
Dear Lisa, thank you so much for sharing your experience. Is this the first time you have experienced such activity…at anytime in your life? I invite you to “trust” yourself and your housemate’s senses, you can rest in knowing that what you sense is likely very much your housemate’s ex partner who transitioned (passed). I work a little different than most psychic mediums, meaning my primary intention is to help my client’s develop both their level of belief through education about Spirit Signs and their ability to TRUST their intuition and knowings. The first step is to dispel the paranormal many feel this activity to be. I’ve personally been experiencing objects moving for 20 years now since my father transitioned and 19 years since my cousin Rob. If you’d like to ease your mind, strengthen your belief, and begin to interpret the messages being communicated through this beautiful and very active spirit – I’d be delighted to schedule a session with you by phone or skype. Please email: or call/text 778-288-6202 and we’ll coordinate. In the meantime, review this blog: Interpreting Spirit Signs
Lisa, this blog will also help you better understand my approach and how I can help you?
Spirit Messages through Intuitive Guidance
My dad died last September, recently I have experienced items in my home being turned round and knowing I did not touch them and was not in the room at the time but upon re entering the room they had moved. One item is a wooden chair that he made at a early age. I am of sound mind and I have this feeling that it’s a communication from somewhere or someone. I have always had this feeling that there is more after someone passes away.
Thank you Diana for sharing your beautiful experience. Yes, I do feel this is your dad who transitioned. My father passed 20 years ago this past June and he continues to communicate with me regularly…all these years. Therefore I know his Spirit continues on, he’s assisted me through many challenging times. I encourage you to TRUST yourself. You are of sound mind. Please connect with me for a free initial 15 minute consultation if you’d like support by phone/skype, and review my blog on Interpreting Spirit Signs as I know it will bring value to you:
Hi there I am going through a very hard time in my life right now and I have always been very sensitive and am able to know when someone is around I had a ornament at the head of my bed suddenly start vigorously rocking last night and right before it started I am sure that I heard a few voices talking this ornament belongs to my grad mother and I had to turn it on its side I am wondering if this was someone trying to help me get through my darkest time in my life I mean I am going through a very different time right now and am questioning weather or not I want to be here anymore please help I need to know if someone from the side cares about me to try and contact me before it’s too late.
My dearest Pamela, first I am sending you so much love for the beautiful soul and women that you are. Your internal vision has been deeply clouded. The truth is you have much to offer yourself and other beings “living on the planet” and “those in spirit” – even if you cannot see this right now. Your loved ones in spirit who you are hearing know the truth. Many of them have lived the struggle of being a spiritual being in a human form and all that goes along with life. Yes, more than one being is wanting you to hear their love message. I encourage you rather than to “give up” on yourself, to relax into the deepest callings of your soul and endeavor to hear what the voices are saying to you. Again, you have a purpose hear and this extremely difficult and painful time for you, a questioning time, is part of your creation to hit “pay dirt” with yourself to love yourself or not. Each moment we choose life, we choose our thoughts, we choose our health, we choose….. if you want some help my dear then let’s schedule a time together by phone or skype… always a free introduction call. CONTACT ME
Hello again dear Pamela, I was inspired to write my next blog and create a video around your recent comments about the difficulty you are facing. Take a moment and go here to read & watch:
Everything is Energy!! Reset Your Vibe, Lift Depression
Pamela, my husband passed almost 5 yrs. ago and he was the love of my life,my entire world, I have had some things happen but the other night topped them all. I was sleeping and when I awoke my wedding ring was on my right hand, I was a little shook up. Have you ever heard of this happening before? I know it was not me.
Dear Sherry, I think you mean to be writing to myself – Colleen ! I am the intuitive coach and owner of this website. Sherry, your husband was indeed a beautiful man. He is smiling brightly and by your side. That is quite the experience. Yes, I can understand being shaken up but yes this was your husband’s powerful way of capturing your attention. Yes, I have heard of this happening and it does so in my world. My first experience of Spirit Signs was almost 20 years ago and I’ve been experiencing them ever since from my long list of Spirit Family members. I have a few videos you will benefit from viewing. The first two are very impromptu when I realized the power of my Mother’s story about her disappearing and reappearing wrist watch. This is the playlist on my YouTube Channel:
If you’d like a Spirit Signs guidance coaching call with me, please contact me to set-up. I support my clients in transformation in the most important areas of their life and business. Much love & blessings, Colleen
Hi just wondering if u can help my daughter has been very depressed since her grandfather died 4 years ago also cant sleep at night last night felt a clold breeze on her back could this be his spirit x
Dear Julie, so appreciate you reaching out. Your love for your daughter shines brightly. I can help your daughter if she desires this, and is open. How old is she and would she be willing to talk or meet on skype? Please private message me at I’ve supported clients of all ages work through the emotional grief of losing a loved one, and helped them interpret signals they may be sensing of their loved one around them. If you yourself sense the “cold breeze” on her back as her grandfather’s spirit – please TRUST this. My best work and expertise is helping people awaken their intuition and ability to trust themselves – to hear the messages of their loved ones. Just today I had the coolest “object movement” of the car rear view mirror from my cousin Rob, which he hasn’t moved same in 18-19 years! It was a warming gift of connection. Please visit my Intuitive Guidance testimonials to see client successes. We can book a brief telephone or Skype discovery call to see that you and I or your daughter and I are match to working together – then we do a scheduled appointment session and get to work 🙂
Client Success Stories – click on Intuitive Guidance and Transforming Grief/Loss
A month before my dad died very unexpectedly, he encouraged me to pursue cultivating my mediumship abilities based on some very remarkable messages I had received and other experiences I had that defied explanation within what we know of the physical world. Shortly after he died, a medium, who knew nothing about my dad or this conversation, told me that my dad wanted me to know that I had strong mediumship abilities and that he wanted to help me learn to develop them. And my dad began doing many things to get my attention. One night, as witnessed by my mom, he started setting off my nephew’s battery operated toys. The more my mom and I talked about him, the more the toys went off one by one. Some of the toys would make sounds that I could not otherwise get them to make. The toys went on every time I came home to visit my mom and only when I was home. Several also went off after I removed the batteries. This was just over a year ago. But my dad hasn’t made his presence known recently. Then two days ago, I was feeling very upset about the murder of the French priest and what seems like never-ending terrorist attacks. The more I have attempted to cultivated my otherwise unpredictable mediumship abilities and focused on spiritual pursuits, the more empathic I have become. So I reached out to my dad for spiritual guidance and asked if he was still near me. I asked him to give me a sign and then placed a small button on my dresser and asked him to move it. Several hours later, while reading about faith and prayer, the button jumped several inches into the air. I saw it bounce and I heard it land. And it has brought me such comfort and peace. A few people I told people have said something to the effect of “Why hasn’t this happened to me?” And I have said, “Well, have you ever asked for it to happen?” And now I wonder, when someone asks for a departed love one to show them a sign or move an object, do they commonly receive a response? Do many people just not think to ask? Because, despite the abilities I do have, I don’t take any credit for my dad being able to move an object. Also, do you have a sense of how difficult it is for spirits to move things? I kept it easy with a small button as opposed to something heavy. I am curious as to your thoughts. Thank you.
Thank you so much Stephanie for your wonderful detailed share of your spirit communications. This is incredibly special, as are you. Trust yourself more and more each day, that is the key my dear. Sharpen your tool kit of listening and “accepting” your inner wisdom. The answers are already there, as you’ve come to know.
I love the battery operated toys story. Same happens to me, particularly with my cousin Rob as he shines his “electrical” vibrant personality through when he speaks. You’ll love this video about my cousin’s playfulness:
Ask and you shall receive. I like your realization. In my experience these past 21 years since my dad and cousin Rob transitioned, they’ve shown me that it was not difficult to communicate. They did so almost immediately. It was ME who had to open and trust and not panic I was losing my mind and making this up. Our beloved ones in Spirit are who they are when they died, their soul teaching continues. That is what I’ve been shown and we all have free will to make a choice.
Consider scheduling a Discovery Call and I can offer you personal insights!
Hi Colleen,
Since my partner passed away from cancer this year I often dream of talking to her and then the next day i often find a small safety pin left in my room when it wasn’t there before. Do you think this could be a sign from Allison? Wondering what the significance of the pin could be?
Dear Anthony, appreciate you reaching out and sharing your experience of Allison’s communication with you. Many blessings as you continue to process the deeper aspects of loss and the discovery of knowing your partner continues to be available and communicating with you, albeit in a new form. Absolutely, yes! This is Allison. Search your heart and you will realize you already know this. The re-appearance of the safety pin that wasn’t there before is the first visual sign. Allison is guiding me to invite you to look up the “definition of safety pin.” When you google, you’ll read this: “a pin with a point that is bent back to the head and is held in a guard when closed.” She is holding your LOVE & HEART guarded close to hers. Upon further research you’ll discover the word “safety pin” symbolizes Unity and connectedness. When you google you may also see talk about BREXIT and wearing the pin as a unity symbol. I’m also being shown a symbolic meaning behind “being pinned” at the old fashioned graduation proms when the boy “pins” the girl with a corsage and/or gets pinned like going steady. If you choose yes, I’ll invite you to a free initial intro Discovery call with me. Send an email to: ~ love & blessings, Colleen
Hi Colleen
My daughter and I have recently moved into an old house and all has been fine. But a few weeks ago a china pot ornament was found smashed away from the pot. A few weeks later some garden lights I have on the fence were found down the bottom of the garden. (no way wind could have done this). Last week a candle holder was found upside down under the table and yesterday another candle was moved to another table and the tea light removed. My daughter and I are quite tuned in to these things but wonder why this is happening as no one has passed recently. Last night the TV aerial of the house opposite completely lit up in an orange glow then faded after 2 mins. Can you help??
I believe I can shed some light. What I do best is help people “tap into” the meaning of these messages connected to object movement. A person who passed years ago can choose to make their presence known to you at any time. You also have a choice to welcome the activity or not. For example, my grandma Jean (Mom’s mom) passed 12 years ago this October and she was a quiet lady who lead a quiet life later in her years. Of all my spirit family who “actively” communicating with me through spirit signs, object movement being their #1 way to speak with me, has now jumped on the bandwagon and shown herself to me on the day of her passing October 12th. It was amazing and welcoming to my heart. Grandma re-positioned a treasured pewter angel on my bedroom side table that was hers. I offer a complimentary initial phone or skype call.
I suggest we schedule a time together so I may answer some of your questions and share how a session with me to further learn the meaning of the messages to enhance areas in your life you are being challenged with or looking for clarity in, will benefit you and your daughter. Please write me at to schedule a call together. Blessings to you and your daughter. Your spirit family is very active.
Helen, you may also benefit from reading my blog: Interpreting Spirit Signs
Hi one day watching the secret law of attraction on Netflix i have a vision board in front of my tv stand when it got to the part where the guy explaining about he pull out one of vision boards after moving for 5 year his dream home was on the board he was living it and hadn’t realized it i had my head down filing paper at the time he was talking i heard a something crashing i raised my head up look to my surprise a can of spray had come from somewhere knock down my vision board flat on the floor curious was it a spirit trying to give me a message
YES! Absolutely Dennis. I remember that part in the Secret movie. Myself recently had an amazing message of “clarity” come to me that also involved my vision board. Each of our journey is unique to us, whether its a loved one in Spirit who has passed or a another universal presence. What’s most important is “tapping” into the energy of HOW YOU FEEL during this moment in time. Exactly what is going on for you. My Spirit Family of which I’ve had many transition from their physical body, are moving object, playing with electricity, downloading in my mind their voice, many many ways. So what is the question you most were looking for clarity on? was this surrounded by doubt or belief? You getting the answer for you is MOST IMPORTANT. I can help you you’d like my expertise in an intuitive guidance session for clarity and belief alignment. Email me for an initial phone/skype chat at and we’ll take it from there.
Hello, Last week I had someone very close to me pass. The day before I found a quarter on the ground, picked it up and it was my birth year. I thought that was odd. Next day, I find out they have passed. I then find a butterfly wings on the ground with no body attached. I thought it was odd and kept it anyways. Today I went in my bathroom and I have two pictures of my grandmother and I sitting on a ledge and they were both knocked over, faced down. I don’t know if any of these mean anything, but I would like your thoughts on these please. Thank you…
Dear Stacy
I am happy you reached out. I am passionate about helping people become more comfortable with spirit signs and unexpected messages from those who have passed. I’ve lost about 12 family members over the years and each of them show me their presence different ways, depending on their personality and my ability to recognize/interpret the message. From moving or temporarily disappearing objects in my home, coins appearing, playing with electricity, hearing their voice or a thought suddenly downloads in my mind, scents and need co-incidences (that never are!) and many more. This will help you: Interpet Spirit Signs
Does the loved one close to you who passed know your Grandma well – or is her? You getting the answer for yourself is MOST IMPORTANT. I can help if you’d like my expertise in an intuitive guidance session for clarity and belief alignment. Email me for an initial phone/skype chat at and we’ll take it from there.
I’m going to order the same feelings and emotions for years. March 11th 2020 last night February 12th, my son’s picture jumps off the wall. It’s been hung up forever and it jumped off the wall. I believe it’s him. I just want to be at peace in my soul and in my mind.
Dear Connie, appreciate you sharing your experience on my blog and hearing that you will choose to hold your son in your heart and in the present moment too. Yes, I get that was your son. We can know because a) you feel it is so b)your son is in the photo c) your soul needs peace and he sense you have not found solace yet. If you want more peace in your heart or how to get wiser at interpreting signs of your loved ones, I do intuitive consultations. I’m going to help you by sending you to 2 links: my blog Interpret Spirit Signs and my YouTube channel, the Spirit Communication collection: Watch Spiritual Signs playlist here
Hello, On December 3rd 2016.My Daughter and I had two separate conversations with her Grandfather and my Dad about a woodpecker in the wooded are behind their house .He spent the time trying to show us where to look and asked if we could see it.Neither one of us seen it ..and as he walk back towards the house he said keep looking you will see it.On December 6th 2016 he came in the house from work and wasn’t even home for three minutes collapsed in kitchen and dies suddenly from a aneurysm. Now everyday from the window that looks out back into wooded area there is a woodpecker near the house in the tree …Also this is all freshly new to accept the pain of his passing …other strange things have been happening electrical thing not working or dying out such as vacuum dying out , to battery operated candle not working ,coffee machine , then after awhile they will work . a lighter found on a desk where we knew there would never be one in that area….radio in cars turning on by themselves high beams that have not working properly worked on the night the Grandaughter drove back up to house in dark and fog the night of grandpa passing .We have never lost a loved one this close within the family and experiencing this is really freaking us out …Its got to be a spirit energy right? How long will this happen for?
Dear Shelly
Sending you so much love and blessings for the passing of your beloved dad and your daughter’s grandfather. WOW, I love your story and without a doubt this is your dad’s way of communicating with you. He is well and now you are seeing his Woodpecker he so much wanted you to meet.
I am happy you reached out. I am passionate about helping people become more comfortable with spirit signs and unexpected messages from those who have passed. I’ve lost about 12 family members over the years and each of them show me their presence in varying ways and they continue to, even 21 years since my father’s passing. He continues to communicate and expect you will notice same with your dad. How our loved ones communicate to us from the dimension they reside in, depends largely on their personality and my ability to recognize/interpret the message. From moving objects to temporarily disappearing objects in my home, playing with electricity (in home and street lamps, radio stations louder and stations changed, hearing their voice or a thought suddenly downloads in my mind, scents and what seems like a co-incidences (that never are!) and many more.
This will help you: INTERPRET SPIRIT SIGNS
Check out my YouTube: SPIRIT SIGNS
I am a Spiritual and Grief/Loss counsel so can help you in many ways. Send me an email at: and ask to book an initial Discovery skype/phone call. If you want help with your loss and understanding the signs, we can work together in a professional session. Much love xo
Hi Colleen.
I realize this may sound and be far fetched, but I would love some insight. Let me start off by saying that I fully believe that loved ones that have passed still come to visit and watch over those that are still living. I have heard that babies and young children are more likely to see those spirits and I find that to be a comforting feeling because I always wanted my grandparents to meet my children, but that unfortunately did not happen. I am writing today, because a week or so ago I had a rather strange experience. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and just had a second daughter in October of this year. I am very particular about her bottles, how much she has had, putting them in the refrigerator if she doesn’t finish them all, etc. One night I had given her a bottle which she ate all of. She was still fussy so I made her a little more bottle, but she didn’t take it and instead fell asleep. I put the bottle in the fridge. That was between 11:00 P.M. and midnight. Around 4:00 A.M. she wakes up again for a bottle. I made a new one with more in it. She didn’t take all of that one so my husband who was home now, but not when I gave her the previous bottle, put that one in the fridge as well. Around 8:00 A.M. she wakes up again so I decide to combine the two bottles in the fridge to give to her. I go to get them and the one my husband had put in was there, but the other one was gone. I looked all over the place for it and could not find it anywhere. I go back into the bedroom and look under the bed. As I am looking down I see that bottle, which had milk in it before, under the baby’s bassinet empty. I asked my husband if he had given it to her and he said no, but that he had knocked something down early in the morning when he got home and that must have been it. So, that means either I slept walked to the kitchen and back and fed the baby with no recollection of it, or we had an angel that decided to help out that night. First of all, can something like that happen? Could a family member that has passed away do something like that? I have never slept walked that I am aware of and I have never fed either of my children and not realized it. I feel like I am crazy and losing my mind and would love some clarity. Thank you so much.
Dear Megan
I am happy you reached out. I am passionate about helping people become more comfortable with spirit signs and unexpected messages from those who have passed. I’ve lost about 12 family members over the years and each of them show me their presence in varying ways, depending on their personality and my ability to recognize/interpret the message. From moving objects to temporarily disappearing objects in my home, playing with electricity, hearing their voice or a thought suddenly downloads in my mind, scents and need co-incidences (that never are!) and many more. This will help you: Interpet Spirit Signs
I want to ease your mind that you are not in any way going crazy. In my experience and those of my clients and my alive family members, this happens frequently to us. Our loved one who transitioned endeavoring to connect with us. Particularly at times of confusion or distress in life. My loved ones are often more active as we near the holiday season or a special anniversary or birthday. Megan, I can help if you’d like my expertise in an intuitive guidance session for clarity and belief alignment. Email me for an initial phone/skype chat at and we’ll take it from there.
Dear Colleen. My loved one passed away last week. I saw him in a field of blue flowers the day after he passed then a day or so later he was doing somersaults and gymnasium acrobatics (he was a fitness instructor) through the air laughing and completely joyous at his renewed health. He died a painful death from cancer. I have a large super king bed and last night at 4am the other side of my bed shook so violently I was frozen with fear. At the same time my body was being vibrated near the shaking with a buzzing feeling. I was petrified! It stopped and I was getting buzzing and tingling sensations washing over me as I asked if it was him. So I know it was because each time I asked it happened. It was too much too soon and I was shocked and scared. Now I feel guilty asking him not to do that again. I could sense him laughing (with me not at me). It was definitely him but I feel ungrateful telling him not to do that again after he’d made the effort to come through. I want him to return. I asked him to take it easy and not scare me that much. Have I scared him off?
Dear Jane
Thank you for sharing your heart-warming experience of your beloved who just transitioned last week. No matter how fresh it can be a deeply overwhelming time. My heart goes out. It’s normal to feel scared and overwhelmed your first few BIG visits like what you just had. My bestie, soul sister Diane transitioned March 7th and “just today” I had both an overwhelm of grief hit, and a sign she was with me. A candle jar rattled atop the metal lid beside our photo atop my fireplace – twice! I am grateful for ongoing presence of over a dozen beloveds the past 25 years and being able to support clients going through grief, and showing them how to tap into their intuitive brilliance and transform their lives through the power of spiritual signs.
My short answer is “he’s cool and understands.” He wanted to give you SHOCK value because he is a high frequency being! You can trust he’s hearing you… but doesn’t want to frighten you. He’s not far…there is much he wants to share. If you want my direct support let’s schedule a zoom consultation or whatsapp talk together. Tell me what you
Given moving objects is happening more and more, you will find value in my short blog Interpreting Spirit Signs and by subscribing to my YouTube channel where you’ll enjoy my video collection on the Spiritual Education Playlist: WATCH HERE
Blessings, Colleen
Megan, my YouTube videos on Spirit Signs and Connecting with Loved Ones who died may be of great support to you too:
My father passed on December 31st.
I ha e been helping my elderly mother with cleaning his room and donating my father’s clothing etc. which we donated to the Vietnam veterans. While near the closet – a specific cushion fell from the closet on two occasions. Before this, a similar cushion fell off another closet.
Today, I finished cleaning my father’s closet floor and while standing there the cushion fell and hangers swayed back n forth. Although, the cushion was at a lower shelf than the higher shelf with empty hangers (empty hangers swayed back n forth) and it was not caused by the cushion as the cushion was on a lower shelf. My instinct is that it is my father is with me . Is there a particular explanation for the object – it is not a small object after all- his funeral svc and burial was yesterday
Wondering if there is a specific message for a cushion if any sort?
You have my heart. Much love to you and your Mother as you go through the after stages of your father’s transition.
I absolutely LOVE these stories. They occur in my life and my clients, all the time. Yes, this is clearly your father connecting with you. Because you are ‘ASKING ME’ if this is your father, this is WHY you can be assured it is. Trust your intuition and feelings Marisa, you will always tell yourself the truth.
As far as Interpreting the Meaning of the cushion, our loved ones will a) repeat object movement until we become believers and b) often times communicate their presence with a sign you will feel its connected to their personality or who they are, or a meaning for yourself.
I hear your dad saying “Take a load off !” You ‘ve worked so hard to support your Mother and much to coordinate for the service. Did you also support him before his transition? You work hard and he’s showing you he’s learning to “relax” now and encourages you to. That’s one message I hear clearly.
Reach out to me with an email to: if you’d like to set-up a time to help you further. I offer a FREE intro Discovery call to see if we are a match to what you most desire to get clarity in. For stories on video, visit my YouTube Spiritual Stories page: WATCH HERE
Hello Colleen, I found your blog this morning after 3 AM as I can’t sleep normally like I did before my mom passed away last June 9, 2016. I’ve been having a difficult time losing my mom. We lived together for almost 14 years and the last 2 years before she passed, I became her full time caregiver. We used to do everything together and she was my BFF and partner in crime. I’ve been seeing a private bereavement counselor for about 4 months.
That being said, about 2 weeks ago I heard as clear as day, my mom’s recliner recline. It was her favorite place to sit plus it was a gift from me. I was asleep and had gotten up prior to use the bathroom and looked at the time and it was 3:10 AM. So I had got back into bed and heard the recliner and quickly looked at the time and it was 3:15 AM on the dot. This happened on a Monday and continued for 3 nights in a row between 3 to 3:15 AM. I’m a light sleeper and my bedroom is pretty far from the living room where the recliner is located.
On Thursday early morning my friend invited me to play an early morning session of bingo. So I went and afterwards had lunch together and I brought this up. She said after het mom passed over 15 years ago, her dad kept hearing footsteps and he knew it was his wife’s spirit.
Anyway, she suggested to buy a flame less candle and also to sleep on the couch near her recliner and so I did.
Just like clock work, at 3:15 AM, the recliner made the same noise as if it was moving. I got up and sat down in her recliner and reached out my arms and started a chat with her out loud. Telling het I missed her terribly and how much I love her and also to let her know I’m hanging in there. Told her thank you so much for leaving her condo for me to live in and just chatted. I talked to her for 15 minutes and went back to sleep on the couch and slept for 5 hours which is rare for me since she died.
Colleen, my question to you is can my mom’s spirit actually move the recliner back enough to make a noise? Thank you and blessings always!
Blessings my dear and sending you so much love & warmth in your heart! I am “vibrating” and feel good reading your message. You and your Mom are so connected and she is pouring her love all over you right now! She is there to offer guidance and her support. By your Mom repeatedly rocking/moving her reclining chair is her powerful way to say “See Me, I’m still here Honey. Haven’t gone anywhere!” Us humans are a little slow (ha ha) to catch on sometimes so the repeat is appropriately divine until we are like “Ah, I get it… I am believing”.
These kind of happenings been occurring in my life for about 20 years now. Particularly since my Dad Gerry and cousin Rob passed within months of each other 19-20 years ago.
So to answer your question, in my humble experience and medium style work, the answer is a loud resounding “Yes.”
To better understand the many ways Spirits may connect with us, here are a few ways they have communicated their presence to me, read my Blog:
Enjoy watching my YouTube video on how cousin Rob demonstrates his presence (repeatedly) often through electricity. Turning the clock radio louder and louder, then changing stations. You may also view more Spirit Signs video on right margin:
Life After Death, Electricity Signs From Loved Ones
Theresa, I offer a complimentary 20 minute Discovery Call if you want more guidance and understanding. I offer a beautiful blend of modalities in my Reset Your Vibe Coaching … to help people feel connected and peaceful again. Including drawing from Spiritual Guidance & Spirit Communication, Grief/loss counsel, Transformational Healing for Magnifying Your Relationship & Success Dreams, plus Health & Anti-aging solutions !!
If you are interested in getting on a Discovery call with me, please email me to schedule. Let me know if you’d like my help, Blessings Colleen
I’m having weird things happen to me and scared how doe it go away
What kind of weird things are happening to you? Can you elaborate please. If these “weird happenings” are related to moving or falling objects, disappearing objects, sounds and sensations and voices, electricity things like lights turning on and off as you enter a room or drive by a lampost on the street, or finding objects over and over again like seeing “dimes” – you could be receiving visits from a loved one who died. Let us know more to see if I can help you. Write me at: and check out these links as they may be able to shed some light for you.
Videos on my YouTube channel: Spiritual Education
Read my Blog: Interpreting Spirit SignsInterpret Spirit Signs
Breath and know you are ok. Blessing, Colleen 🙂
My mother-in-law passed away a few months ago. We recently moved her old China hutch into our dining room. This morning we returned home from having breakfast and found the bottom two drawers pulled open exactly the same. We were just talking last night about how it still does not feel real that she is gone. Do you think this is a sign?
Dear Amanda, without question, YES I do! First because my intuitive feels it. Yet what is pretty cool is your mother-in-law got your attention with the TWO DRAWERS. If one drawer was out you likely would have questioned and wondered “hhmm, did I or someone leave the drawer out” but the fact there were TWO side by side at exactly the same is like a double strength latte.. now you can really feel its not your doing. Trust your intuition and your gut instinct. If it “feels” like your mother-in-law, know that it is. Over the past 21-22 years since my father Gerry and cousin Rob passed over, I’ve experienced countless occurrences of moving objects, electrical happenings, powerful dreams and sensations, movements on my bed with their presence, and many more. Take a moment to visit a few blogs on Spirit Signs and my YouTube channel I’ve posted a few spirit signs videos: Spiritual Guidance YouTube Videos
The other day, my daughter and I were watching our tropical fish talking, it was quite a nice moment, when all of a sudden several small stones skipped across the floor. My daughter actually explained it rather well she said, “the stones walked” and further explained it in that perfect innocent way children do, as “like a radio controlled car” When it happened my daughter and I both turned around, it was very pronounced and stark. It sounded as though the stones were being dragged, getting faster and louder.
It was strange also to note, that there were several stones at least 4, it sounded like.
Now since this has happened I have reflected on what and why this occurred. My wife and I are going through a difficult time, and I have since thought that the nice moment my daughter were having, triggered this weird event. I have a strong feeling some relative, my grandparents, are looking over us, happy when things are nice. I don’t know. There must be a reason but I am at a loss what it is.
Stephen, this is a beautiful story and treasured moment between you and your daughter. I love her innocence and authentic acceptance of what’s happening! She’s precious. This is the stuff the makes life worthwhile and the unsettling challenges less so. The stories coming into me globally are quite amazing. Blended with my own dance of ways my Spirit family have comically communicated their presence to me the past 21 years, my heart is filled and so strong in knowing the AfterLife is a very busy place! (BIG Smile) My dad has been moving stones and objects on my bedside table for the past 20+ years. I encourage you to TRUST your intuition, your first “hit” shall we say. Grandparents or grandparent energy ~ absolutely! Wanting to remind you of the stepping stones of life, the ups and downs to all things beautiful. Not to “drag around the heaviness of your load” and certainly not give up but lighten up! Live in your courage and strength like stones, granite to withstand and “skipping through life” on a lighter note….dancing…! You have so much angelic support around the challenges with your wife and care from your loved ones in Spirit. I support my clients in interpeting the spiritual occurrences, transforming their life into more joy, I counsel in relationships/grief/career changes, and I’d be happy to connect with you further over a Discover Call/Skype. I’ll share some free guidance and I will share the benefits of working with me: Communicate with Your Loved Ones
Send me an email to schedule:
Hi Colleen-
My mom died April 13, 2016. In addition to many electrical communications (garage door opener; 2 TVs; cell phone; recessed lights; a ceiling light that has not worked for over a decade, we were standing under it talking about her and it went on and has now worked ever since…many many more). Then something I am not familiar with happened, my husband and I started finding glass marbles in our house and specifically around our parrot’s cage whom she adored but our parrot never took to her. We found a total of 8. They are glass, round and somewhat different sizes. Someone told us to hide them so she does not take them back (lol). Then, this past Monday in my very neatly organized bracelet drawer, a silver charm bracelet was there just laying over all my other bracelets which are all in individual bags. I have nor my sister has ever seen this bracelet (it is not very attractive and some of the charms you cannot even make out what they are). It is coming up on a year. She was my best friend, great sense of humor and I sense her all the time. She believed in spirits and communicating with the deceased (her doorbell used to always ring!).I have heard of the electrical, finding pennies or feathers but never marbles or objects like a strange bracelet – is there a connection? By the way, I found the bracelet Monday morning while getting ready for work and I have worn the ugly thing everyday since thinking it is a sign of some sort – I swear I heard her giggle this afternoon while I was sitting in a restaurant waiting for a client trying to cover it up with the sleeve of my blouse (lol)
Dear Lisa, I am deeply touched by your message. I receive many comments, emails, online reaching out and my clients and absolutely love your Mom’s humor. She’s a riot and your relationship is beautiful. Your Mom is inviting you to “stretch” above the usual Spirit Signs and expand your mind even more… like she has had to do. A couple things. Your parrot loves your Mom now! In terms of ways for our loved ones to communicate, read my blog with a list of some ways: Interpreting Spirit Signs. Every week I’m receiving messages form people around the world telling of their “objects” disappearing and many of them reappearing. Like the marbles and charm bracelet. This is happening globally Lisa! My Mom had her wrist watch disappear for 2 months and reappear suddenly in the kitchen sink sitting on the stainless steel drain board !!! Part 2 of a YouTube video we did back then: Reappearance of Disappearing Objects
The bracelet feels old, a blood line attached to it perhaps. As it was special to your Mom like it was hers or a relative of hers… if you’d like to go further with your exploration, I offer a Discovery Call/Skype for an initial connect with me and to schedule an intuitive guidance session. I’ll help you understand more and open yourself to new ways for Spirits to communicate with you! Blessings to you and please message me at:
Two weeks ago I woke up to a voice calling my name. A strange voice.
Today I woke up to a voice saying “so, Chery”
Trying to figure what the message is.
Dear Cheryl, thanks for visiting our site and sharing your experience. Our intuition is opening up quickly for everyone particularly empathic, highly sensitive souls. This is wonderful. I can help you understand this and so much more. I see you have a 2nd comment about the growth and happenings in your life. I’d love to connect over a free initial 15-20 minute consultation I offer clients then we can choose a path for you. I invite you to book a consultation call at: or if you cannot find a time contact me and write me here:
Until we connect, visit my blog page and enjoy some spiritual signs & intuition videos to help you:
I woke this morning to my basket full of plastic easter eggs being half empty… 4 bunny ones were carefully placed together with 5 others on the table around them. a single yellow egg was on the ground split in 2 on either side of my table. 10 eggs remained in the basket and i finally located the last egg (which contained some candy and shouldnt have) under my couch which was hard to get to as the coffee table was left close to the couch last night. this all happened in the 3 hours i was sleeping… the cats werent able to get to that room and the dogs were sleeping in my room with me. any ideas? i am a little creeped out but amused at the same time.
Dear Jennifer, It’s beautiful how our Spirit family and friends grab our attention and do it so “playfully”. Stay in the amusement Jennifer. Nothing to fear although can strange when this happens. I have been witnessing these types of occurrences in varying degrees for the past 20 years since my father and cousin Rob first died. My clients and people who are opening more and more to the spirit realm of possibilities are recognizing the moving, disappearing and reappearing objects more and more around the world. Often its our loved ones passed aiming to get our attention and support us or confirm we are on track or …. there are endless reasons specific to your life Jennifer. My Mom recently had something on her dresser suddenly appear under the bed and a very wild experience of her wrist watch go missing and reappear in 2 months. Watch her expression of the reappearance of the watch in the video on my YouTube channel: Mom’s daughter, my sister Corrine, is HUGELY active in objects movement because all 3 of us ladies are quite organized and have a place for things. Hence we’ll recognize moving objects while a messy person may not. I have some ideas… yes… more suitable to a phone or skype call. Schedule a FREE Discovery call to learn about my intuitive coaching and I’ll offer some guidance for you during our time. Send me an email request!
Hi Jill, my mother recently passed and yesterday I noticed that things have been slipping from my hands and things breaking or falling. I would like to know what this could mean, I know it’s my mother trying to tell me something but I don’t know how to interpret what it is she’s trying to tell me. Yesterday as I brushed my teeth before going to bed a decorative framed that was on to of the bathroom counter moved forward as I closed a drawer a flower vase close to it prevented it from falling flat. Then as walked through the kitchen and passed by a stool I moved the newspaper from the stool to the kitchen table and as soon as I turned the stool broke in half. I fixed moved it aside and carried on. I then noticed some one left the sodas out of the refrigerator and when I opened the refrigerator to put them in, the refrigerator door the shelf fell out. As I was putting things away they would slip out of my hands. May you help me interpret what my mother is trying to tell me.
I meant to say Dear Colleen.
Dear Gracie, First thing I’m sad for your loss. It’s not easy losing a loved one, especially a parent. My dad transitioned in 1995 and it was an over-the-top emotional rough ride at first. You are spot on. This is indeed your mother communicating. There are many messages from her coiled together your Mom wants to unveil to you through these occurrences. I can help, but more appropriately in a Discovery Call together. Your Mom is showing you how she felt inside, in her body, in her emotions before she died. She was in much emotion turmoil that was suppressed for years (the deeper aspects) and this breaking, falling, slipping away is how her soul felt. As does yours at times.
My own Mom (physically with us) had a wild experience of her wrist watch going missing and reappearing in 2 months. It was her daughter (my sister) communicating. Watch her expression of the reappearance of the watch on the video: Reappearance of Disappearing watch
I can help you gain perspective and greater wisdom to interpret Spirit messages. Please write me at Contact Me or email: and let’s schedule a Discovery Call together.
My boyfriends mom passed away in November last year. Since then he’s had some strange things happen. End of march this year he was getting ready to move in with me. He had his wallet on the end of his bed. I saw it there a few hours earlier. He texted me later asking if I’d moved it. I hadn’t. It just disappeared. There wasn’t much left in his house and he searched everywhere. Emptied boxes and nothing. We still haven’t found it. At work he was talking about his mom and the microwave turned on by itself. Then yesterday he got a new phone case, put it on the table but when he went back for it, it was gone. We searched everywhere. Even went through the garbage. Then he looked for some paper work in a drawer and it was gone. I had seen the paper work there a few days before. Then before bed he turned out the lamp in our spare bedroom but when he came out of the bathroom it was on and our cat was sitting there staring at it.
Could this be his Mom? Could she be taking his stuff? This has never happened to him before. Or is it something to do with me? It seems to have started after he staring packing to move in with me and after he moved in. I have been told I’m very intuitive and have had experiences of my own in the past. Not missing objects but spirit experiences.
I feel like it’s his mom but I’ve been told I have many people around me protecting and guiding me.
Dear Amy, well it certainly appears you have graduated from “purely” spiritual experiences and now becoming ready for Moving, Disappearing & Reappearing Objects course 101. My #1 guidance is to Trust your feeling. This is indeed your boyfriend’s Mom connecting with you both. She’s very active in creating contact and sharing herself through messages. She’s getting your attention in a bigger way because she knows you are “tapped in,” hence reaching out to me. Yes, we have many Spirits guiding & supporting us (some have transitioned from the physical, others long time in Spirit form).
I offer first time clients a Free Discovery Call to learn what I offer to help my clients understand what’s happening, who that transitions may be involved, what’s the meaning, and grow your ability to sense things more… without fear creeping in. I’ll give you some free insights in a short 15-20 minutes then we can discuss if working together more is a match for you. Until we connect, my YouTube page has terrific video of my Mom feeling surprised at the reappearance of her wrist watch after 2 months disappeared: Disappearance of Objects ~ Enjoy, and email me for your Discovery call.
Hi Colleen, Whilst sleeping the other night I was awoken with something hitting the back of my head. I woke up and to my surprise it was a bouquet of flowers that had been on a shelve at the other side of the room. No windows were open and there was nobody else awake in my house. Can you tell me what this could be a sign of please? This has shaken me up. Nobody has died recently in the family but my gran has been in hospital and actually got out on Monday. This happened on Monday evening going into Tuesday morning. Any advice you could give on this would be appreciated
Liam we so appreciate your share. All my visitors to this page value other people’s experiences like yours so they feel they are not alone. Trust your FIRST instinct Liam, always. When you say nobody has recently died recently, its not always about a recent passing. There are past family members overlooking you and your gran in hospital, her Spirit which is always alive, whether we are in our physical or spiritual form, can communicate with you. These is a little insight shared for you and I’d be happy to speak further on meanings and how you can best interpret signs over a Discovery call with me, and more through a professional paid consult. Please message me at with subject Book a Discovery Call, then provide your city, time zone and best contact number. We will phone, skype or zoom. To read more on Interpreting Spirit Signs read my blog CLICK HERE
Hi Colleen: The other night I was in my upstairs bathroom where I have a linen closet. In the closet I keep a bag of cat food. As I was standing there, all of a sudden the bag started to move. This is not the first time that something has moved in my home, but this is the first time I actually saw it moving. About 11 years ago, I lost my soulmate to cancer. Could it have been him trying to tell me something? He used to own cats and I thought that maybe this was his way of communicating with me? I was not scared and was almost comforted by this occurrence if it was indeed him. Thank you.
Blessings Hillary, that is a FIRST for you. Always sacred when we have a new, or ‘first’ experience of actually seeing an object move. More and more I’m receiving messages from people around the world about them also seeing. Absolutely, I sense it could be him. How you can know is by trusting the “first” instinct you have that downloads into your awareness through your mind/thoughts, or a sensation that reminds of a loved oned passed, the moving object has a meaning to the loved one past (which cats was a HUGE passion for your soulmate, loved animals, especially cats!). This is exactly how it works. So simple, so easy. I help teach my clients deeper ways to connect and recognize signs from loved ones. Have you read my short blog: Interpret Spirit Signs
If you’d like a private consult with me, phone or skype, write me at:
Beautiful share, Colleen xo
Hi Colleen, good day to you.
I was sat down one night recently reading reading paranormal stories on my computer all while thinking suicidal, while i was doing this i noticed something, it made enough noise to make me turn and look at it. Basically it was a piece of cutlery on top of my dinner dish i had used earlier, the knife suddenly moved on its own, the knife just flipped over. The fact this happened while I was reading “paranormal” topics especially while i was feeling suicidal made me really think. I have had weird things happen in my house before but not cutlery.
Some part of my intuition is saying “someone wanted to get your attention” that evening to bring peace to me or something and to tell me not to give up despite the pain.
At first I put this down to the heating system being on and the metal contracting and expanding and thus moving, with it being a cold day and the house heating up this is the only thing i could come up with, i am not trying to explain this away but really gain clarity on whether a piece of cutlery would move on its own just because the heating is switched on in the house after a cold day aha. I would love to hear your thoughts on this 🙂 Peace
Dear Jay! You are meant to BE HERE my friend! I appreciate you greatly for reaching out, sharing a deeply personal story at a stage of vulnerability that was “so close….” to moving from your physical to spiritual body… if you did take your life. BUT, you didn’t. Let me tell you, this is EXACTLY the kind of powerfu, loving encouragement to ‘Keep Going On’ that our loved ones in Spirit consistently support us in. Like you, I did the EXACT same in the beginning. So many moving objects, electricity occurrences (music stations, volumes up and down, lamp posts and lights on & off and flickering) and more that each time I ran through all the logical reasons how these moving objects shifted. If you would believe, one day my family arrived for the afternoon and after discussing an event of an object that moved in my bedroom, my auntie suggested that perhaps the house/condo was slanted and the item slid /tipped…. we smiled. She couldn’t comprehend.
Yes Jay, that is also my take. Please don’t give up, you are on the “cusp” of turning. there is much pain to address & dissolve but highly possible. I’d be honored to share more of what i’m getting in a private phone consultation because the metal (cutlery movement, your sense to explain it away as metal contracting/expanding… there is meaning in in the metal and emotion). We could cover a lot of ground together. I’ve helped many of my clients move from suicidal tendencies and attempts – walking in front of vehicles, cutting and more – and you don’t have to go this way.
One thing you must know, from the loss of many loved ones I’ve had, including my two cousins taking their life and my sister died of alcoholism, that you TAKE YOURSELF when you transition. Don’t think you can escape the pain. You go with much of it….
Message me and we’ll set-up a consultation for you Jay, it’s time:
PS. Visit here: Transforming Grief & Sense of Self Loss
Hi Colleen, I had something very different happen to me exactly nine days ago. We have an upright piano and old fashioned electric metronome sitting on top. Exactly nine days ago the metronome went off at around 3:30 AM. It woke me out of bed and i turned it off. I was immediately hit with a sense of loss. That’s because, this is the first time this has happened to me and the first thing that came to mind was that someone I love had passed. A few days went by and no bad news came my way so I let it go. Today I spoke to my Mom and told me that a dear friend had passed exactly nine days ago. I had not seen my friend in over twenty years. She passed exactly nine days ago. Nine days ago was exactly when the metronome went off in the middle of the night. I feel privileged that an old childhood friend who I have not seen in more than twenty years said goodbye to me. I feel so undeserving… Any advice.
Dear Frank, my First instinct of advice is to invite you to CELEBRATE ! Celebrate your magnificent awakening to a new awareness of spirit communication, celebrate the exposure of the thin veil between souls alive on the earth plane and souls who are living in spirit (who shed their skin, sorta speaking) and most of all CELEBRATE you and your Mom’s dear friend who reached out to you during her transition. I feel she did so for many reasons, which some will be revealed to you in due time. She said good-bye to life as she remembers it, in her human form, but we don’t go. More will be shown to you so my first advice is to relax in the strangeness of this all, be curious and choose to be open. I feel she has something more to communicate with you. My dad died, or rather transitioned, because he is not dead in the traditional sense. He passed 22 years ago and my cousin ‘like a brother’ Rob 21 years ago. Both show me their presence through magical ways often. There are numerous ways we communicate with loved ones in spirit. Check out my blog for just a few: Interpreting Spirit Signs and my youtube page:
Spirit Signs Videos. Then for more advice book a Discovery Call with me: ~ many blessings!
My daughter went on vacation. She had bought a new bag. When she arrived at her hotel she did not open the bag till the next day. She had other stuff in her carrying on. Well when she opened her bag laying on top of her clothes was a St. Christopher medallion that’s in a key shape. It’s rather old. Story is her grandmother gave it to her when she was 12. Grandma passed away 7 years ago. My daughter is now 28. She had not seen the medallion in a few years. Mind you she said she pulled her clothes out of a new dresser and of course does not wear the same clothes. I told her her grandma is watching over her. She was quite freaked out about it. What is your take?
Yes, your daughter’s Grandma is overlooking your daughter and available to guide and extend her support. If you look up the deeper meaning of St. Christopher’s beautiful medallion you’ll discover Saint Christopher was known for his travels which is like grandma’s way to say she is offering loving protection during the vacation travels. Also a correlation to your daughter carrying the ‘weight of the world’ on her back. Perhaps bring this message to her and she’ll understand. For myself and my clients, it’s the “repeated” moving objects and spirit signs that happen again and again, when a person eventually begins to believe for themselves. Its natural for her to be freaked out at first. Do check out my blog Interpret Spirit Signs as this will help.
Hello, my name is yaz, I’m 19 years old and I’ve recently had a few questions pop up, as I’ve recently had things happen. I lost my mom when I was a sophomore in high school, before then in 2009 I lost my uncle who I was very close to. And a year after my mom passed my grandpa passed. We weren’t that close but he still was a grandfather figure for me and I wish I could’ve got the chance to know him better. But that’s besides the point. I only say that cause I don’t think he would move objects trying to reach out to me. You never know but I’m not so sure about that. I started having things move out of place really when my mom passed, I’d see doors slowly shut in front of my eyes, while I rather got this warm chill throughout my whole body. I’ve always been freaked out by paranormal activity, just cause you never know what’s contacting you. Good or bad. I fear negativity of that side. Although I haven’t had anything negative happen to me, the thought of objects moving when nobody apparent has physically moved it, freaks me out. I understand who it is, usually things happen when I talk to someone who’s passed. Recently as of an hour or so ago, I was walking to the shades to get my cousins hamper away from the window, it had pushed them open and made out house visible to the outside, I went to move her away. An air freshener spray can was on the tv that I walked past, and when I got really close to the spray can. It fell down in front of me. Close enough to where I could feel it slightly against my toe. Usually when things move I’m alone. But this time my aunt was there and she saw the whole thing. She told me to pick it up and put it back, but I never touch what falls over because (like my fear, caused by watching too many scary movies) I fear if I pick it up, it will just get knocked over again. Should I put these things back? Should I leave it be? This was the first time something has ever fallen over directly in front of me, so suddenly, as I was walking by.
Thanks for reaching out with your experiences Yaz. You lost so many at a young age. In sharing your fears of the paranormal you are meeting you fears. In my over 20+ years of experience of signs (moving objects, electricity, unless ways our loved ones show their presence to us) I have always been safe and you are too. You are meeting your fears as this is new territory unfolding with moving objects happening before your eyes. I’m receiving so many incredible stories from others’ lately. If you are wondering “which loved one” is moving objects, tune in to your gut instinct, your heart’s knowing. It’s like a computer download, an “Ah Ha!” As to when to move it back, do that when you want to. I often leave the object in the “new postion” for awhile. For example, my sister Corrine has an anniversary of her passing coming up on January 14th and TODAY she unhooked one of my shower curtain hooks (I had not moved the curtain). If you’d like a professional consult to help you emotionally dissolve the fear, please email me. I’m a wellness coach and spiritual counsellor here to help. You may want to subscribe to my YouTube and watch these videos: Spiritual Signs Education
Hi Colleen, l just found you after googling “moving of objects when someone passes” Just this morning my sister rang and told me that our 80 year old father had passed. l am here in Sydney Australia with my 2 sons (18 and 15) on holidays while my older son plays in the Australian Chess championships. The reason l am emailing you is that last night thursday the 11th l could not find the olive oil bottle to cook dinner. We are staying in a lovely small unit and l am very organised and knew exactly where l had put the Olive oil and it was not there. l searched the kitchen over and thought that maybe my sons were playing a joke on me but they assured me that they had not touched it. l kept looking everywhere because l could not believe that it could disappear into thin air like that. Well l found it in the bathroom, on the floor up against the bathtub and covered by the bath towel that was hanging up above it. My sons promised me that they had not touched it. My conclusion was that someone had come in and done that while we were not there, but my younger son had not left the Unit, and had been sleeping. Nothing else had been taken or moved and it did not make sense as to why touch and only move the olive oil. l got worried not knowing who had been able to get into the unit especially while my son was there, so l rang the person of the unit and told him what had happened and asked who else had a key. He told me that only the landlord and real-estate agent had a key but why would they do that? It did not make sense. My father had been ill with Prostate Cancer and getting worse after he had a seizure in Hospital that caused blood on the brain 5 days earlier. My sisters rang me on the Wednesday night from Hospital saying that he was on Morphin could not see, talk, eat, walk and was very restless. The Doctors could not say how long he had. My Sister suggested l talk to him over the phone and she would hold his hand as though it was me there talking to him, because she thought that maybe he was holding on until we got back to Melbourne. l told my father that l loved him and not to hold on because he was going to a lovely place and that he would always be around but just in a different way. l told him not to be scared (because l knew that he was afraid of dying) and that the place he was going to was beautiful and that he would not be in pain and that we would never forget him and l knew he would still be close to us, so not to hold on and that it was ok to go and that we loved him. My sister said that he settled after that and for the first time was peacefully sleeping. She was exhausted, so because he was sleeping and not in any pain went home and got a phone call from the hospital a hour later saying that he had passed on. l had made a salad after l spoke to him on the phone and l always only ever use Pure Virgin Olive Oil for everything and my father also swore by Olive oil. My question is that the 1Lt nearly full bottle is very heavy yet alone taking it to another room, and its different to just knocking something over, Is it possible that my father did that to show me that he was ok, and was also once again strong which had been very important to him ? l knew where he was going because l have experienced it and know that he is there and l am so grateful to my sister for having the idea of speaking to him on the phone.
I am deeply touched by your story Helena. It brought tears to my eyes. Your experience reminded me of not only my clients’ stories, but incredibly similar to the experience and feelings I had when my own Dad transitioned more than 20 years ago. I’m reading your message in full when it’s the anniversary of my sister Corrine’s passing 12 years ago TODAY. Corrine has played tricks galore on me and our Mom. Brought so much laughter to us. I understand the “uncertainty” and the efforts we go to at figuring out “how did the olive oil bottle get moved.” I’ve been through this countless times, as have the clients. I’ve worked with to help them interpret spirit signs and take these messages into life coaching and healing to thrive in their own life, relationships and health. You made a tremendous impact talking with him, easing his fear of transition, helping him let go of his physical body and his physical interaction of his family. Yes, you father played an energetic role in moving the bottle. This is very clear because it was a mutual love you shared for pure virgin olive oil which in turn symbolizes the love he has for you, and you for him!! That how our spirit loved ones capture our attention. Moving objects we will notice, that mean something to us, that may represent their personality or likes, and many more symbolic reasons so we KNOW in our hearts which loved one passed over is showing up. Have a peek at my blog: Interpret Spirit Signs for more ways of communicating. Write me personally if I can be of service to you, many blessings Colleen xo
Hello, I lost my husband unexpectedly 4 months ago and have been having a really hard time. I have witnessed a few weird things throughout my life but have always been a skeptic by nature, but this has shaken me, spiritually especially, and I have never felt such a need to figure out what happens after. And to make sure he’s okay. I have had a few occurrences- certain songs coming on, random volume changes, and lights flickering, that make me think it could be him trying to communicate. I’m just not sure if he’s there for sure. I’m trying to hard to be open and aware, and I’ve been asking for signs. What else can I do? Is it maybe too soon?
My heartfelt blessings to you Karen for the sudden loss of your husband. This is very painful. This is indeed your husband. He’s more than ok, he’s good and letting you know. It began like this for me too, I was absolutely unfamiliar with communication from loved ones in spirit. How we truly know is because you have been ASKING for signs from your husband and he’s DELIVERING….
Your husband reminds me of my cousin Rob who was a high energy kinda person, and he especially loves communicating since his transition over 20 years, primarily through ELECTRCITIY. A reflection of personality being expressed through street lights flicker, memorable songs, objects moving.
Have you seen my video blog? Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones or this story of my father: Spirit Communication: Moving Objects
Karen, if you want to schedule a consult together, I can help you get answers/insights that will move you forward in your life, in all areas.
Our family has had many visits from our deceased loved ones. They come around with distinctive scents, tv turning off or changing channels randomly, the sound of windchimes, songs, etc. My father in law’s birthday was on St. Patrick’s day and the next day, a green happy birthday balloon mysteriously appeared in our garage. Now my toddler son’s juice cups disappear into thin air and reappear in places he doesn’t go or where we looked high and low. He’s picked up mannerisms that deceased relatives had. Our teenager had experiences with “people” in the middle of the night that have sent him to our room and he has said some things that sound insanely like people he would’ve been too young to remember. So many things that we know who it is! I don’t necessarily want it all to stop, but I’d like it to be less scary for our kids and, occasionally, less startling for my husband and myself, and to ensure that we don’t somehow become magnets for something less than friendly.
My heartfelt blessings to you Marla the loss of many loved ones. In terms of the initial loss, I know the heart’s pain well. Thank you for sharing the many ways your spirit family has been showing themselves to you. The smells, sounds, moving objects and taking on personality traits are so common and clear signals that bring joy to my heart. At first, however, some people feel a bit (or a lot) unsettled about this “communication” activity. I invite you to “have repeated conversations with yourself” that interactions are friendly, natural, and only to the degree you ask. Being you are some unsettled demonstrates you know Spirit Communication is real, but you don’t yet full believe it at the cellular level. There is nothing to fear, only that which you create in your mindful thoughts. My video blog will help: Life After Death: Moving Objects
Remember the Law of Attraction. If you choose fear, that’s what you get. If you choose Love, that’s what comes back to you. It’s like this always in whatever we do or think. In my 20 plus years experienced I can attest to the normalcy of this, and a learning ground for you to grow and strengthen inside. Spirits always get our attention in ways that give us what we need. I offer professional guidance much more than only helping her clients understand about the afterlife and spirit communication, I am a transformational coach, holistic healer & massage therapist, and show people ways to prolong a quality life through quality health supplements.
On April 25th,2015 my sister was killed by a earthquake and a subsequent avalanche.
We were very close.
Her house has been sold,and I was headed there for a final time to retrieve the last of some of her personal items.
I opened a drawer at my house to get my car keys as I have done thousands of times 0ver the last 30 years.
On this very stable table rests a miniature grandfather clock.It was a couple inches from the edge,in no risk of falling.
As I opened the drawer the clock literally jumped off the table onto the kitchen floor.
It is absolutely impossible that it just fell.
Any ideas?
That must have been (and may still be) devastating to you. Never easy to lose someone so close to us, especially so suddenly. I adore this story, thanks so much for sharing Randy. My heartfelt blessings to you. I’ve lost a significant number of loved ones over the years who began over time communicating with me through signs. Yes, I have an idea. My sense is the mini-grandfather clock “jumping” off the table is your sister’s personal way of grabbing your attention to communicate with you to give you some comfort. I know this too because you landed here today. I had another visit from my cousin Rob with my wall clock “jumping” off the wall while I stood there. Your sister’s personality feels electric and full of movement, hence the way she transitioned (died). The clock represents electricity and falling is like the avalanche. Watch my video describing this here: Moving Objects and Spirit Signs of Loved Ones Who Died
Also reading my blog or watching the video may help: Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones
Hi, please can you help. I have just lost my mother on 24/03/2018 not even three weeks ago. I’m really struggling coming to terms with this as our relationship was not the greatest these last few years. I am heartbroken that I missed her passing by 3 minutes and never go to tell her everything I wanted to say until she had passed. She gave me her engagement ring a few years ago and I have always kept it in the same place with other valuables. I went to get it to wear the day of her funeral and it was missing. I’m totally devastated and have searched the house from top to bottom but cannot find it. My sister thinks she may have removed it, is that possible. I’m desperate to get it back.
Thank you.
My heartfelt blessings to you Julie with the very recent loss of your mother, especially with the rocky relationship you experienced. I feel you and have been there myself so many times. I hope what I say provides you some comfort. I absolutely agree with your sister and feel your mother showing her spiritual presence to you through her “playful” borrowing of the engagement ring. To get your attention, which this most certainly has. Please breath and know it is around, but may not appear right away to you. Allow this time to become curious about connecting with you mother and placing more attention on the “love” she is feeling for you now versus the disconnect you felt when she was alive. My very first video on Spirit Signs was inspired by the Disappearing and Reappearing of my own Mother’s watch. This was and is my sister’s humor. As my older smart phone at the time wasn’t so smart, I had to film the video in two parts.
Part 1: Disappearance of Objects
Part 2: Reappearance of Disappearing Objects
Also read my blog and watch this video, it may help provide you some comfort:
Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones – You may want to book a personalized consult by phone/skype. Blessings xo
I’ve always felt connected to another dimension or something. Being a computer engineer I am also in tormoil because of my logical mind. Many years ago when I felt scared and was alone and need comfort I feel tingling warning sensations all over my body. Several years ago I had a car accident in which I could have been killed I walked away without a scratch. As I crashed I felt I was wrapped in a blanket of love and safe. I seem to know when things happen. When I took my mother to church in hospital I felt it would be the last time. It was. When I said bye to my dad leaving his house I felt it would be the last time seeing him at the door waving bye to us –
It was. He passed 14 April 2018. When I heard his voice on the phone I knew I wouldn’t hear him again – I didn’t. I didn’t make it back to the hospital for his final breath but he probably preferred that being a private noble man. Now the tingles are intense. I feel them every few hours. Sometimes like my whole body is vibrating. I have no medical problems and blood pressure is fine etc. As I said I always feel a connection to spiritual world but my logical brain debates it with me. Can anyone relate to what I am saying and assure me I’m not going mad. If I got a definite sign from my dad I’d be at ease. Know there is a spiritual world and he is still with me. Look forward to any comments.
Chris, I really appreciate your share and opening up to seek understanding about this “vibration” you are experiencing and sharing all the ways you have known what was going to happen without knowing how. I may be able to help. This is my website and blog you posted on.
I work with energies we “feel” in the body and help my clients not only expand their ability to sense FEELING/vibes but also for many to open to recognize signs from loved ones who have died. As well, I’m an educator on prevention with health & fitness supplements because what better way to enjoy our life than to actually ENJOY IT for years to come?
You are clearly very intuitive and tapped in Chris. As you stay in curiosity versus fear, more will be shown to you. If you are experiencing something, it’s true for you. no matter what you have been conditioned to. That’s how I see it and what’s happened to me. Your Dad may be showing himself to you but you’ve not yet recognized the signs yet, can be subtle. The veil of our connected worlds and energies are diminishing and more of us are opening to “things we cannot always see” but that we can sense and feel. Your whole energy body is expanding and the frequency you “resonate” or “vibrate” at is to. If you want assistance, schedule a consult CONTACT ME – these links may help you.
How to Raise and Reset your Vibration
I lost my sister August 7th , 2017 and it was very tragic accident and still hard to believe.. lately I have been experiencing objects completely disappear and cannot find them no where or are moved . I recently went to a medium and she validated a few things that only my sister would know and what I have been feeling and how badly I wanted to hear my sisters voice to talk to her on the phone like we always did every day morning , night etc .Also I had a very deep eye opening dream a woman’s voice told me I had a spirit call and to pick up the phone a spirits calling and i thought I was just dreaming but when I heard my sisters voice come through clearly she said a few words to me then faded out quickly like she had a time limit or something is what it felt like but I was so extremely happy that it happened and it was mind blowing tbh and made me smile just to hear her voice . Could this be real ??
Dear Leslie
I really appreciate your share and opening up to seek understanding about your “disappearing Objects” and the incredible Dream with your sister’s voice. I may be able to help. Yes indeed, I sense it’s your sister reaching out to you. How you know this is because 1) you are asking if its here? 2) you’ve invited signs and she’s moved an object(s) and 3. The Dream voice experience is icing on the cake! Breath that in !!
One of my first videos is my spontaneous filming of my Mother’s, over the moon about her missing wrist watch. It was gone for over 2 months and reappeared: Part 2 Reappearing Missing Watch and – email or call if you’d like a consult to better understand what’s happening and will continue to for you. Blessings, Colleen
Well I was mourning the death of a very young man that I didn’t know personally, but he lived in my town he was 20 years old when his life was tragically taken by a drunk drive this past April 6 2018, but my daughter knew him. I attended his viewing paid my respects. It was so tragic it shook many to the core. But shortly after this all happen I lit a white candle on Hus behalf in my home, and took candles to the site where the crash occurred. Many of his family and friends did and people that didn’t know him like myself as well. Well about a week later it was about 10:30 pm, and I was preparing for bed picking up stuff in my living room where I had been watching TV, and remember its trash night and had to run outside to move my trash can to the curb side. Following that I headed back upstairs and realize I missed something and took it down to the trash. Well my living room door I had left wide open so when I approached the doorway I sensed something and it stopped me in my tracks. I scanned my living room and notice my sage, lighter and feather all had been moved. The sage stick was in a shell I use to burn it in. That was placed to the other side of the table. It was in a circle all 3 items. To the right was the lighter, bottom was the sage stick and above that was my feather. In a circle. And I turned around and spotted a dime on my carpet that wasn’t there when I walked in. So I don’t know if it was my loved on or the young man acknowledging my heart felt sympathy for his passing?
Lena, I really appreciate your share and opening up to seek understanding about the lighter, sage and feather moved into the form of a circle and appearance of the dime. Love it! I believe this message is inspired from BOTH your past loved one and this very young gentleman who you are deeply impacted by. Have you lit the sage and cleansed your space and yourself yet? You are being invited to heal past grief and welcome new, prosperous ways of living (hence the dime). Dimes are money and in my experience (and that of many clients) a dime appearing is often an indicator of our loved ones passed saying hello and confirming their love for us. Who is doing which can be interpreted by yourself with some insightful direction.
This video of my sister Corrine may help: Moving Objects Video. Interview on The Dream Receiver Show: WATCH HERE
Our loved ones passed commonly capture our attention through moving objects, disappearing and reappearing objects, electricity of lights and channel frequencies, lucid dreams, sensations, scents, pictures, symbols and more. I offer Professional consults by phone/skype/zoom. Please reach out if you’d like more teaching on how to recognize and interpret signs and for transformational guidance in your life. Blessings xo
Oh wow! I knew it was my late husband, and the young man. I find it to be amazing how someone I didn’t know in life, and he is now deceased and acknowledge my prayers for him in death. It mad me happy to hear that from you. And yes I sage my house and myself as soon as I seen that but I do it on a daily basis. With sage and Palo Santo together. Thank you and I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Xo
Yes, its AMAZING the connection us souls share even when we haven’t met. One of my long time counseling/healing clients who was being deeply battling with her depression and alcoholism would get repeated visits from my sister Corrine who transitioned just over 12 years ago. My client was tapped into these energies and yet so excited when she’d call me up and she KNEW in her heart, without a doubt, my sister Corrine was died as a result of her depression, internal pain and alcoholism was involved in the recent object movement or other clear signal. I absolutely loved it. My Video NEVER GIVE UP HOPE ON YOUR DREAMS was inspired by both my client and sister. perhaps there is a gift for you too. I’m pleased my info helped. Let’s stay connected and reach out anytime you’d like a personal consultation. We could phone or skype/zoom. I love helping my clients transform their lives with spiritual understandings, life and career transitions, internal conflict and of course loss. Love to you xo
Thanks Colleen for validating what I knew. That the coin was left by my love one actually he was the father of my children and we knew each other for over half our lives, and the young man my 17 year knew who tragically died by a drunk driver. I thought I saw him too the evening of his viewing standing in the room next to my living room while I sat on my couch. But I just figure it was grief and I really didn’t see him but it sure looked like him. My daughters were like this as well where the can see those that past. But as they got older they blocked it especially my older daughter she could hear and see and just didn’t feel comfortable with that. But thanks again. I want to Skype but I don’t have access to that. So I’ll continue to stay in contact via email or blog
You are most welcome Lena! Messages can come in so many forms ~ from loved ones passed and those with us alive in their physical. My sense is “YES!” you saw a Vision of the Spirit of the 17 year old young man who sadly died by the drunk driver. Its time to trust yourself my dear. Children are often very open when young and this awareness is present. Then as they grow into adolesecence and become teenagers, some shut down. Mainly so they can face what they need to most. Your daughter’s awareness of the spiritual presence may well return and do so unexpectedly over the years. Yes please keep in contact. You don’t need to skype for a private consult. There is always old fashioned telephone and email or my blog as you say 🙂
Corrected spelling
Hello colleen my name is Nathan from Pontiac Illinois i have a question for you! A few weeks back in February my uncle passed away and i was wondering if balancing shoes is a sign!??!?!?!?!?!? i am very curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Nathan, thank for commenting and my heartfelt blessings to you regarding the passing (transition) of your uncle. Always some sadness for the loved ones here. Will you please elaborate what you mean by “balancing shoes”. Describe your experience more…balancing shoes on something that seems impossible to the human mind, moving shoes, runners or hikers or ? You can email me a photo at if that helps you explain more. In all the years I have learned there are UNLIMITED and endless ways our spirit family & friends communicate messages & signs to us. So many varying stories. Often times the sign, symbol, way the message comes through and so on will be unique to your relationship with your loved one passed or match their personality and so on. This is where YOU get to develop your trust factor, all-knowing, all senses inside of you. I help people learn how to recognize signs and interpret them via consults. My video may help you: Life After Death, Moving Objects
I have a unique story that I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts or comment on.
A few months back, my 3 year old son tragically drowned in my parents pond in the backyard. It was gated and still unknown what transpired FYI. I am still grieving and dealing with forgiveness.
A month after, My ex wife and I decided to visit a Buddhist monk (I am catholic) that is highly respected in the community and had strings pulled to have a reading done as he doesn’t offer his services for the public.
The whole month after his passing, I’ve sat in the yard, sometimes hours at a time sensing his presence and looking for signs. As it turns out, the monk believes that my sons spirit is still in our yard. He mentioned that there’s bad spirits of an older couple that won’t allow him inside. Which I believe because I’ve encountered them back in my teenage years.
When I arrived to the house and rushed to the back yard, I called for my son. I asked him To show me a sign that he’s here. I begged him. For the record, I’m not crazy but the fence that separated the pond from the backyard shook like an earthquake hit. It lasted 3 seconds and startled me as my hand was resting on it. Not a single leaf moved in formation with the fence and it could be in my head but I thought I heard a grunting sound like all the energy was being exhausted showing me this sign.
I immediately blessed the whole back yard with holy water and prayed for all spirits to find their way. We also had a service where our priest blessed our home as well a week after. But After that day, I haven’t felt him there. His presence is night and day from that incident.
I wanted to hear your thoughts on the event that occurred in regards of me asking for a sign and what transpired after. Most importantly your thoughts on his presence being completely gone and what does that mean and is he safe?
Thank you for reading.
This is devastating news, my heartfelt prayers and blessings to you and your family for your son’s transition. Never easy to lose a child and so young. I do love your unique story and thank you for posting on my website. I educate, share and comment based on my personal experiences and those of my clients and loved ones. You are not “crazy” and the fence that shook so strongly like an earthquake was indeed your son and his way of grabbing your attention to give you a clear sign he is nearby. You’ve felt him already but also doubted, so it’s very common for our loved ones to pull all their energies and give us a BAM, a bigger sign as we are in doubt. So please embrace this one with love and respect and know how much he is there for you and will continue to be.
In my experience of more than 12 loved ones passing (transitioning) the past 20+ years is that our soul is an immutable consciousness and never dies. They show themselves to me in so many ways. Sometimes quiet for a while, then boom very clearly present. Moving Objects is huge in our family as well as playing with electricity (lights, radio frequencies..). Choose no fear as you are being blessed. Check out my blog and watch the video: Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones and watch YouTube spiritual playlist: . Book a consult with me if you’d like more insight personalized to you. I work with everyone of all faiths and grief/loss counsel is a huge part of my services. many blessings xo
Hi Colleen I was looking for information on moving objects and found your site. Today I was at work alone and I went out for a couple of minutes after dropping my crystals on my desk, haphazardly. when I came back they were aligned in two rows of three, not in a particular order. I would not have made that myself since I always “play” with my crystals, turning them into my hand then dropping them. There’s nobody else at work and I can see from outside if someone is coming in. I was really stunned. I’m trying to raise my vibration and found your book online by the way, thanks.
Sandrine, thank you for sharing your amazing story with all of us. Love it! You are indeed Raising Your Vibration to now be recognizing the movements. Your crystals lined up in two rows of three. So meticulous wouldn’t you agree? Who in your life that has transitioned, was meticulous, structured and orderly? (This individual could also be in their physical body and alive today). I keep seeing the image of an army sergeant instructing the troops what to do.
I was stunned the first 50 times I noticed objects moved. Truly amazing, yet messages from our loved ones (and the Divine) reach us by way of energy frequencies. Over the past 20+ years, in my experience of more than 12 loved ones who transitioned (died), our soul is an immutable consciousness and never dies. They show themselves in many ways. Moving Objects is huge in our family because we are fairly organized in our lifestyle and thinking. Our Spirit family also loves playing with electricity like lights off and on, radio frequencies, music, dreams, synchronicity and so much more.
Check out my blog and watch the video: Life After Death, Signs from Loved Ones
My YouTube Spiritual playlist:
Hi there. I recently lost my ex fiancé, we were together for nearly 8 years and been apart for only about a year and a half. I rushed across state lines to be with “our” family and I was cleaning and organizing his things in his room. His brother (who I’ve watched grow up) and I were just hanging out in the room reminiscing and laughing, his brother standing in the doorway. We had just made ourselves a whiskey drink to honor our loss and I had no other place to set it down except for on a tiny little decorative table right outside the room, next to where his brother was standing the whole time. I kept coming and going to take a sip of my drink and one time, I went to take a sip and I immediately freaked out because there was a little decorative glass bottle sitting right on top of the ice of my drink. I showed it to his brother, who also freaked out. And we investigated where it came from. It was sitting on a decorative shelf with other little glass bottles that hadn’t budged. It had somehow carefully fallen into my drink without a splash or a noise, and it didn’t sink. It literally looked as if it was carefully placed directly in my drink without anyone noticing. We both concluded it had to be him, there was no other explanation. I have never experienced communication like that before but I knew in my gut, this was him. He knew I’d come back for him, he needed me to know he was with us. I’ve been researching ever since so I can stop second guessing myself, and then I came across this site. It’s been reassuring. Thank you.
Dear Jenn, my readers, clients and I very much appreciate you sharing your experience. Heartfelt wishes to you for the transition of your fiance. You shared a special bond indeed. Never surprised, yet always LOVE each and every story. Our Loved Ones are becoming more and more creative to “capture” our attention and break the barriers of frequencies that “appear” to separate us. We are not and they know it. We are believing to. Stay open to more signs. When a little decorative glass bottle is sitting right on top almost like Magic, clearly we know. Your fiance has joined in the Celebration Toast of You and his brother. Your fiance was one who didn’t want to be left out of the party!!! If you’d like to explore more, check out YouTube videos on Spirit Signs, click here: SPIRITUAL EDUCATION
I offer Spiritual consultations and education on how to Interpret Spirit Signs to enhance and uplevel your life in the areas of Health prevention, relationships, and business vision. Much love xo
Hiya we are currently losing my nan to cancer but when we come home the photos are all turned around, I’m not scared but I think it may be my grampy who died 4 Yeats ago what is he trying to tell us please x
HI Leeann, my readers and I are grateful for sharing the story of your Gramps moving the photos around. The same has happened to me for over 20 years, especially by my father who died 23 years ago this month (June). He loves to capture my attention. I too sense this is your Gramps letting you and your Nana know he is nearby and ready to greet her with open arms, while supporting the family. I don’t do intuitive readings on my blog, but please write me at: or through CONTACT ME if you’d like to schedule a professional consult for a more personal insight and help you adjust to what’s happening. In the meantime, please accept my eGuide 8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD NOW ~ it will help you open your senses to receive/hear more messages. You may enjoy my Interview Spirit Signs Your Loved Ones are Visiting CLICK HERE
What dose it mean if a spirit say you moved her
The comment “moved her” can be defined in more than one way. What I’m sensing is “you moved her” meaning emotionally touched her heart. you made an impact, an imprint on her, and she wants you to know. If you’d like a more meaningful definition you’ll want to schedule a professional spiritual consult by phone or skype/zoom with me. Please email your request along with your city, country and time zone to: – in the meantime, enjoy spiritual signs teachings videos on my YouTube Channel and SUBSCRIBE for new ones. Also Like and Follow Me here:
Hi been having things move in a room I hardly go in.Every weekend I go in this room to clean .I have shelves with angels on them .They have been moving .So I go in look at them and they have been moved.I have lost my daughter in tragically and my Mom as also passed. I talk to them all the time and miss them .When I when to the room this weekend I started to cry one of the angles was moved sideways.I know it was facing front ways
Dear Mary, thank you for visiting our website and sharing so openly about the moving objects you know so well is your daughter (and Mom is there too) showing their presence and communicating with you. Sending love and my condolences to you for the tragic recent passing of your beloved daughter.
That’s a powerful sign and exactly what my father and sister and over a dozen beloveds in Spirit done to capture my attention. They put frames on angles and turn things about and move things to the edges of night stands and tables, play with hooks, turn lights on & off, hide things, you name it.
For more than 20 years I’ve helped my clients better understand the presence and messages of loved ones passed, as well as guide them in healing grief/loss, overcoming self doubt to trust their intuition and make changes in their health, relationships, career and spiritual matters to find greater peace.
Learn more here:
Book a free consult: SPEAK WITH COLLEEN
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for Spiritual Inspiration:
How to Talk to Spirits
I purchased a painting for my grandmother that she really wanted and about a year later she passed away. I decided to keep the painting as it had so much sentimental value because it was the first time as an adult I was truly able to give her something she wanted. I keep the painting on display in my upstairs loft area right above a hall table and I never move it. (Ever) it also has some what of a shrine/alter around it, Angels, Spirit candles, incenses. I am getting a new roof on my home and as a result things are being shaken a bit or pictures are tilting from the impact but when I went to my home yesterday – the painting was placed in a room adjacent to the loft area and laid against a pile of clothes in an angle. Additionally a hall light in my home was turned to an angle creating a heart shaped spot light. The distance from the loft to room is a couple of feet and the painting is not small. I am questioning if I was sleep walking which I doubt it seems far to move.
Candace, my sense is you are NOT sleep walking. You are instead accessing the loving signs from your grandmother through moving objects and symbolism. Our spirit friends passed are very much alive. At least they have been for me. I feel it’s the same for you. We all have our own unique experiences. The universal spirit signs of moving objects, electricity, sensations, dreams and more are ways our loved ones who died show they are still very present in your life. Considering following me on my YouTube channel for new video experiences and to check out the playlist on Spiritual Education: – if you’d like a personal consult to explore this new territory please write me at
Hi my dad passed suddenly last December and then my mom not long after in April. I can not shake the feeling my father is trying to tell me something either I need to know or how he died but something. Things move songs randomly play I hear strange noises signs all over the place dreams and everything I wish I knew they were both ok and what he was trying to tell me
Dear Lori, I sense your dad who passed a bit before your mom is indeed working to share his thoughts through symbolism. Particularly through the words/meaning of the songs and also what you are seeing/remembering in the dreams. YES, it’s your dad. That’s how you know. He has much to share with you, especially now that your mom has also passed. He feels he left a BIG load on your shoulders and heart and feels sad for your heavy sorrow.
One of the ways our loved ones who die show they are still very present in our life is through moving objects. Depending on their personality as well as your openness to recognize and accept a sign of their presence, they may show up in any number of ways including electricity (lights & electrical devices), body sensations like a touch or tingling, in your dreams and more. Here a video of my Mom’s missing and reappearing: VIEW VIDEO HERE. Can you remember what he’s say in your Dreams and the words in the songs? If you’d like support in further understanding, let’s setup up a phone or skype guidance coaching session.
Hi, ive had a few objects move in the past couple days and it’s really spooked my partner out. Ive had a box in the toilet room that has my sanitary profucts in it move at least 30cm over without us jearing anything, my partner was the one that found it after it moved and he had only left the bathroom for about 2 minutes. We also found (or more to the point…didn’t find) a lolly snake that i had left on my desk in front of a photo of my deceased grandfather who passed away around 5 years ago. Neither me or my boyfriend touched eitjer of these items and there is noone else living in the apartment. The girl that used to live in it says it was haunted when she was living there and that it has made things move and locked boys in the bathroom before. Im just wondering if this is something i should worry about or if its harmless.
Dear Olivia, appreciate you sharing so much in depth about your personal spiritual experiences. The amazing stories I receive from people around the world always fills my heart knowing there is so much happening that we cannot always see with our own eyes. I am a teacher of learning to trust your intuition and get really good at following your own heart’s messages, to develop trust for greater decision making and attracting in more of what you want out of life.
Our spirit friends passed are very much alive. At least they have been for me. I feel it’s the same for you starting.
This “lolly snake” you mention it has meaning, a connection or reminder to your deceased grandfather did it? I believe he is being active and through his essence, his spirit, letting you know he is around and here to help. Not harmful, but super playful.
One of the ways our loved ones who die show they are still very present in our life is through moving objects. Depending on their personality as well as your openness to recognize and accept a sign of their presence, they may show up in any number of ways including electricity (lights & electrical devices), body sensations like a touch or tingling, in your dreams and more. My Blog expands: Interpreting Spirit Signs
Here a video of my Mom’s missing and reappearing watch: Reappearing Wrist Watch. If you’d like support in further understanding, let’s setup up a phone or skype guidance coaching session. Many blessings, Colleen
My daughter passed away recently and i been having strange experience first one was the lights going off, than it turned into just feeling her presence in the house. I have had dreams of her smiling and us hugging and her holding me while I’m morning her. In the dream there was a lady with her i was wondering if She was a guide an angle not really sure. She have came to several of my family members she’s been in good spirits. I went in her room tonight and a plant fell and a butterfly that was on a vace fell off right after that scared me a little. I talk to her all the time we were very close i miss her so much.
Hello Colleen,. I have experienced seeing seeing white garment like figures float by me on different days after my daughter’s other grandmother past. Just lay night I was sitting in a chair looking at dinner papers and I noticed out the side of my eye a plastic Army water bottle rock back and forth. We have had this walk complete full of mirrors for over 25 years. After I got off the phone with one of my dad’s former basketball players telling them that I wanted to do something in memory of my dad and to recognize his former players….one mirror fell and crashed. Then another, then another. My daughter when she was about three used to have visions of my father and my grandmother… She had never seen either if them itor a picture of them and described then perfectly. She is 12 now would she possibly have the gift of “vision”?
Dear Della, we appreciate you sharing your experience seeing the moving objects and repeated crashing mirrors. Your Dad certainly heard your “reflection” thoughts. One meaning of mirrors symbolize reflection so this lovely repeated crashing and breaking of the mirrors shows you he clearly heard and is in deep appreciation for your loving intended gesture you will put forward to honour the former players. There is more I am picking up as to the meaning of the mirrors for you/your Dad but this is the first bit. Yes, at 12 years your daughter can indeed see even if not met or seen pictures. I’m emailing you some ideas to consider and invite you to check these out to assist you on your path of understanding that aligns most with you. Always trust your first instinct. Read Blog: Interpret Spirit Signs and join me over on my YouTube: Subscribe to Colleen’s Channel
Hey Friends and Followers! I had the coolest experience of a visit from my Dad recently. He moved a beautiful glass vase filled with rocks and moved about some quartz crystals sitting on my bedside table. I’d love you to enjoy this blog by visiting here:
Vase and Crystals Moved by Dad
Much Love Colleen xo
this year back in january i was woken up to a strong smell of august one night i was woken by a thud, the next morning i found my mobile phone had come off a unit a good few feet from my bed..last month i was again woken up during the night to s strong smell of cigarette smoke..the strangest one of all, is i leave my work boots on a box in my living room each night..3 times now in the last month when i have put my left boot on in a morning, i have found a peanut or 2 in my left boot…today i got home after a day at work and found 3 peanuts in my left slipper, i just cant explain the things that have happened this year
Kevin, thank you for sharing the bewildering experiences you are having. So who loved peanuts so much? or feeding peanuts to animals? Peanuts for example have been recognized by some as abundance and living a prosperous life. As well symbolizing an authentic, truthful nature about something unfolding in your life. My first instinct is to invite you to ask yourself “Who do I know that died where these occurrences remind me of their personality, their actions, a favourite object or food item, etc?” What I do best as a spiritual coach and healer is assist my clients to develop their own powerful awareness, expand their intuition and ability to tap into their internal GPS system (sorts speaking) to recognize and possibly interpret signs from loved ones who died.
In my life experience, hearing voices/name calling and observe moving objects when my loved one who transitioned (passed away) are communicating through signs to capture my attention. Wanting me to recognize their presence and loving support (or otherwise their feelings). Other times it can be another soul. You may wish to read this short blog Interpret Spirit Signs or subscribe to my YouTube Channel with special review of Spiritual Education playlist. Message me at if you’d like a personalized guidance session.
Hi Colleen
Today my daughter and I were in our kitchen and a tool box came flying off a shelf it struck my daughter and nearly hit me I’m worried we recently were told by a gypsy lady we were earth angels and things like this have have happened before we can even see shadows and outlines and sometimes feel their touch we don’t know what to do or who to talk to my dad passed over a year ago and my husband passed last year can you help us
Sarah, thank you for sharing about your story about the flying/moving objects and passing of your dad and husband. Bless you and your daughter for your loss. I know this can feel scary and weird, but you have nothing to fear. Videos on my Spiritual Education YouTube channel will help you – begin by watching this video: Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from Loved Ones. What I do best as a spiritual coach and grief/loss intuitive offer guidance in helping people through the grief state and also teach my clients how to recognize spirit signs on their own so you can begin to accept and interpret communications and messages from loved ones who have crossed over. You can book a private consult if you choose. Blessings xo
Hi Colleen.
My name is Ted. My father Paul went home to heaven in February. I moved in with mom to help her with things. My dad was on hospice and passed away in his sleep. His last words to Mom and I were “going home”. He barely had his eyes open when he said it. It was reassuring that he said that to us.
Since his passing…..We’re finding change all over, mostly pennies and dimes.
Just this morning my mom called me from home and said she lost her teeth. She always puts them in a container by the sink every night. I was at work when she called and I pondered where she might’ve left them. I helped clean up after dinner last night, but couldnt recall seeing her teeth.
While I was thinking about where they could be, In my mind I saw a kitchen drawer and the words “the drawer” kept appearing in my head as she was telling me all the places she had looked already. I didn’t say anything to her at first because I thought it was a silly place to even look for her teeth. Why would they be in a drawer? Why would i think that?
We were thinking we threw them in the trash when we wiped the plates off after dinner, or we set the plates down on the floor for the dogs to clean and one of the dogs grabbed them.
After she told me all the places she looked much to her dismay, I finally mentioned to her that she might want to look in the drawers in the kitchen. She thought to herself what a strange place to look. However, after looking everywhere else she could think of, she opened one of the kitchen drawers and there they were. She recalled at was 11am exactly.
I’m not sure how they got there and I’m really not sure why I had that mental picture in my head and saw those words repeatedly “the drawer”.
Is it safe to assume that’s my dad letting us know that he’s around to help us if we need him? My mom said if it was my dad, she’s not very happy with him because that really stressed her out trying to find her teeth!
Id like to mention this also. I have a cross that hangs from a mirror in my car and twice in the last three years, I got in my car to find the cord flipped up and over my mirror and cross hanging on the other side. Now, there’s no possible way to explain that. Its very heavy and the car was always parked.
I’d like to think that these are little signs that let us know that we’re not alone and that God is always by our side. All we need to do is look inward and ask and he will always be there for us.
Bless all of you out there, strive to be honest,humble,compassionate, loving, and be at peace knowing we are always in his loving arms. Ted
Dear Ted
Wonderful to meet you Ted. Appreciate your sharing your story with us and thanks for visiting my website blog. My gosh, I love your story about your Mom’s “missing teeth” – what a jokester your Dad is being/been. Reminds me of when my sister Corrine was involved in my mother’s disappearing and reappearing wrist watch. It took a couple months to pop back up and in the wildest of places. I can affirm that is your dad, bless him and your whole family. Good for you to trust your intuition to locate.
In my early days of filming my own Mom’s experience is split into 2 videos:
Part 1: Disappearance of Moving Objects
Part 2: Reappearance of Disappearing Object
Yes, the cross flipped up are another beautiful memory. Keep your eyes peeled for more.
Hi my name is Maureen, I have had this strange thing happen for years, at Grocery stores, across the country… as I walk down an aisle, where I am alone, something falls, just after I have passed it. Except for once when it actually fell right into my hand as I reached up to take it. I honestly can’t figure it out.
Maureen, thanks for sharing on the blog for my clients and followers. We love to explore unique spirit signs and messages that surprise us. As a Spiritual Coach and Intuitive Grief/Loss counselor I’ve experienced many signs like falling objects, electricity occurences, moving objects, disappearing and reappearing objects and many more from our loved ones who died. So I turn the table…. is there a special person in your life who recently (or years ago) that is on your heart and mind? someone that keeps popping into your thoughts or whom you may even be worried about? Could it perhaps be them communicating spiritually through moving objects. check out these couple videos and blogs to see if they many help you:
Life After Death Moving Objects
Moving Objects & Spirit Signs
Yes, my Step-Father died in my arms when I was 17 yrs old. He endured a long Cancer battle. He was a mentor, a friend and a surrogate father figure to me. I truly loved him. I had a spiritual moment before his death where I stepped away from his side that I had sat by for 2 weeks for a bite, and stood up in a restaurant a half hour later and started screaming to be taken back, I barely made it back in the nick of time to say goodbye. I was the only one with him at the time of his death. I mourned deeply, and still do actually. 40 years later. I talk to him, I remember him, I keep him alive to a degree. (I had a very mean mother and he was kind to me, he cared). I can see how he would communicate, I guess I just never thought of him because of the grocery stores, I don’t get the connection.
Dear Maureen, now THIS is love. You and your step father’s connection is proof of the power of the human spirit and heart. thank you dear soul for sharing. Yes, this is your communicator, what a lovely man. He is very much by your side in life, more so than before or rather more so BECAUSE you are more open. That’s usually how it works – mutual openness. The item that falls off the grocery shelf, what is it? have you paid attention to the “item” itself? something your step father would enjoy? a favourite food? or perhaps an item he wants you to begin including in your day? one of the tips I teach my clients is to match up the thing that is happening with the personality or interest of the person endeavouring to connect with you. My cousin Rob who transitioned 23 years ago next month (March) connects with me all these years. A very special cousin who truly was ‘like my brother’ – very close – and he was electric, high energy and therefore presents himself to me often through electricity signals, music and money teachings. Enjoy a recent experience and teaching of my cousin Rob during my trip to Mexico to celebrate our mutual 50th birthdays: Spirit Signs in Mexico
Now that you mention it, the very first item was a cat item, and Lars brought Siamese cats into my life, we had them for decades, lots of them, big part of our family. I’ll have to start a list of items.
Voila! An item that is MEANINGFUL to you and your family. Love it Maureen. Keep you eyes peel for the next gift. Proof in the pudding!
I’d love to gift you my eGuide called 8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration – Attract more Vibrant Health, Love, Money & Magic!
A simple but important read that will help open your senses to receive the signs around you even more. Download my guide here and then you can enjoy my monthly enews too! Download click here
Hello there Colleen and everyone else. I’ve read most of these blogs and I am not surprised yet I didn’t think things would happen to me not at 60 years old. I was in prison for three months and on a monitor for three more for a crime I did which was not high impact alcohol drug or sex-related. I made a horrible mistake and paid for it. I found myself homeless for 4 months afterwards . And finally the wind blew in a blessing. I suffered through the heat of a summer of this year and the cold of the winter. I thank God I didn’t stay homeless much longer into these cold days ahead. I lived in an RV out of someone’s driveway all that time. Long story on how I lost my home but most people that are incarcerated don’t come out too much anyway once out. I remember when I was a little girl growing up in my parents home sleeping in the third-floor.I used to have trouble getting up in the mornings because my nights were bad. I was a very nervous child and to this day I still am. I say this because someone always used to tap me on the shoulder to wake me and to this day I can say I never saw anyone in my bedroom once I woke up. I would wake up and there was no one there. I remember asking my sister if she did it but I would have heard the door between us that separates our room open up because there was a distinct squeaking sound that was loud that came from that middle door. I definitely would have heard it especially as many times as it happened. After a while I just gave up asking her and as I sit here and write this my TV is digitally breaking down and their voices are breaking up. It’s been quiet all night and now that I’m speaking about it it’s doing it again. One of the strange things as though whoever is around me knows I’m talkin about this and wants my attention right now. What has been happening all along here since I came to my new home is things dropping unexplained. I’m very careful on how I place things down for instance on the countertop or on the table. Only to turn around and walk away as walking away it hits the floor. Not loud just startling. When I saw part of your advertising stating this may be signs of a loved one showing support, it made me think critically. I say this because never in my life have I ever needed help as I do now. Even though I have moved into a new home with my two support dogs who are my best friends and loyal companions in the world, I am close to losing it because I have not found a job yet and my disability is not covering all of my rent so I’m facing homelessness again. And I really feel that after reading the information you provided on these happenings, that it is absolutely someone trying to show me they’re here but I haven’t figured out if it is for support or a warning. I’m praying it’s not a warning. I wanted to share this with you and everyone on here and I want to say some of the stories I’ve read on here are just unbelievable yet Angelic and beautiful. Both my parents are gone. My father since I was 18 and my mother 13 years ago God rest their souls. I miss them dearly. Things really do change after 55 not only physically but mentally. A lot of my childhood isncoming back to me in my mind that I couldn’t remember if I tried years ago but now it seems to be coming so easy and it’s almost like I’m going backward in time. If that makes any sense. Could it be that someone from the spiritual world is trying to tell me that it’s okay now for them to be around because I am paying more attention? We all know when we’re young we don’t think to slow down as much about things as we should.. so thanks everyone on here and thank you Colleen. It gets a little freaky when you’re alone but I choose to live alone because I don’t need all the drama. As I have had much of it in the past and I am done with it. I’m very content with my dogs but again it does get a little freaky. I’m trying not to hyper focus on anyting especially if it’s a loved one trying to help. Thanks again everyone for listening.
Mary Lisa
Dear Mary Lisa, my gosh girl YOU ARE AMAZING! Don’t ever let anyone say otherwise. What you did in the past does not dictate your future or WHO you ultimately are. I’ve worked with so many people in session who have guilt and past pains and that’s not what makes us. So I toast to you and the woman you are now and moving into. Yes, can feel freaking, or paranormal or like we making things up sometimes (I’ve been there) but how it works Mary Lisa is “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” ! Know that you are not alone in this, literally, as well as millions of people globally around the world getting more messages. The tapping on the shoulder, the distant or near noises, the electricity rocking things (gosh you guys gotta hear what JUST happenened to me 2 days ago with the hair dryer going hot to cold at my hairdressers after sensing her Dad who transitioned communicating with us). Take time to explore my Spirit Communication Blogs and videos on YouTube, they will help. My newest video gets deeper into it around the 7 minute mark for the signs of our Billy who transitioned over: Billy Shows Spirit Signs
Private consultations available for those clients ready and wanting to get deeper into Spirit Signs happening to them and for folks wanting to TRANSFORM their life from all levels of Health, Relationships, Business and Embracing your Gifts in the world and talents. I work by phone/skype/Zoom video.
Hello again everyone. I just wrote a here yesterday and today something strange happened. I’ve not been feeling too well and I wasn’t sure if I took my blood pressure medicine yesterday. I looked down this morning and found my pill on the floor
.I asked myself did I take it yesterday or is this just one that dropped out of my bottle that I may not have noticed notice? Normally I would catch something like that so I’m ruling that one out. Either way I was very confused at the position it was in. It wasn’t flat on the floor. It was on its side like a wheel. I asked myself how is this possible when something this small falls to land in that position? Colleen I’m wondering if you could shed some light on this for me. The first thing I thought was somebody she reminded me that I didn’t take it because I still don’t know or remember if I did or is somebody warning me because of the position of it not keep taking it? I know that’s not a good thing right now for me not to take it because of the way my heart reacts when I don’t take it for a day or two. I wish they never put me on these things but Dad had hypertension supposingly. I’m not sure about all that in the past but I picked it up somewhere with telling everyone that my dad had high blood pressure and one day I ended up in the emergency room with cheeks as red as a rose and that’s when they put me on them when I was 49 years old. I’m 60 now. I would think it to be dangerous for me to stop but I know these things are just a Band-Aid. Without getting in all medical issues, what are your thoughts on my situation Colleen? Thank you
Dear Mary, thank you so much for openly sharing on my blog page. Many people benefit from all of us sharing our stories of things we cannot always understand. My teachings for years since my loved ones have transitioned (passed over) have been related to matters of healing the heart, the body, recovery and learning about how our loved ones in Spirit tend to continue over years to communicate with us, show their presence in many ways. I’ll tell you Mary, that exactly what happened to you with the the pill on its side (like a wheel) in this very ‘unusual position’ is exactly the kind of happenings my clients and I have seen for many years. Rather than act as a direct medium for telling you who is communicating with you, I love teaching my clients how to learn to recognize their loved ones and people interpret the meaning of spirit signs through such things as moving objects, sensations, electricity, dreams, synchronicity, senses, and more. So who is connecting…. playing with the pill on side… I see your Dad. What an incredible man who loves you and wants more for you. Now in terms of your health being on high blood pressure pills for 11 years since the young age of 49 years, I can tell you that absolutely it is possible to lower your blood pressure and moderate it through balanced nutrition, food, supplements. I believe I can help as have been an educator on powerful nutritional supplements and wise food choices that many people I know and have worked with have improved their health naturally. Let’s move this discussion over to an email and possible phone consultation. Please message me directly at: and we’ll help you move beyond the Band-Aid action… as continued meds only may not generate as many years of quality living relying if relying on medications that are shown to have possible side effects when medications are generally known to possibly cause harm over time to your organs. Bless you for reaching out, let’s connect xo
Me and my son see something that looked like a white sheet of paper that looked like it was falling from the fridge but the violent whip it did is what freaked us out we walk to the edge of the kitchen and have a whole body chill and goosebumps when I say whole body I mean from the toes to the head and legs getting weak this is not the first time some weird here has happen we need answers and help we are freaked out scared
Shawn, thank you for commenting on my website and sharing about your story about the white sheet of paper flying/flopping from the fridge as you and your son walked by. I know this can feel scary and weird, but I’d like to share my perspective. I believe you have “nothing to fear”. This is new for you and your son and freaks out a lot of people at first, myself included but after 20 years of my own experiences and that of my clients and website visitors, this is an energy of someone most likely wanting to capture your attention. I’d prefer you to ask yourself who do you know close to you that may be wanting to let you know they are ok and around you? A writer, a creator, someone who placed things high on the fridge…. You get the idea? Begin by watching this video on my Spiritual Education YouTube channel as may help you: Life After Death, Moving Objects. Shawn if you’d like a personal consultation we can dig deeper together to help you through this and all the past happenings that you are gearing up to better understand. Big Breath. BE sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for education and write me at: if you want to set up an appointment by phone/skype.
I have a strange story to tell. About 3 years ago a beautiful fragrance would somehow be right under my nose for a few seconds and then be gone. This happened randomly for about a year or less. Since I love candles I bought 3 with essential oils, not knowing anything about their fragrances. I put one on this shelf on a dry sink in my hallway about a year ago. I never lit it thought since it is a a pretty yellow candle and I didn’t want it to burn down. Now and then I will pick it up for the fragrance which I love but it is a mild scent. One day I noticed the candle moved and it was hanging off the shelf and I was afraid it would fall off so I pushed it back so it was flat against the wall. Now the fragrance is the exact same fragrance as the one I was experiencing before I bought this candle. Now and again when I am in a different room the fragrance comes right under my nose again for a moment. Sometimes when I walk by the candle a great waft of fragrance is under my nose and I don’t smell it at all when I pick up the candle. Now I bought 3 candles like this so I tested out another candle in the same spot to see if that would move but it didn’t and I left it there for 2 days. Then I took it away and put back the original yellow candle and it started moving like before. Now this candle moves mostly during the day, of course I never see it move. I live alone so no one is moving it. But every day it moves a little and even twists around. I now move it back each night before I go to bed. I also had an experience with a monarch butterfly on one occasion and feathers appearing out of nowhere. I could only think it was my mother or father trying to let me know they are here with me or even my deceased fiancee’.
Beautiful to meet you. Appreciate your contribution. Your story touched my heart and aligns with so many of my clients stories and my own. There are many ways for our loved ones in spirit to communicate with us through signs. Moving Objects is the #1 way my loved ones who transitioned and spiritual signs in general have the most fun catching my attention. Playing with Electricity is a close 2nd. My blog titled 8 ways of Interpreting Spirit Signs may interest you: INTERPRETING SPIRIT SIGNS.
You may love this video about my sister Corrine showing spiritual presence by moving objects and my dad more than 25 years moving objects on my side table. I dust, re position and they move always:
If you want greater insight, book a spiritual guidance consult with me. Blessings, Colleen
Hello! My mom passed away a month ago. My daughter and I have had very vivid dreams about her. My dream I woke up with relief that she was alive. Fell back to sleep and can’t remember it. My daughter’s was she saw her and gave her a hug. She told my daughter she was alive but she lost her pinkie. The other day I was reading an email about my uncle wanting important furniture and there was a loud crash. We still can’t find what fell. That night we couldn’t find her dogs food that was brought over from her house. We searched everywhere for it. The next day, some napkins and paper towels felll in the laundry room. I went to pick them up and the dog food was sitting behind where the napkins and paper towels were. People keep telling me that it is my mom. What do you think?
Dear Melis, OMG I love your Mom! what a playful Spirit she was, or is turning more into being now that she doesn’t have the same challenges in her physical being. For more than 20 years now I connect with many of my client’s loved ones who have transitioned and some of them are so darn Playful. They find ways through signs you will recognize them, their personality, things they loved or activities they enjoyed, and clearly your Mom loved you, her granddaughter, her dog!! Yes, others’ recognize this is your Mom but what is MOST IMPORTANT is that you “FEEL” her yourself. Its not about what others’ think or believe, its about your connection with your Mom. By the way, she has left her physical body but still very much alive. I support my clients through grief/loss experiences while helping them deepen their intuition, personal expansion, how to connect with their loved ones who transitioned so if you’d like a private consultation – please reach out. Message me: – in the meantime this blog on Interpreting Spirit Signs and my YouTube Channel on SPIRITUAL EDUCATION will help you dearly. much love and adore your mom xx
First i seen the photo of my deceased uncle who pass away 08/14/2018 in a glass picture frame moving side by side like his was dancing, then as i kept looking the rest of the other photos o the family also moved with him. I did ask him a few times i he was ok, but it keeps happening if I stare at the pictures in the frame on the wall. it also happened in a resturant there was a big picture o a person on a bike in the street of new york city and as i looked i seen the person riding the bike moving like it was real. I told my eye doctor he said it can be my cataract that is getting big and has to be removed in a month or so when i really cannot see in that eye. I dreamed of him about 4 times already, and also when he got buried a few days later i was sitting on the sofa and seen him in my glass doors of my cabinet in the kitchen on a table and a few doctors with white coats around him working on him, every one was moving the next morning i sat there and did not see any thing anymore. i feel like i am loosing my mind or i have a brain tumor. please help me by answering me. thank you in advance annabella
Dear Annabella, you are not loosing your mind and yet this is real. Take a deep breath. When you asked your deceased uncle “Are you ok?” he is responding to you through showing his presence. he’s presenting himself to you in a way that you will recognize, for your both. You are visionary so showing his presence through your eye sight, or third eye center, allows you to identify its him. Dancing and movement feels like something your uncle enjoyed. Did he dance alot or move his body? or alternately was he limited in some way? Take time to watch my video on this Blog page (scroll up or down to find it) and you can learn alot on my other blog posts about spirit communication Life after Death, Moving Objects and/or watch videos over on my YouTube: Spiritual Education. Try these links to begin learning more about signs of the afterlife.
I offer private phone consultations so can help you more personally this way too. Reach out to me: or click on Contact Me
Hello my friends and followers of Spirit Signs!! Colleen here wishing you a beautiful weekend. Be open to the Spirit Signs of your loved ones, they are available to you. Thought you’d get some golden nuggets from watching my recent YouTube video about my sister Corrine showing her presence to me through MOVING OBJECTS. It’s been more than 13 years since she died. love you all, keep believing or be open to explore… no fear folks, not needed.
So my boyfriend can see and speak to spirits and they’re always around him he say even when other are with him there still try to speak with him but when I come over they disappear and leave him alone until I leave. what does that mean about me? I’m very curious why but there are no real answers when I try to look it up.
Thanks for sharing your bewilderment. As an Energy Coach and spiritual intuitive offering guidance, I actually help my client source “the answer to their questions” from within themselves once they are equipped with more knowledge and understanding…. which we can go puruse in a private professional consultation if you want to write me at:
There could be several reasons the spirits appear to get quiet (or disappear) when you are nearby him. These Spirits could be better able to be heard/felt/seen from your boyfriend, they may want to speak with him only, he may not be ready to open this information to you yet until he receives more messages, the messages are for HIM as opposed to you. We’d have to go deeper. Enjoy watching my YouTube videos as they may help you further:
Spiritual Education Videos
Read my blog: Interpret Spirit Signs
I hope these help! Book a session if you want more personal insights.
Hello. I don’t know if You can still help us.
My boyfriend is artist, he is painting. He give me his paint about 2 years ago, and I have it still in my room. He has one his paint in his house too. They are never moved from the place that they are.
Today in the morning, he see his paint a little moved from the normal position and he say nothing to us. When I came to his house I ask him who moved the paint becouse it was never happened before, and he say nothing. Now, when I came in my house, I go into my room, and the paint from him was moved on the same way like in his home. It never hapenned before, too.
Now when I tell him what happened with my paint too, we are a little bit upsed.
If You can help us, we will be so thankfull.
Dear Sara, I know it can be strange and perplexing. I have many people every week asking about moving objects and wondering why and feeling upset like you and your boyfriend are. What I sense and feel is happening is a Spirit that you both knew and loved is reaching out to you to connect/communicate and by moving the paint cans that “never get moved” is a big attention grabber. They want to communicate but needed a way that you’d really stop, feel and listen. Rather than say who, I recommend you each asking yourself who in your life died that you are thinking about and missing, or worried about. It could be recently or a long time ago.
You can learn a lot on my other blog posts about spirit communication: Life after Death, Moving Objects
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for video updates: Spiritual Education Videos
Try these links to begin learning more about signs of the afterlife. If you’d like a private consultation we can set this up by writing me:
Hi Colleen Beginning of January 2019 my Mum was very ill and 94 years of age, She was booked to have a CT scan. Before my Mum had the CT scan, I had a very real vibrant colour dream of my deceased Dad who had passed over 30 years ago. My Dad looked like a beautiful portrait, He looked a lot younger then I remembered him. He said to me, with out talking, but I could hear his voice * I have waited long enough, and I have come to take her*.. I got very upset, and said * No Dad I am not ready to let her go yet * and then I woke up and was very upset. I knew what he mean’t he was preparing me for my Mum’s test results. from the CT scan. My Mum had the CT scan and the results was she had secondary bowel and lung cancer. My Mum was taken into hospital on Mothers day. With a blood clot in her knee. Three days of being in hospital her door opened really wide for no known reason when her visitors were in the room, My Mum was quite ok up to this point, the blood clot was stable. I decide to go to work for a couple of hours. Because my Mum seemed ok, My Son and Brother stayed with her until I got back. when I finished work I had a phone call from my Brother to say our Mum. have been taken worse with pain in her stomach. I rushed back in, but mum had been given morphine and was settled. My brother pointed out, that the door had opened again, when I wasn’t there, My son tested the door, and said the door wasn’t faulty. As the evening went on my Mum was getting worse and was given morphine ever hour to try and control the pain. the Blood clot had moved further up to her thigh, causing the pain in her stomach. My Brother and myself stayed the night in the hospital making sure Mum was getting the morphine on time when she needed it. The next morning we counted three more times that the door opened by it self (widely) My Mum passed away at 11 10am, we were in shock, we didn’t expect it. Shortly after Mum passed. I was crying and I said to my Mum * please give me a sign that you are ok or you are with Dad* ( My brother and my son was in the room) and my Mum had men size tissue box of hankies on her table and none of us were near the table, The tissue box lifted from the corner and flipped backwards over the table and landed on the floor I never saw it for myself , but I heard the sound of it when it hit the floor, I thought it must have been my son knocked something over, But my son and my Brother pointed out, that they were both not standing near the table, And my Brother said to me * their is your sign* They both said it was like someone lifting the corner of the box when it flipped back over it self,All we can say their were some strange things going in that room
Dear Sue or is is Suzanne, its never easy to let our loved one go so they can transition. Even in the wonderful trust of your dad awaiting your Mum’s transition. We don’t want our loved ones to leave us, however, we have to remember every person/being has their own soul journey of life’s lessons. Loved reading your story and especially the powerful, clear validations from your Mum of her presence through the repeat door openings and the powerful life and backwards flip of the kleenex box. Generally what our Spirit friends will do is after 3 door openings which you may not realize or totally accept as them, then a BIGGER sign like the lifted and flipped kleenex box is demonstrated. This one also involved sound as it hit the floor. I can imagine the other happenings were plentiful because your Mum and Dad were present along with what feels like a bit of a family reunion.
Review these links to my blog Interpreting Spirit Signs and YouTube Spiritual Education videos that may solidify some things and even open more doors to additional curiosities.
Recognize Signs of Loved Ones Died, Moving Objects
When you want to schedule a personal private consultation for transformational coaching, intuitive grief counsel, learning to recognize spirit communication and powerhouse nutritional supplementation to improve your health and fitness, write me at:
Blessings and be well,
Hi I just wanted your opinion, I brought a property last year. We moved in and I had quite a bad feeling about the place at first .. I would like to give a little bit of history on the place first. It was owned and built buy a beautiful elderly couple that had waited a life time to be together they were the type of couple you could only dream of being.. anniversary’s were spent dancing in there lounge room dressed in there wedding attire.
Anyway the wife had passed away in Dec 2015 .. and left her husband heart broken.
They built this place from the ground up . But after her passing old Herbert couldn’t bear to keep this place . So he sold it. He sold it to a woman that absolutely ruined everything that it was .. it was a filthy brothel when I purchased it . I remember the elderly gentleman came it introduced himself after I purchased the property and was brought to tears seeing the state of it.
Anyway sorry for dragging this on . So I purchased the property and had a bad feeling about the place .. the woman I purchased from had to leave due to heart issues. After purchase I had a female horse die there and my little 5 month old female dog pass away here within the first couple of months. After this occurred I cleansed the property and all had been good until a couple of weeks ago .. i have woken to locked doors being opened and have a couple of things disappeared of my table .. but last night I had a full bucket of water for my dogs move around half a meter away from where it was not just the bucket but the tray it sits on to. I have a feeling its the elderly lady that’s passed .
I’m confused as to what she would want .. ps I have cleaned up the property nearly to its former state like it was when she was alive.
Any suggestions would be helpful .
What a beautiful elderly couple who originally owned the property. Love their love story and care for their home. Yes it’s the elderly lady connecting with you through moving objects, to THANK YOU for taking care of her and Herbert’s built from love. This means the world to her and she’s very grateful to you. She is well and continues to oversee her home and happy the rightful person (YOU) are caring for it now.
To learn more about WHY and HOW spirits connect with us, these videos and blog links may provide you some insight.
This video will help you get a sense of what has transpired for me and my clients over 20 years.
Life after Death, Moving Objects Introduction to ME
You may also love this video in my Spiritual Education playlist.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Spiritual Education Videos
Hi. I have been ill recently following a heart attack. I have always been very spiritual and connected to spirits. Recently though I have experienced objects moving and in particular knives in my kitchen. Is there some significance to the knives?
Dear Michelle, thank you for sharing and visiting my website. I would say absolutely. When we think of the HEART I can related it to emotional expression or your difficulty in life to allow your heart’s deepest truth and love to fill you up. Heart attack is often related to suppression of feelings or challenge with self love. Knives in a basic sense can reflect hurt, pain or a “cutting off” of something, someone or YOURSELF. When I first tapped into you the key word in capitals was BETRAYAL. Michelle, how you feel betrayed by your body, by life, by others. Are you connected to any of this consciously, as I share with you? For personal in depth Spiritual guidance you can reach out to me for a private consult at CONTACT ME and explore these links to determine your readiness to work together:
Spiritual Coaching or Spiritual Education Videos
Hello, no idea where to start but my 19yo sister Leah died in January ? in a car accident. There used to be 6 of us, mom&dad and 4 of us kids. 3 of us girls and 1 brother. We were all so close, and there have been many strange occurances in the house since she passed. I didn’t really believe in anything until we lost her. Tonight my dad was drying some washing in the tumble drier, he came back in the kitchen and all the towels he was drying were all out folded on the side next to the drier. But the towels were all still really wet, no one else had done this.
Last week the back door, mysteriously swung open on its own but was still locked upon investigation. The dog (my sister’s dog) was barking at the back door previously, for no reason. This door is impossible to lock without closing it properly. It’s like she opened the door for her dog to go out.
My mom has had all of her things launched off her table in her bedroom while she was asleep and it woke her up all of a sudden to the sounds of crashing.
I had my bathroom door tapped 3 times just as I was reaching to open the door, I expected to see my boyfriend outside and when I opened it and no one was there I was absolutely horrified. This was within 2 weeks of her passing. ?
There is a picture taken on my youngest sister’s 18th birthday of a face in the back door and it’s very obviously a face that looks like Leah.
We really want to see a medium but we are so scared of going to see someone who will make it worse or try to scam us and that we won’t get anything from Leah.
The most convincing thing was my mom staring out the kitchen window and the sky spelled out LOVE YOU SHARON. Which is my moms name and she was absolutely stunned, too stunned to take a photo before it disappeared.
There have been countless other things, she died before her time and she is such a strong person. I really want to believe with all my heart that she is still with us and she is doing these things.
Any opinions on all this? Do younger people who weren’t supposed to die tend to have more willpower to communicate?
I was thinking of getting some fridge magnet letters in case she wants to move them around for us and leave a message. ? I just love her and miss her so much. She was my best friend in the whole world.
HUGE love and blessings being send your way for your sorrow of your beautiful sister Leah who transitioned in January. You are blessed to have such a sweet genuine soul in your life. I appreciate your open share on my website blog.
I will say this… Leah is strongly and clearly reaching out to you. Everything lines up. Dog barking, door tapping, Leah in the photo and your moms name spelled out. There is fear running, old stories of what a medium can or cannot do for you. Also family patterns that inhibit your acceptance but I want you to know Leah is in these signs.
This video will help you get a sense of what has transpired for me and my clients over 20 years. It can appear scary at first but it doesn’t have to FEEL that way: Life after Death, Moving Objects Introduction
You may also love this video:
For more in depth, visit Spiritual Communication and book your private consult: CONTACT ME
Dear Colleen,
My name is Haley , I’ve lost 2 daughters to SIDS , very unexpectedly , Emma Grace was 10 months old and passed March 2nd 2009 , I wasn’t home at the time, I was at the hospital with my daughter who was in the NICU she was born at only 26.4 weeks gestation and weighed only 1lb 4 oz , then I lost my 2nd daughter Sofia Grace at 7 months old on June 18th 2015 , The only cause of death in both our daughters was listed as SIDS , it has broken me , mentally, and spiritually. My sister claimed that Sofia passed away because I had given her her sisters middle name? I don’t see how that’s possible? But none of my family were supportive at all , they didn’t even bother coming to the funeral, I ended up walking away from all of them , I chose not to be around such hateful, negative people. I am now remarried and my husband is my best friend, we have been TTC ( trying to concieve for over 2 years , with no luck so far. We bought our new home in September 2017 , and strange things have happened here . We will hear 3 knocks on our walls and cannot find the cause , it’s only my husband and myself here. My husband works offshore so he’s gone most of the time, and I’ve had some very strange things happen , I’ve been laying in bed reading a book when I will here doors slam , or I will see someone run by out of the corner of my eye , I’ve heard voices but can never make out what they are saying , I’ve also had smells appear out of nowhere, sometimes Rose’s and a few times what I can only describe as sulfur , but today the strangest thing happened to me, as you know my husband and I are both TTC and my period was supposed to start yesterday ( no sign of it yet ? ) and I’ve just been praying and praying that we’re finally pregnant and I’ve been very very anxious about it , well about a hour ago , I got up to use the bathroom and I swear to God right on my toilet tank there sat a single Valium ! I am the only one in my home, now I got to admit it freaked me out quite a bit , but then I started laughing, Because all I could think is it has to be a sign , someone or something was telling me not to stress and to try to relax ?
Dear Haley, Thank you for sharing your heart so openly about the loss of your two daughters. I can feel your devastation and send you love and energetic blessings to continue moving through the trauma you experience. Your daughter Sofia Grace did not die because you named her “a name”. Each spirit is a unique soul on our own journey, even if the girls were born through you. It’s time to relinquish any remaining guilt you have placed upon yourself. Conception does not come easy when you NEED and WANT it so badly. You actually repel and push away so the more you WANT AND WISH the less chances. Universe/God knows your heart, time to relax…let go… lighten up and enjoy your husband and your life.
From the surprise moment of witnessing the “valium” sitting on your toilet tank to that moment of “laughter” – that’s exactly how you know it’s a sign from your spirit loved one(s) and it worked to capture your attention, make you giggle, and put the point across!! Voila, and that’s what they do and have done for me and many of my clients and family…. Over and over and over!! Love your share. Haley, you can believe this one!!
To learn more about WHY and HOW spirits connect with us, these videos and blog links may provide you some insight. This video will help you get a sense of what has transpired for me and my clients over 20 years.
Life after Death, Moving Objects Introduction to ME
You may also love this video in my Spiritual Education playlist.
I have a question, if anyone can help me. My mom died last year from pancreatic cancer. We moved her in my house for the end stages. She always told me and my sister that she was going to give us a sign to let us know she was ok. I inherited her house with all the contents and have been cleaning it out for all this time. The place is polished and empty now, all this being said I found a bb in the middle of the dining room. My mom has never owned a bb gun in her life. I then found 3 bbs in the middle of my clean floor, the very next day my sister called to say that she found bbs in her house as well. Nobody has touched a bb gun at all. What would the significance be of bbs? She hated guns, like me and my sister.
Dear Jean, Thank you for commenting on my website blog and reaching out for answers. Let’s see if I can support you in a slightly different perspective. Guns can represent the usual meaning of Power, Authority, Influence. Additionally, if you look another way they can symbolize wanting to stop or end something, defending ourselves and especially can tap into the Fear emotion. Jean, could it be that your Mom held herself as a very strong women during her cancer and now she is revealing to you and your sister that she was actually very scared to die? She is now seeing that life continues as she showed herself to both you ladies. You are welcome to explore more on my Spiritual Communication page and YouTube video playlist: Spiritual Education
This video will help you get a sense of what has transpired for me and my clients over 20 years.
Life after Death, Moving Objects Introduction
You may also love this video in my Spiritual Education playlist.
Hey. So, I am 14 and I get very scared very easily and I’m not very sure of what it was that just happened but I recently lost my grandfather a few weeks to a couple months ago and we were not very close. I used to visit him at McDonalds very rarely and he’d give me money. Well a few minutes ago, things started moving around my night stand. The baby powder moved right in front of my eyes when I was on the phone with my dad and my mom just doesn’t care AT ALL. There are no pictures or anything of my grandpa in my house so I really don’t remember much about him but there is one of my brother. I’m not really sure if it is him and it could be my brother that died in the 80’s or 90’s. If it’s not them, it could be my aunt, my 2 uncles, or just me being paranoid and the fear I’ve been bottling up for years finally forming into something.
Hopefully it is a family member playing with me because they’ll respect my choice of telling them to stop. I have the house to myself for 12 hours a day and the house creeks and the water drips from the faucet all day and now things are moving.
I’m sorry if this didn’t make any sense, I’m just dealing with A LOT rn and plus I’m very terrified. I’m gonna go to my dads tomorrow and see if things change.
Dear Ayanna, you are so brave and the FIRST thing I want you to do when you read my reply is TAKE A DEEP BREATH IN, DRAW UP TO YOUR HEART, AND TOTALLY RELAX ON THE EXHALE AND DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN! In truth you have nothing to Fear (it only FEELS SCARY). this is very unfamiliar to you. When it first happened to me I was like “say what?” and thought I was making things up. I wasn’t scared like you – but still I know that initial freak out feeling. I only have a moment to reply right now… so I will come back and write more to help you. In the meantime, watch my YouTube video – ok?
Watch now: Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from our Loved Ones
This past weekend, a co worker of mine died of a heart attack. It was sudden and unexpected as he was so young. Since then, many of us at work, myself included have been grieving. 2 nights ago, my echo dot started playing creepy ambient music on its own. At first, we didn’t know where it was coming from. It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized it had come from my Spotify app on my phone. We were falling asleep and there was no way this could’ve happened unless I physically picked up the phone and did a manual search for a playlist. Today, I was about to hang up some clothes in my closet. 1 plastic was moving by itself really fast as if someone had hit it. I had just opened the closet and it was on my husbands side. I physically had to stop it from rocking so fast. I’ve had unpleasant experiences before in my past but this one was different. I usually ignore or try not to freak out when things like this happen but this one really creeped me out. Sometimes I think it’s my co workers spirit playing tricks on me but I’d think he would be more interested in showing his presence to his wife and children. My husband says I’m a witch and freaks out when I talk about things like this but i can’t help it, i dream things at times that happen and my intuition is very strong at times. My mom and aunts are the same way. I can’t say I know why this happens.
Dear Desiree, thanks for being courageous and sharing your story on my Spirit Communication Blog page. Listen to your FIRST INSTINCT as to which loved one in Spirit you believe is around you at any given time. Your first thought is most always true. Heartfelt blessings to you and your co-worker’s friends and family. Loss is devastating and shocking. Then to add on top some crazy ‘spiritual signal’ can have us either really questioning or full of doubt and fear, both can STOP us in our tracks or cause conflict. You are not making this up and it DOES NOT have to be scary in any way, shape or form.
I am available for a professional consultation. Learn more Click here Spirit Communication services for my spiritual coaching support then watch this video I created about my cousin Rob who commonly communicates through Electricity signs (street lights, music, wall clocks falling and radio station channel changes and much more. I have observed that this is a great way to express the ‘Electric’ personality is through Electricity Signs. Watch this Video: Life After Death, Electricity Signs
To get a sense of what you can expect and has already happened for my clients, YouTube followers and myself the past 20 years.
Life after Death, Moving Objects Introduction to ME
Back in 2016 one of my favorite music singers passed away.. I had been a fan of his for many years never met him or been to any of his concerts. When I found out that he had passed I was very sadden an shocked. For quite a while. After his passing I would feel as if I was being watched I’d turn around an No one would be there. then I could hear one of his songs in my head an it was always the same song. I decided recently that I would dedicate an area beside my bed. So I placed a round table next to my bed. On it I placed a book about this singer, two angels, a novelty his picture on it an a candle. Shortly after doing this . I would go on my room an the angels would be turned over. Now it’s thebook an the angels . Nothing else in this room is ever messed with just the things about this singer. I’ve also had several dreams about this singer. So my question is this. Could this be the spirit of this singer that’s moving these things on this table that is dedicated to him ? Also at times when I listen to his music. I get like a weird feeling in my legs like a tingling . I also have had like a coldest near me when pharyngitis music. Is this his spirit ? I’ve never met him in my entire life. But have been a huge fa n of his for a long time an I still am. Please reply back. Thanks kim
Dear Kim, thank you so much for your recent email and posting your Spirit Communication experience with us on my website. I’d be happy to support you in a Spiritual coaching session in the future. Oh how I LOVE these stories of awakening. Yes, I do believe this is the spirit of your all-time favorite singer. Was his first name George? Kim, how you KNOW FOR YOURSELF its your fav singer is the very reasons you mentioned: the area beside the bed was dedicated for him and the objects moved, he’s in your dreams and the song plays. The tingling you get in your body is another powerful validation/confirmation. That’s how I experience and teach. In my life after more than 20 years of losing some very special family members to cancer, I would get a “HIT” in my mind, see an object move and just know, hear a song on the radio that my cousin Rob and I loved/remembered and know it was my cousin. You are on track, I hope this warms your thoughts. here are a few links to help you.
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you can get videos on spirit when I make those and check out another blog on spirit communication. this one is about my cousin and the clock radio that links “electricity”:
Life After Death, Electricity Signs video and Life After Death: Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from Loved Ones. I’ll also invite you to grab my Free eBook to help you Raise Your Vibration even more: . This will put you on my monthly newsletter for the latest videos and articles.
Thank you , so much for answering my questions. I sent you an email.
God bless you
Dear Kim, you are so welcome. Anything to help you raise your awareness in a way that reminds you to TRUST yourself. It touched my HEART what you wrote in the email so I’ll share it and answer your questions.
“Colleen, my heart was very warmed by your reply. I’m very touched an honored to know that these actions are the one of My favorite singer. Yes his name is George! How did you know what his name was? Also is that what I’m feeling in my legs, the tingling an the coldness that I feel? … Is that a bad thing ? Thank you so very much for your reply. Appreciate it more than you will ever know. I’m very p!eased with your reply.”
Kim, I do work deeply with clients in a medium/channeling of spirits passed over kinda way. But in your case, I trusted my INTUITION that guided me to do an quick online search for musicians who died in 2016. I was shown a number of musicians as their photos popped up. in about 5 seconds I scanned over some faces and ONE jumped out at me. I felt vibrations and tingles and ENERGY light me up, go up and down my body, legs, arms and heard their words as if George Michael was speaking to me. This is how I knew – I felt the energy and his spirit. I also felt not only his appreciation for you, but his “kinship” to a similar life or upbringing or something related to your youth and home country. Not sure if that makes sense, but he “understands you” – not only because you are his favourite fan did he visit. I hope that helps you trust yourself. For learning more ways they connect subscribe to my newsletter and lets stay connected. Watch my TV Interview here, make any comments, and you can subscribe to get my newsletter also:
Hello, I’ve been reading everyone’s experiences to see if it may help me. I lost my dad 4 months ago and I’ve really missed him. He was so funny and caring and worried about me alot. I feel like I’ve lost my friend. I talk to him all the time and I go to his grave alot and tell him all of my problems. I’ve had a couple dreams about him and I’ve been woke up twice by something, the first time felt like someone shaking me to wake me up then slowly sliding a pillow out from under my head to where my hair moved. The pillow thing happened 2 nights in a row. My husband thinks its something bad and is scared but I wasn’t scared when it happened and I thought of my dad automatically both times thinking maybe he was letting me know he was there. But why pull the pillow? Should I be scared or does this make sense?
Dear Bee or Brandy, thank you for sharing your story of bewilderment on my Spiritual guidance blog and Coaching website. When my dad died over 20 years ago (followed by my cousin 9 months later), these 2 very close men in my life began to play all sorts of tricks and did things to capture my attention to let me know they were there and also to continue loving and supporting me. Yes, its your Dad and there is “zero reason” to be scared and do tell your husband. Invite him to read people’s stories around the world and my YouTube channel or review the titles under Spiritual Education playlist:
This is new for you is all. Pillows represent support, supporting of your head/neck and enabling relaxation for sleep. Only you can ultimately tap into the deeper message of your Dad’s meaning (playful and/or wants to share a message) but think of it as a wakey wakey call to TRUST and let him support you and cheerleading you on through all your life’s happenings and challenges and celebrations. Write me at if you want to schedule a private professional consultation by phone/zoom.
My Granny passed away around this time last year. In January, we were going through some of her personal belongings. She loved ducks and had a big collection of duck ornaments. I took 3 ducks home with me. One big duck and two small ones. They are quite heavy. I put them in a straight line facing left on my windowsill. A few days ago I had woken up to find the middle small duck was turned facing the window looking into the garden. She loved Gardens and flowers too.
Emily, you stole my heart! DUCKY is my nickname given me from my niece at the age of 2. Followed by years of duck this and duck that at every opportunity. Ha ha! Love your granny. Thank you for posting on my website your marvelous experience of proof our loved ones live on. It’s been over 24 years since my dear father Gerry (in the post) transitioned and his ongoing presence helped me ease my grief of over a dozen beloveds since and learn how to support people going through grief, tapping into their intuitive brilliance and transform their lives through the power of spiritual signs.
The fact that the middle duck did a 180 degree turn toward the Garden is magic and pure love expression indeed. As well, one spiritual meaning behind ducks is to encourage being vulnerable with emotional expression and surround yourself in loving, happy places & relationships that ignite your heart to sing more.
Given moving objects is happening more and more, you will find value in my short blog Interpreting Spirit Signs and by subscribing to my YouTube channel where you’ll enjoy my video collection on the Spiritual Education Playlist: WATCH HERE
Love to hear from you more stories and your questions connected to your beloved, especially during this difficult time in the world for many.
Blessings, Colleen
Both my engagement ring and wedding band from a previous marriage (16 years ago) vanished from my jewellery box. My jewellery collection is extensive with far more expensive pieces were left. All obvious explanations have been eliminated. It’s been about a year now and the have not re appeared. I’m at a loss.
Dear Martha, thank you for sharing your story on my website. There may be something you are overlooking!! Are you in a new relationship or wanting to be? You have a supportive cheerleading Spirit overlooking you that clearly is inspiring you (in-Spirit) to let go of the past relationships that once served your evolution, transform any associated pain and disappointments etc, to make room for NEW. This is a powerful time on the planet (as you well know) and the old is no longer serving our best to move forward and create the life of your Dreams you’ve always wanted. Be lovely to have you in my HeartLink Insights community where I have a 1-2x/month newsletter releasing my current videos/article on Spiritual & Health for navigating transitions in life. Download my complementary eGuide ‘8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration’ here: ! Also, you may love my YouTube channel where I teach on same plus Spiritual happenings like this from Spirits and our beloveds who have passed on. Be sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications when I release new videos. This video may well resonate with you: How to Talk to Spirits and Trust Yourself
Hi i watched your video .it has happened a few times tonight a incense stick left my daughter’s room as i lost her 16 years ago its a strange feeling.but i no one of my loved ones are with me
Dear Kathy, thank you for sharing your daughter’s presence / visit with you. It sure is joyful to know that after 16 long, painful years she is nearby. I’ve lost over a dozen beloved starting with Dad & cousin Rob 24 and 25 years ago and rest assured, they continue to communicate with me as you heard and your daughter will for you too. If you’d like more teachings and insights I’d love to have you part of my HeartLink Community. Your option.. I have a monthly newsletter announcing when health & spiritual videos/articles are up and you can join by getting a copy of my eGuide 8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration or consider subscribing to my YouTube channel where I’m posting videos regularly now – the youtube has a Spiritual Education playlist collection you will love!!
Hi there. I came across your page looking for some kind of answer to what happened to my mother.
So my grandfather who’s my mothers father recently passed away this may and last evening my mother was in one room and in her bedroom she has a photo of me on her dresser. Well that photo of me fell, did not break at all but it fell about 2 feet from the dresser and landed perfectly in a box. What could that mean?
Dear Natasha, I’ve sent you an email with a longer reply. If your Grandpa pops into your mind, then you can be assured he had a hand in the photo frame falling and not breaking. How you know its your Grandpa communicating with your mom and you is because he popped into your mind (or also your mom’s thoughts). That’s the simple first step. There can be a number of meanings/messages to your grandpa getting your attention. We’d have to dive into a consultation together for specifics to you, for clarity and healing. I educate “HOW TO” recognize subtle signs, ease any fear or doubt and together we interpret their meaning. Enjoy my eGuide ‘8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration’: . Also you will love my YouTube channel (please subscribe) where I teach on same plus Spiritual happenings like this from Spirits and our beloveds who have passed on: How to Talk to Spirits and Trust Yourself
Dear Natasha, thank you for reaching out to find answers. My heartfelt condolences to you and your Mom – never easy. I’ve worked with people for nearly 2 decades since my Dad and cousin first transitioned, now helping clients overcome grief, and transform their life while learning to recognize and interpret spirit signs of their loved ones. The short answer is your grandfather is reaching out to your mom and you to communicate he’s with you and particularly expressing a loving bond he has for you. Our loved ones perform all sorts of feits from moving objects, electricity occurrences, show up in our dreams, etc to grab our attention – particularly when we most need it. In terms of the meaning he brings to you, we’d have to schedule a private consultation to explore his connection with you. If that interests send a message to and we’ll schedule it – otherwise considering joining my HeartLink Insights newsletter to receive new messages and YouTube videos I share with my community each month. This blog INTERPRET SPIRIT SIGNS and this Video TALK TO SPIRITS WHEN YOU NEVER BELIEVED may assist you!! you may also like to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have more content. Please email if you’d like spiritual or grief/loss counsel. Blessings xx
I just had something happen right before my eyes and I feel like my boyfriend thinks I’m crazy so I googled “objects moving” and this page popped up. I was sitting here in my living room and my can of seltzer started moving slowly across the table. I thought it would stop but it didn’t and would have gone right over the edge of the table. It didn’t make a sound. I decided to slide the can across the glass table myself afterward as an experiment and it made a scratchy noise which I didn’t hear when it moved by itself. Was this a spirit or am I losing my mind?
Dear Ashley, I’m so happy you googled “objects moving” and found my website to support your wild experience! Shocking, but please be at Peace that you are NOT losing your mind. Yes, my insights see this Spirit as a being or guide to you, often can be a loved one who transitioned (passed away). These events do happen, have occurred in my own life for over 20 years, and they are happening more and more as the veil of separation of frequencies/worlds are thinning and also we as spiritual beings residing in a human body are more tapped in and open. I can help you in a private phone/zoom consultation (email me) or you can learn more at my website links: Interpret Spirit Signs and Spirit Communication Guidance ~ and also a beautiful collection of spirit signs examples on the YouTube collection playlist: Spiritual Education ~ Contact me if you’d like a 1-on-1 session or join my community by accepting this FREE 8 Best Steps eGuide:
Deep breaths, xx
There have been a few strange happenings in this house. I want to start by saying that I don’t own my home and live in military housing on base. Many people have lived here before me.
The TV has turned on and put on Netflix by itself which is a multi step process. It’s not like a Roku remote where it has a Netflix button. You have to turn on the TV, bring up the menu and select Netflix. this has happened once (2 months ago at around 6 am).
My computer is in the spare room and I have a little radio in there too. One day when I was in my bedroom the radio turned on blasting playing Johnny Cash. The first lyrics were “Because your mine, I walk the line” I was super freaked out. Plus the radio is one that is turned on by turning up the volume. There’s a “click” when turning the knob up and it was turned up all the way. This happened once a little over a year ago (at around 3pm).
I began a more spiritual practice recently and smudge my space a couple times a week. Last week smudging the spare room (counterclockwise, windows open) (where the radio is), i started blowing on my smudge stick to keep it going and it ignites into a huge flame (4 or 5 inches tall)!! I was freaked out, blew the flame out and kept smudging.
Today I put water on to boil to make tea. I took the lid off my teapot and put my loose leaf tea in the catch. I left the lid off standing there in a bit of a tired daze waiting for the water to boil. Out of the corner of my eye i see the lid start to slide towards the teapot then it stops. So, I start staring directly at it and it slides about an inch or so very slowly and stops. This happened five times. Then my water started boiling so, I poured it over and put my lid on and went about my morning.
It seemed like whatever is was it was trying to gently get my attention and I don’t think it was negative (because I am consistently clearing my space).
What’s your take on this?
Dear Courtney, I have sent you a private email. This Spirit is “Definitely not a negative energy.” As you have started your spiritual practice of more recent and learning many new tools and teachings about yourself, you open your energetic field as you expand. Over time your continued letting go, allowing and shift in your “energies” allows beloved beings to connect with you in a way that you actually notice – a lot.
Ask yourself, “Who does this spirit remind me of?” – I am receiving You visiting spirit is loving, playful and spontaneous. Likes excitement over boredom. A mischievous personality/energy.
The veil is thinning for Spirits and we are becoming more tapped in and open as spiritual beings, so what’s happening is many of our Beloved friends/family members we knew once that died, and some are our spirit guides or cheerleaders as I like to call them, are finding creative ways to get our attention to let us know they are present, with us and supporting us!
Join my community be accepting this Free 8 Best Steps Guide:
Interpret Spirit Signs
Spirit Communication Services
And here is a collection of Spirit Signs examples on my YouTube Playlist:
Spiritual Education Videos
Contact me if you’d like a 1-on-1 session by sending an email to:
My friend had lost their chapstick cap for days and it happened to be placed on top of the chapstick when they came home yesterday. They live alone and are scared that a ghost could be there. How do we know if it is good or bad?
Great question Carter, or is it Holden? This is one that comes up often. Thanks for engaging on my website, great to have you. In my 25+ years of direct experience coupled with professionally working closely with clients experiencing moving objects, the ghosts are often a loved one who died. Personally, I’ve only experienced “good” Spirits, primarily Loved ones who transitioned (died) and show up to let me know they are present in my life. Many are spiritual beings I didn’t know in this lifetime, but a large number my family that was in their physical. So I ask you ~ why do you and/or your friend consider “Ghosts” as bad? Is this your friend’s first experience of a misplaced item? I teach by guiding people to tap into their feelings of the energy of the being. But if your friend is already nervous about living alone, easily feels frightened or bad energies from people/life/etc – he/she can PERCEIVE Ghosts as bad if he’s feeling same. Compound that with all the paranormal movies and videos across the internet and more fear builds. If you want my take on it and make sense of things, you wanted to get better at tapping into your Intuition and Trusting yourselves.
These videos and info may help: INTERPRETING SPIRIT SIGNS and HOW TO TALK TO SPIRITS AND TRUST YOURSELF. Let me know how this works out. You can email me direct at: or join me over on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram or my YouTube channel is the best for this content.
Greetings to you Colleen. My father passed away in 2019. He and I did not have much of a relationship until around May of last year. He got into a situation that brought awareness of possible dementia. At that point, I was very adamant about communicating with him. His niece informed me that he wasn’t doing well so I wanted him to know that I loved him and would help if he allowed me. At times I thought he was trying to tell me something but couldn’t. Shortly after, he wasn’t responding to my calls nor opening the door for me. I thought maybe he was withdrawing from me again. Before we could speak again, he passed. My daughter recently had a dream that he was talking to her and wanted her to relay a message to my mom and I. He apologized for how he treated us. Several issues are at hand but I feel as if he was trying to give me some important information from a dream I had. Do you think that is possible?
Dear Denise, so much love to you and your family for the transition of your father last year. I love your heart and intention to make a connection with him, albeit his challenge to allow you in. So much trauma we can experience for ourselves through multiple avenues over time, so I’m glad you are reaching out to ask. Short Answer: Yes, absolutely, 100%. There is some key information to help you in your solice and our life moving forward, by helping also with your heavy heart about the connection that seemed missing to you during his physical presence. Our loved ones in Spirit have layers of messages and teachings to help us, and support their journey too. Right out the gate I am sensing something key, but I could only explain fully in a session together. I do offer a free mini 15-20 minute strategy call where we can meet, you share your biggest challenge and I’ll give you a couple intuitive insights to help you. You may love to work together thereafter for a bigger shift/healing. If this intrigues you Denise, send me an email to: or book a spot in my calendar:
Alternately, consider accepting a Gift of my eGuide ‘8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration’ and join me over on YouTube where I post videos on Spiritual Teachings, How to Trust Signs of Your Loved Ones, Healthy Living and more! Subscribe to: Colleen’s YouTube channel
I keep having 5p coins move across my room or other objects elevate. Can you please explain why. I bought some sage recently and it seems to have gone quiet. Mind you every now and again an object falls. Sometimes I have felt a presence on my bed. I have had my phone move. Amongst other things in public and at home for years now. I am no clairvoyant so cannot see beyond the object moving. I don’t feel worried for my safety. I just want answers. I also have questions about my family.
Dear Louisee, it’s increasingly very common for our loved ones in Spirit who have passed away and family members you may not have met in your lifetime, as well as angels or guides many refer to, show up to show they are with you, supporting you, want you to open to change in your life. In my experience and belief, “Definitely not a negative energy” and nothing to worry about there. This blog will help:
Interpreting Spirit Signs
Reach out to book a call with me for more support by writing me an email: and letting me know you commented.
I was laying in bed last night thinking about my brother who passed away last November when I heard a loud crash that sounded like my dogs metal bowl had been tipped over or kicked across the floor. I was too scared to go down but my husband who also heard it went down to investigate but said nothing was wrong. However when I went down myself I noticed that the dogs bowl was not in its usual spot but had moved about two foot. Now I have read your comments about it usually being the first thing you thought about and did wonder if it was my brother I do hope so otherwise I’m a bit scared of something more sinister
Hey Nicole, I can appreciate your bit of fear that rose up. That’s because this is new and unfamiliar territory for you. It happened to me over 20 years ago and then over and over many loved ones who died began showing up in all sorts of playful and entertaining and “spontaneous” ways. Rest assured, you can trust yourself – that its your brother. I teach and offer spiritual guidance for people through Zoom/phone private consultations so if you ever need guidance reach out: – in the meantime, thanks for subscribing to my community.
This blog will help: Interpreting Spirit Signs
Consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. I have a selection of spiritual Educational videos about these very occurrences:
Colleen’s YouTube Spiritual Playlist – have fun talking with your bro!
Hi there. My nan passed away on 16th feb…she was into a lot of things but told me she never believed I asked her to let me know if it’s real when she was passing away. I’ve recently had my nans things come into my house..including witchcraft.
So other day I lit a candle that was my nans with her initial M on…it had already been lit by her in the past…I also lit a fresh tall church candle. That flame was steady and tall..the candle that was my nans was jumping and flickering high really mad then would stop and start again. I was trying to communicate through the candle. Last night I put my 18 month old daughter to bed…this is the crazy part. I dont know to take it … so my daughter woke up crying I though oh leave her a min she will go back to sleep…few mins later she is getting I go in and notice a big scratch mark put the light on it was fresh and looks like a burn on her face. She was so shaken up and she kept saying bad…I took her down stairs to calm her down she pointed at my nans picture saying bad bitch I thought she said. No she said bad witch… tonight I’ve been awake laying in my bed…playing my cod game I’ve heard a huge crash I’ve looked the bedroom door thought I seen it move…but something told me to look at the book shelf…I did which has my nans jewlery box on…the bookcase had fallen and the jewlery box I was a bit scared I felt automatically suffocated and scared. I had to ask my cusian to come sleep on bedroom floor… please I need to know what am seeing here.
Hi Ellissa, this is indeed your Nan’s presence, but the answer you are seeking is too complicated and would take time. Plus I charge for consultations.
I’d have to connect with you privately to be sure, however, I can say I sense its a combination of the intuitive “witch” style energy that is ancestrally in your Nan, in you and your daughter, handed down through your cellular imprint, the part has been REPRESSED. First by Nan, then also by you (your mom too), and now your daughter.
Super important you work out the “fear factor” and trauma, wounds of past, abuse and self sabotaging to raise your love vibration to receive the GIFT of your personal power. I can help you with that. There is more… but that’s a start…we’d have to speak.
SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel for videos about Spirit communication and signs. Start with this playlist:
I charge for professional consultations in intuitive readings, grief/loss and helping people heal their head & hearts. I do offer a brief 15-20 min Discovery Call if you want to book an appointment. I do not do offer online written counsel or intuitive readings. All through Zoom audio/video or sometimes telephone. Please book a time with me in my calendar if you’d like
Book a time with my by sending me a direct email to: From here I’ll send you my calendar link.
I also sometimes since my nans passed have had a tingling feeling in the top of my head and sometimes my neck and face.xx
Ellessia, this is the beautiful essence of you Nan showing… communicating her presence to you through energetic touch! I have this happen alot. Watching some Spiritual Signs videos over on my YouTube may help you. Start with this one:
My Son 34 committed suicide Aug 6th 2020. I have a necklace on top of his urn kinda draped over it with tape he loved music and its a small urn microphone…well on the 6th of every month I lite candles next to his picture and urn. The day before the 6th the necklace was not on the urn it was like it fell off…so I retapped it back on the next day it was off again I checked the tape and it was still adhere tightly. I put it back and tugged on the chain there was no slippage unless you tugged and pull it hard so it wasn’t the weight of the necklace pulling it down and off. Well everyday after the 6th that necklace keep dropping slowly down. i was wondering if it was my Son? I was thinking about pulling the tape off and putting a fresh strip over the necklace oh also on the night of the 6th when I went to bed my cat just stared at the wall and ceiling while in bed with me..I got my cell flashlight and pointed it at the wall to see if something was crawling up it maybe thats what the cat was looking at but there was nothing there. Could this be my Son letting me know he is there and watching over me? Im still having a very hard time accepting his death and processing it to move forward.
Dear Tara, My deepest Heartfelt condolences for the tragic suicide of your son. What a horrendous experience you’ve been and are going through. My Heart extends to you. Appreciate you having the courage to share your vulnerability. You are not alone, although it can overwhelmingly feel like that.
Yes, very much. I have lost over a dozen beloveds in the past 25 years and can attest to how our loved ones reach out to show they are still at your side and continuing to walk the path together. They love to move objects, play with electricity, show up in dreams for a date and much more. Now your son is able to support you more fully (albeit from a spiritual form) than he could when in his physical. Does that makes sense?
This blog will help you: Interpret Spirit Signs
For 20 years I’ve helped my clients navigate grief/loss and move beyond so they can function and live happier lives again. For your interest, I offer professional private intuitive guidance zoom or phone consultation. Read about Spirit Communication & Grief/Loss CLICK HERE.
Blessings, Colleen
Hi, I need some type of guidance please. My mom passed away in 2019 and my dad passed away this March. Both from cancer. I just turned 27 so I am extremely young. Last night, things we pushed off in an extra room. We heard our vacuum fall and then our cleaning bottle which was in a spot that wasnt possible for it to fall but we brushed it off. Maybe 10 mins later, My bf and I were sitting on the couch and our dog was in her crate eating her dinner (or else she wont focus on eating). Then our heavy metal chip basket way on the back part of our fridge crashed down very far in front of the fridge behind me while I was sitting on the couch. The kitchen is directly behind our couch (small living room) & it horrified us. it was late at night so no one was up for vibrations. No air vents or windows open. We turned the air completely off because its fine without it. It doesnt feel like anything good. Later I fell asleep and had a dream about pregnancy. I was pregnant back in August & lost the baby while almost losing my life. When I woke up, my bf was watching a show and he said isnt this weird..the hospital where they took me was on this show. Its a random small hospital. That couldve been mere coincidence but it feels related. Can you help me understand what is happening? I want to move. I have never really encountered anything like this. I feel exhausted today and nervous.
Dear Angela, this is a difficult and sounds kinda frightening time for you with respect to the “signs” coming through from your parents. It is not “meant” to frighten you but under the grief of your many circumstances – loss of loved ones and then pregnancy loss, it can be PERCEIVED that way. Hence your needing to reach out to me. I can only help you privately in a 1:1 consult or call if you want personal support.
Your parents are with you and wanting to support you and extend their love. Please BREATH and hear me tell you – the moving objects, etc are NOT MEANT TO SCARE YOU. Its only that you are not yet familiar with the form of communication our spirits often use. Read this blog, it will help: Below is additional information to teach about these happenings.
Spirit Communication Services
And here is a collection of Spirit Signs examples on my YouTube Playlist:
Spiritual Education Videos
Contact me if you’d like a 1-on-1 session by reply to the email I sent you. or write me at:
much love Colleen xx
I’ve been experiencing some strange moments with my altars. A week or two ago, a wooden carving of a bear my grandfather made for me fell over out of nowhere while I was in bed. It’s been in the same place for over 2 years and hasn’t fallen before, and nothing was around that would have knocked it over. A few days after that I felt called to set up separate altars for my ancestors, spirit guides, and inner child. I have been visiting each of them daily, and I went away this past weekend and when I got back one of my crystals was knocked over on my guides altar. I figured I accidentally knocked it over and didn’t notice but I thought it was strange since my door was closed while I was gone. Then just now, one of my candles on my ancestor altar had moved. I have it set up in a specific way and haven’t been near the altar today to have moved it, plus I remember looking at it earlier today and wondering if I should light it then deciding not to, and it was in the right place.
I am guessing someone/something is trying to communicate with me but I’m not sure what they are trying to say. Any advice on how to tune in to their messages?
Hi Kira, thanks for visiting my website blog. I loved your story of moving objects and can definitely help you find greater understanding. Yes, some ancestors and your spiritual cheerleaders are showing their presence to you. I feel grandfather and grandfather’s side. They are showing up because you are honoring them regularly (visiting, altars) and they are acknowledging you and have much to say to support in the places you are most challenged with right now. My YouTube video will give you some ideas how to communicate with your loved ones in Spirit:
To give you more in-depth guidance let’s set-up a consultation. I’ll send you a personal email or please reach out: – I offer a free 15 minute consult before the session to ensure we are a good match! I’ve been receiving messages for 25 years now, beginning with my own heart opening after my Dad and cousin Rob both passed from cancer. Then another 10+ people over the years.
The presence of my loved ones who died helped me understand while helping me heal my heart, and now I help guide and coach my clients to transform their lives through emotional healing, breakthrough coaching and teaching how to trust the signs coming your way and interpret them for your specific experience. I’m love teaching others so please connect! blessings & vibrant health to you, Colleen xx
My Dad passed away 04/25/2021. Both my sister and I had husbands ready to retire. We sold homes and found new homes to be close to my mom. She has had so many things happen in that house since my dad died. First her oven would not turn off. To the point that it got hotter and hotter and she had to call the fire department out. They unplugged it and turned off the gas to it and it had to be replaced. Just the other night her microwave came on while she was watching TV in the light room. She couldn’t get it to turn off until she unplugged it. My husband went over to check it out and it works fine now. She has been calling me telling me someone is knocking on her windows at night. This has happened three times. We put up motion detector lights all around her house and the Arlo security cameras that capture all of her windows. The night before last it happened again and this time it woke her up at 2am. I checked the cameras and nothing was there.
Then for the past 2-weeks someone has been cleaning up the front yard and porch. She couldn’t figure out who was doing it. My mom is in no way the least bit crazy. But I was starting to worry about her. My sister was over yesterday and was talking about how weird it was. That she knew someone had been doing yard work at mom’s because a plant she had given my my was all trimmed up and the front porch was spotless. We have never believed in ghosts or that spirits can contact from beyond the grave but all of this points to my Dad. They were married for 66-years and he always took care of her so well. One of his big things was keeping the yard nice and tidy because she loved her plants.
One more thing, he came to me in a dream. I woke up and he was standing at the foot of my bed. He was trying to talk to me but words would not come out of his mouth. His eyes were real big as he tried so hard to communicate words to me and couldn’t. Just mumbling sounds. It was so real and kind of scary to me.
Could all of these things be him!
Hi Deb, thank you for your sharing your amazing story of multiple strange happenings since the passing of your dad. First, I extended my heartfelt condolences for the transition of your Dad. Never easy time for you, your family or your Mom. My own dad passed over 25 years ago and although this Blog you commented on was written in 2013, he still communicates his presence, his love, his GUIDANCE to me which in turn I help my clients develop their Intuition and spiritual communication skills so they can improve all areas of their life.
Short answer = YES!! I believe you’ve answered your question. Definitely your dad, with perhaps some helpers!
The SIGNS are there that match up. The yard and porch and care for your mom’s plant. All getting cleaned up SOMEHOW. Like how your Dad in 66 years of marriage took care of your mom so well. One of his big things was keeping the yard nice and tidy because she loved her plants.
My YouTube video will give you some ideas how to communicate with your loved ones in Spirit:
If you’d like to have more in-depth guidance let’s set-up a consultation. I’ll send you an email with more information.
Hope this helps! Blessings, Colleen
Recently, in early February, I lost a friend due to a tragic death. I’m very empathetic and my gifts have been with me my whole life. The day before I got the news from her son that she was taken from us the light in my home office flickered 3 times rapidly. I checked the bulb and it was fine. I know she was saying my name via the lights. My oven light even flickered that night too when I was making a pizza.
I hear her say, “good job,” a lot about the work that I do in the world. One peculiar thing is she raises the blind in my kitchen up an inch. I close the blind at night but if I am sitting at my kitchen island a bit before bed I always notice it is up. I am curious to know what this means! I think it might have something to do with moving.
I know she is around and today in the forest she was even moving the leaves in front of me as the wind was going in the opposite direction! I’m staying in touch and I told her to talk to me. =)
I need to add to this. Today the light in my office went out completely. I just replaced the bulb 3 weeks ago! So hi to my friend! =)
OMG Cecelia, just LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Your sweet friend, your Spiritual Cheerleaders if very much rooting for you in your growth expansion and life! How fun. Years ago filmed a short 3 1/2 minute video about my sister active in twisting & looping a light string. I mention how my sister also loves moving window blinds and strings attached. go ahead and share your thoughts in the comments: Spirit Signs from Loved Ones Died ~ I’ve emailed you personally today, following up your wonderful initial share!
BIG LOVE to you Cecelia for the sudden tragic loss of your beloved friend. We appreciate your heartfelt share of spirit communication. I love how connected you are to your empathic, intuitive gifts. Times on the planet and the ascension under way will increase your abilities and all our connections with loved ones who transitioned. Electricity signs are a BIGGIE for me too from loved ones. Also blind movement from my sister Corrine for years! I have videos over on youtube speaking to moving objects like this one: How To Talk to Spirits and Trust Yourself
Interesting about the blind movement an inch up. Yes, she’s speaking to me several things for you. I don’t do intuitive guidance readings over blog (you’d have to book a consultation on the contact Colleen page). I can share that your friend has messages and she’s a reflection of your higher divinity, your calling to expand your imagination and viewpoint. She’s wanting to encourage and support you in new ways of spiritual expansion, including through to how you work and guide others.
Love to gift you my eGuide ‘8 Best Steps to Raise Your Vibration’ when you Sign-up for my HeartLink newsletter:
Or Watch on YouTube “Signs to Trust Your Intuition to Hope and Freedom” and consider subscribing for more Spirit Communication videos to come.
Reach out if you’d love to book a consultation!
Over the years we have had several encounters which left us a bit uneasy at the time but we put it down to different things.
When I was quite young I was working in a Solicitors Office, we lost a file and I searched high and low for it. I went right through the filing cabinet – an open drop-file one. It couldn’t be found. I checked everybody’s desks. Then I just started laughing, I thought it was so funny, because it had to be somewhere. There was this loud bang as it hit the middle of the floor, it must have jumped out of the cupboard and was lying on the floor (this happened twice).
Maybe about 15 or so years ago
We had a hotel for a few years and some girls came back from the night club and couldn’t find their room key we used the master key and found their room key on their room table! We had to give them a drink and change their room they were so scared. They came to us regularly for a few years but always said any room but that one! I thought maybe I had been a little tired and found the key in the door and just put it in the room, but I couldn’t remember doing that.
Some time later at New Year, I remember it was the night they were opening up a new nightclub in town, The Syndicate, because we had intended having a late night party but nobody came back till about 4am. Right on 12midnight we were toasting each other with I think a coffee or soft drink and the board across the unused fireplace in our private lounge blew out. We got the fright of our lives – there was a gas fire behind it! We had the gas board check it out as soon as possible and it was condemned!
About the time of the earthquake tremor, we think, some years ago I went to use the downstairs toilet but the door was locked so I just went back to what I was doing in the kitchen. When I went again a good five or ten mins later the door was still locked and I could see the light flashing on and off under the door. I shouted at the door thinking my husband was in there “Are you ok? And he walked out the sitting room behind me and said “I’m here what’s wrong?”. He had to get a screw driver to open the door from the outside. The window was too small for anyone to have gone in or out. He changed the light-bulb/strip light but had to change the lock on the door too as he had to force it open. At the time we thought possibly subsidence, but now remembering the other incident seems too strange to happen twice!
I play piano and a few years ago I broke the part on my headphones, that goes into the socket, it was completely broken and couldn’t be used. I put it in the bin and asked my husband to look online for me for one and I came back through the room and found one on the floor. Even, if I had two, which I don’t think I had, it wouldn’t have found its way to the floor it would have been in a drawer.
About a year or two ago I had a three/four string of fresh water pearls which I loved. I broke them, the pearls went all over the floor. I am sure I didn’t dream it! I thought about trying to get them mended then I think I decided not to bother and put them in the bin. I was sure I put them in the bin. Anyway, I searched the internet high and low looking for another set the same. I was really, really upset, my hubby had a look too. I couldn’t find anything like them anywhere. I gave up and started thinking maybe I should just try and buy the fresh water pearl strands and make them myself. I dithered over it and regularly looked online for fresh water pearls and for the strand that I had had. A few months later they turned up intact in a jewellery box! I can’t find the earrings anywhere though and I still had, them. Since all this has happened though I have started making, buying and selling online jewellery. I have also given myself the nickname Maisie as it stands for pearl and is a nickname for Mary.
Very recently, few days ago, I lost the ring measure for jewellery, it disappeared completely. My husband helped me search for it, it is blue so it stands out quite well. We looked everywhere but it couldn’t be found. The next day I was sitting at my desk and he came into the room and the cupboard door opened he looked inside the open door and said “oh did you find it!” I said “no” and he handed it to me! We had searched that cupboard a hundred times!
At the moment my scales for weighing things for postage has disappeared so I am having to get my postal labels at the post office. I am not really spooked by it, but.. if someone else had told me these stories I wouldn’t have believed them.
Dear Mary, thank you for sharing your incredible spiritual stories on my blog. Also for subscribing to our HeartLink Insights newsletter. I am in love with every one of your experiences: visits from loved ones transitioned, and angelic guides. I like to call them our Spiritual Cheerleaders when I refer to the “collective beings” in conversations with my clients and community. Incredible, right? most people are not believers (as you say) until its happening to us. I would love to share my YouTube playlist with you that has a collection of videos sharing SIGNS of moving objects, electricity, conversations, touches, and more from my family in spirit and those of my client’s too. Here you go and please reach out for a consultation if I can help you along in any way.
I live in the last dimension and last life Pisces Dragon 9th and last life I know alot about energy i quit doing readings cause i could go on for 3 hours taking time away from family. The chosen ones weather “human or animaI. I can see a video through a miror for example just like your watching a show thst 4 year old boy got out of the yard i stayed with the boy all night and notified the police 3 times on pinpointing his wearabouts easy to do..saved the boys life…I speak to my mom whos in energy universe also an empath Pisces Dragon almodt all my ancestors know the lessons and rules. True empath mediums won’t take a dime from anyone to help nor fame rules
Hello I have been having things move in my house like crazy . I have a mirror above my vanity table & it was laying on the hard bathroom floor early in the morning around 7am I went to use the bathroom at 3:40 something n it was still on the wall. The mirror is kinda heavy so I was shocked it wasn’t broken or cracked on top of that only 3 things fell off my table & I expected everything would have fell . Then a couple nights ago I heard whispering. Yesterday my vapor rub fell off my tv speaker randomly & again this morning it fell off again but the other item on it didn’t & it’s lighter than the vapor rub . A medium told me my great grandmother & a friend of mine be in my house . My grandma her daughter sleeps across from me in the same room & we always get touched by the spirit . I went to a friend house last night & this morning I was in the bed & heard change rattling on his dresser ,I went to grab my phone to cut my phone light on & it read exactly 8:19 my birthday . I felt like a spirit followed me there. There was also no change bucket or penny bank. I been reading Tyler Henry book tryna learn more about spirits. When I was younger I always heard them n seen they shadows now that I’m older I haven’t seen them but I feel them sometimes. The medium says I have clairvoyant & clairaudient gifts but I have a blockage of some sort. Can you plz help me . I would love to know what they are saying . I see 333,444,222,555 & 1111 a lot .
Dear Shaquetta (Shay). Thanks for sharing your spiritual experience with us. I love how “open” you are to receiving more signs. Good thing, because more spirits and energies, as well as our loved ones who transitioned, are available to us because we are becoming more available and open. yes, having a blockage of some sort will halt the flow of our senses, intuition, confidence and more. I see you’ve booked a time Tuesday, October 18th for a free 15-20 minute consultation. I’ll be happy to speak with you to uncover more about the block of some sort, usually emotional and traumatizing in some ways ~ and provide you solutions if I can help. I work with my clients in a few ways and looking forward to meet you Shay. I’ll also reply in a direct email to you.
To support your interest in Spirit Signs and emotional freedom, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and enjoy these couple of videos:
How to Talk to Spirit
Fastest Way to Trust Yourself to Heal Emotion
Link to Spirit Communications Collections: YouTube Playlist
My sister passed away in October 28th 2022 unexpectedly in her sleep at 38. She was my best friend my ride or die my a1 since day1! Well since she has been gone everything in my house is being moved, hidden and taken from me. I smoke a vape cigarette I had it in my hand set it down and went to the restroom and it was gone. This happens every single day with something. I’m not sure if she is mad at me or what she is telling me but I’m so sad about losing her sometimes it’s too much to take on. But I need answers and figure out what she wants me to do or finish. I’m lost! We see her nightly leaving her old bedroom and opening and closing her old door. I love hearing and seeing she is with me but I need some answers. Maybe she is ready for me to let her go. Please help
Dear Sarah
My deepest condolences for the sudden passing of your sister this past October. I’ve also had a sister pass over at the youthful age of 35 years and about a dozen loved ones since. Loss has been painfully difficult, but the messages from my loved ones died are beautiful, life affirming and helpful on my path.
Thank you for writing a comment on my Website blog.
Yes, I can help you better understand your sister’s active presence and the messages she is wanting to communicate with you. I’ve been helping my clients for over 20 years heal their hearts from grief and loss, overcome self doubt and better trust their own intuition, and teach how to understand the meaning of signs from their loved ones who transitioned in Spirit. I also offer guidance and counsel to navigate through loss and changes in their health, relationships, career and spiritual matters to find greater peace.
Learn more here:
If you are interested in working together, I offer a free 15-minute zoom consultation to better learn what you are wanting help in. I’m sending you an email to easily reply to. if you don’t receive it, write me at: or CONTACT ME.
In the meantime, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and enjoy these Spiritual videos:
My parents both passed away in 2021, my mother in May, and my father in July. I’ve had dreams about them, but just recently, something very unexpected happened. A photo of them fell off the fireplace mantle, but rather than falling to the ground, it fell in such a way that it cannot be just a random occurance. There was no draft, and no ceiling fan on, to cause it to fall, but when it did, it landed UNDER the mantle and to the right of where it was positioned there, right side up, and facing out,between some Christmas cards, as if someone had placed it there. Too perfect to be a coincidence! I can only believe that this was a sign from my mom and dad.
Dear Ross, thanks for visiting our website and leaving a comment on my blog “ Spirit Communication, Moving Objects… Signs from a Loved One” about the photo of your parents falling off the fireplace mantle, or rather BEING MOVED OFF ~ Ha Ha! I love how our beloved family and friends in Spirit demonstrate creative ways to capture our attention.
Yes, no coincidences. I get that’s a powerful SIGN of your parent’s presence and wanting to capture your attention. It’s a good clue when items fall without breaking or rearrange themselves entirely, while under normal conditions they would break. For more than 25 years since the passing of my dad and cousin Rob, I’ve received signs of their communication this way.
Is this the first time you’ve noticed? Do you notice electricity occurrences like lights turning on and off or computer frequency glitches? Have your parents visited you in your dreams? If you are interested in learning to recognize these signs, visit my YouTube channel, and spirit communication playlist with a collection of over 50 videos where I teach and share my personal stories:
Spirit Moving Objects, falling clock
If you’d like to receive spiritual inspiration on new videos or join my FREE class called Spirit Conversations with Colleen , subscribe to the newsletter at (scroll down to join).
I with my partner for years and last year he died me and kids where hart broke other night I was going bed I put keys in my hand bag so I woke up next morning I came downstairs to let dogs out put keys where not in my bag I was shock they where on table beside my chair where I sit
Dear Joanne, thank you for reaching out and your comment on my blog. My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your partner. That can be so difficult I know. I’ve lost over a dozen (12) beloveds dear to my heart and its emotionally painful.
Let me turn the tables and ask you this, “Do you think this is your partner communicating and capturing your attention?” Clearly I do. You already have the answer inside. There are many reasons for our loved ones passed to show their presence to us and this is what I help my clients understand so they can heal their hearts, move forward with change, support them along their spiritual journey of life and do work and things they love in life more than ever before. The spirit of our loved one is by our side and wanting so much to show you better way of living this life than they did when they were here in their physical.
Would you like to book a consultation with me to help you better understand the meaning behind the signs so that you can trust yourself more, communicate better with him and live a fulfilling life moving forward?
If yes, reply back and I’ll send you my calendar to schedule a consultation. I offer a free 15-minute consult then paid channeling & healing sessions to help guide you.
If you are only wanting validation and content to help you understand, subscribe to my newsletter here: (scroll down to sign up) or follow me on YouTube and most recent video:
I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
In Vibrant health & harmony,
With love,
Colleen, I found your site by searching for something about objects moving on their own. I will try to be brief. In January 2021, my sister, 83, passed away. In November 2022, my brother 83, passed away. Several months after my sister died, I started seeing multiples of the numbers 1 and 4, every day. I still see them, but it has calmed down. Other odd things have happened like the smoke alarm chirping 4 times in the middle of the night in my bedroom for no reason. This morning, about 7:00, I was sitting on my bed eating some toast and watching TV. Suddenly, my violin and bow, which were hanging next to each other in my bedroom, swayed. I was stunned and frightened. No one was with me when it happened. There was no air movement or agitation of any kind to cause them to move. After I sat there a while, not knowing what I was supposed to do, I got up and examined the violin and bow to see if I could figure out why they moved. Did something slip, or give way? I could see nothing, and couldn’t even make them move in the same way. My very first thought was that it was my sister doing it. She taught cello, and I have been neglecting practicing my violin for a few weeks. I am wondering if she was pushing me to play again. I am afraid to tell anyone this because they will think I am losing my mind. Do you have any thoughts about this?
Dear Marcella, I’m happy you did a google search for moving objects or something related when you came across my website and this blog.
My heart to you for the transition of your sister and brother years ago. I am loving the SIGNS showing up in your life. You’ve come to the right place as I guide people how to trust the signs showing up, relax their fears and trust their intuition to recognize communication from our spiritual cheerleaders (loved ones transitioned, angels, guides) to help you heal and make better life choices. Sounds like this started happening to you with the number sequences and now your violin/bow movement. Yes, you got it. The first person that comes to mind that relates to the paranormal or spirit communication you are having is most often the person you think it is.
If you’d like to book a consultation to learn more about the spiritual happenings and heal any struggles in your life, send me an email: CONTACT COLLEEN
I encourage you to visit my YouTube channel and subscribe so you can review the Spiritual Communication playlist video collection where I share spiritual stories of moving objects & electricity and more, personal and client stories on how to overcome self doubt and trust your intuition and believe in yourself more.
Spirit Communications playlist: WATCH VIDEOS CLICK HERE
I trust this will help! Blessings, Colleen 🙂
Hi Colleen,
My mother passed away back in October 2022, and I am wearing the ring I bought her, I never take it off. But I have woken up 4 times since her passing to find her ring ontop of my bedside cabinet (in the same place every time) but I haven’t removed the ring before I’ve gone to sleep.
I was wondering if spirits can remove the ring while I’m asleep.
I’m really puzzled because the ring is hard to get off my finger. So it can’t have fallen off.
And I use a sleep app that picks up every little sound, and you can’t hear me waking up or moving during the night, so i can’t be waking up and removing it myself.
I just can’t understand why it keeps happening. I’m so confused.
Dear Donna, Thank you for commenting about your mother’s ring you wear that keeps getting moved atop the bedside cabinet. It must be pretty crazy for you and feeling lost. I get it. I was in your shoes 25 years ago.
I have sent you a personal email with more information (check your inbox)!
What I’ve learned from loss is our beloved loved ones in Spirit like to demonstrate creative ways to capture our attention. They respond to our ENERGY and life experience, especially to our conscious and unconsciousness intention with them on our mind and heart. There can be multiple reasons for your Mom’s activity and her “attention grabber” way of doing that like moving objects. Our loved ones in Spirit want to help us, be our greatest cheerleaders for your life of celebrations, struggles and change especially.
I can help you make sense through an intuitive guidance or spiritual coaching to help you develop your own intuition and trust yourself. I offer a free clarity call to find out your needs, then I can make a suggested solution and service to help you. Consults are held over zoom.
Go ahead and book a call here:
If you are not ready for a consult and prefer to stay connected, go to: and scroll down to join our Newsletter.
Helpful information and my YouTube channel below!
Blessings, Colleen
Hi Colleen
I woke up this morning and opened my bedroom door to fine a gold bangle that my Mother. had given me 30 plus years ago . I couple of weeks ago I had been thinking about the 2 gold bangles my Mother had given me as presents and realised I had missed place them and couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen them . I have been seeing 11.11 and 1.11 again the ones always appear in my life when I am going through particularly hard and emotional times , and this is true again at the moment . I feel like when I see the 1s I am being supported by my loved ones who have crossed over ,it’s kind of like “we’ve got your back” feeling . Im not sure if I’m right ,it’s just how I feel.
Dear Dianne ~ Thank you for commenting about your discovery of the gold bangle your Mother gave to you 30 years ago that followed your thoughts 2 weeks prior wondering where they were. Also, your witnessing of the repeat numbers like 11.11 and 1.11 when you are going through hard emotional times.
Dianne, you can TRUST YOUR FEELINGS. I’ve had similar experiences over 25 years now and now guide others in intuition development and trust themselves more while navigating hard times. What I’ve learned from loss is our beloved loved ones in Spirit like to demonstrate creative ways to capture our attention. They respond to our ENERGY and life experience, especially to our conscious and unconsciousness intention with them on our mind and heart. Our loved ones in Spirit want to help us, be our greatest cheerleaders for your life of celebrations, struggles and change especially.
Your Mom has “grabbed your attention” to extend support and guidance. Perhaps she brough you to me to help you move through your especially hard emotional time?
I can help you make sense through an intuitive reading, spiritual guidance or coaching to develop your own intuition to trust yourself more. I offer a free clarity call to find out your needs, then I can make a suggested solution and service to help you. Consults are held over zoom.
Go ahead and book a call here:
If you are not ready for a consult and prefer to stay connected, go to: and scroll down to join our Newsletter.
Helpful information and my YouTube channel below!
How to Talk to Spirit
Blessings, Colleen
I have had several experiences with spirits starting back in 1964. Impossible to happen in normal life.
The last one recently. I don’t know why I am so sensitive to recognize a sign when it happens.
Unbelievable, it will take too long to describe them all here now but would like to let it be known before I go.
I am coming up to 90 years old and don’t have much hopes of seeing 91 but not worried about it. I look on it as a big adventure coming soon.
Will email full story if interested.
Albert Webb
Dear Albert, thank you for commenting inside my website blog. You are a genuine beautiful soul. Heartfelt appreciation for sharing and knowing that your “physical snake skin” is getting closer to your transition. WOW, I’d love to FEEL that way when its my time and how much you are excited for your BIG adventure coming!! wahoo! We’ll each have our time won’t we?
You are seeing more SIGNS because your physical body is getting lighter vibrationally and a channel or portal is opening up wider in you. Plus you are very sensitive and empathic so already been positioned to SEE AND RECEIVE – CAN BE ANY AGE! _
I’ve been guiding people to better understand their spiritual experiences, energies and SIGNS coming through for over 20y years since my father and beloved cousin transitioned. Albert you may love my YouTube channel as I have a spiritual communication playlist there on Spirit Signs and my experiences too!
here you go!
or this one:
Spiritual Signs and Spirit Communication for the New Earth
My daughter passed away in 2009, I moved to another state for13 years, recently I have returned home to the original state. A few months before leaving I started a new relationship ( online ) we met recently, he lives ( has lived for 25 years ) next door to where my daughter was cremated. This person lives in an old home, on old land in a home filled with the energy of hundreds of antiques, next door to a funeral home. I believe my daughter guided me to this person.
Hi Kristy, what a beautiful story! Thank you for visiting my website and connecting with the blog post of my father ~ who transitioned 25 years ago.
I love your share and also BELIEVE & hear your daughter AFFIRMING “yes Mom, it was me!” and smiling. She so wants to help you have a loving life and love of your own. So much divine alignment.
I’d love to invite you to subscribe to my newsletter where I share YouTube videos and spiritual inspirational messages, classes and sessions to support our beauitful community and clients. Pop over to the main page and scroll down to join our HeartLink mailing list.
interested in learning more about intuition and about the signs from loves ones transitioned, there I have a Spiritual Communication playlist on YouTube, click here:
Colleen’s Spiritual Playlist
My grandfather passed suddenly on 11.04. He had stomach cancer and was undergoing chemo. He was doing ok until the 3rd chemo. The side effects of the chemo were intensifying and he had to go to the hospital for iv fluids. Suddenly on Saturday he started feeling sick, when my grandmother came to the hospital to visit him that day she was told that he is gone and “they couldn’t save him.” They claimed he died from a pulmonary embolism and they couldn’t revive him. A day after his death, there was a box placed with rat poison droppings in the basement and the next morning it was all covered with rocks and debris and sticks. This debris was nowhere in the basement. We do not know where it came from. Where it was gathered from we couldn’t figure out. This was cleaned up and a couple of days later he was laid to rest. Three days after his funeral this occurred again and today this happened a third time but, at a family members home. What does it mean that he’s covering these droppings with debris and sticks?? Is he trying to tell us that something was covered up? Is he confused? Is he upset or sad? We pray for him everyday. But we do not understand how to help him. I would reach out to our priest but, am scared he will not believe us…
Dear Katie, first, my heartfelt condolences to you.
Thank you for visiting my website blog and sharing your story about your grandfather who passed on November 4th.
Katie, you are right that your grandfather is wanting to capture your attention and that there are some messages from your grandfather he wants to portray to you. Hence the 3x of repeat cover up of the rocks & debris and sticks. You can trust yourself. It’s difficult for certain people to “believe you” if they have not had the same experience. Does that make sense? Your priest may or may not.
I’d be happy to help you tap into the clarity you are seeking but you would have to book a call with me. All my readings & coaching is done 1-1 over Zoom or telephone if we are in the same country.
I offer a 15-minute free consultation where we could meet and I ask you a few questions first. From there, we can continue into a 30 minute or 60 minute intuitive guidance or spiritual coaching paid session to connect the messages of your grandfather back to you.
Would you like to do that?
i have sent you an email to the email so reply back or write me at: or click here: CONTACT COLLEEN
Please reply back FREE CONSULT or SESSION and what city you live in, and I’ll send you my zoom calendar for booking.
In the meantime, enjoy more spiritual communication and intuition videos on my YouTube channel:
More about Spirit Communication:
So many Blessings,
Colleen xx
Hi Colleen, my father passed away almost 2 years ago, and he was a nonbeliever of God or anything spiritual and the afterlife. He used to laugh at me when I talked about spirit, reincarnation, and any of my spiritual wisdom and beliefs, but I used to joke with him and say, “Oh yeah? Well when you get up there you’re going to say to yourself, wow Tanya was right! So you better come to me somehow to let me know you are there!”
Well, I just moved into a beautiful new home. (Side note) When I found out I got the place, my niece had a dream that my father told her I was moving and that he was watching me and was so happy for me. She didn’t know I was moving so this dream was a nice confirmation that he was around. BUT he still never came through to me as I asked him before he passed. Well, he certainly has now!! Everything in my new home is carefully placed and neat, so I will notice if something has moved, but I didn’t notice right away. The first thing was that I had a statue of a Goddess on the second bookshelf, but one day I came home and it was knocked over and on the landing shelf below. I thought it was strange but dismissed it, and I moved the statue to another place. A few days later I noticed the statue was turned around. Again I thought this was strange and thought maybe I moved it as I was cleaning. Well, it happened again, and this time I became suspicious and knew that I did not move her. So a few days went by and while I was coming home I called upon Dad and asked him to help me find a parking spot on my street, which is sometimes an issue. I said to him just let me know that you are with me, help me find a spot! So he did, and I was so thrilled when I walked in my door and was thanking him. So I checked to see if the statue was moved and she wasn’t, but then I looked over at the bookshelf and one of my books was pulled out and facing outward, and I 100% did not leave the book like that! Chills ran through my whole being! So I started talking to Dad, but I told him to stop as it was freaking me out, but chuckled and said, “So you’re having fun with this huh? Okay if you want to do it again then it’s okay. I then opened the book to read a paragraph about loved ones trying to reach us once they have passed over. (What a nice confirmaton!)
WELL, two days after this ( today) I come home and that same book was pulled right out again and placed in front of the books! It is very clear to me that this is him, but it’s really freaking me out! lol. I meditated and spoke with him to be sure he wasn’t trying to warn me of anything. The message I received was that he just wanted me to know that he is with me and that I was right about the spirit world.
Colleen, do you have any insight? I think he is having fun up there in heaven!
Dear Tanya, love that you shared your experience of the repeat visits from your beloved father and all the ways he’s continued to “grab” your attention. Yep, he’s having fun with you in Spirit Land (heaven).
I have two pieces of wisdom for you. For a proper intuitive coaching session, you’ll have to book with me as I offer clients 30 – 90 minutes consultations over zoom. Write me an email here to request a reading:
The first is a video I created several years ago about one example of my own father Gerry who transitioned in 1995 and loves moving objects to communicate his presence with me. I know you’ll enjoy my youtube video on Moving Objects: Moving Objects, Spirit Signs from Loved Ones
The 2nd bit of wisdom is to ask yourself, what now do you want to do in your life or how do you want to take this awareness into your life, relationships and/or business? My father was who helped me OPEN up my realization of intuition and from there my life turned from a corporate career into this “woo woo” health & wellness and spiritual coaching arena feeling more aligned and on purpose. I see your dad paving a new path for you in how you show up.
If this interests you, I’m hosting a free 20 minute confidential consultation with women who are navigating the challenging realms of grief, loss, doubt and uncertainties of life (fear), who frequency encounter symbolic messages such as recurring numbers, shifting objects and spiritual communications. As an energy healer and spiritual coach I guide people in unlocking their intuitive abilities, fostering self-trust, and leveraging these profound signs to embark on a transformative journey toward serenity, clarity, confidence, self-belief, and liberating freedom to pursue a life aligned with their highest purpose.
Does this peek your interest? if so, again shoot me an email and I’ll send you my booking calendar for a Zoom call:
I have a chain with my dad ashes from when he passed away and I had it hanging in front of his picture and all of a sudden the chain is now behind the picture was wondering if that was a sign from my dad.
Hi Davion, thank you for visiting my website. Oh I love these moving object experiences. Yes I feel your instinct is accurate, particularly if you are SENSING it’s dad, been thinking of him or going through a hard time or questioning something in your life. If you were in a session with me, more would come through. My dad transitioned (passed) over 25 years ago and for much of my life he’s captured my attention by moving crystals, stones, and a special frame with a poem – all of which sit on my bedroom night table. Its like our little thing!
If you’d like to explore more in a spiritual intuitive session with me, please connect through my CONTACT ME page or write me:
I’d love to share this YouTube video on my channel I filmed years ago about Moving Objects by our loved ones in Spirit. Enjoy!!
This happened twice today just hours apart. I was working on my laptop in the morning and closed it and put in the middle of my bed. Hours later I was downstairs and I heard a tremendous bang like something hit the roof of my house hard. My dog jumped and got scared. I ran upstairs and my computer was on the area rug at the end of my bed. I thought how did it fall off the bed when it wasn’t even close to the edge and how is it possible to make such a loud bang when I have a low platform bed and it fell on carpet. I checked to see if it was still working and sent a few emails and then I had to run out for an appointment so I shut it and made sure it was on the middle of my bed. Shortly after I arrived back I hear another loud thud—-no where near as loud as the first one, but when I got upstairs my computer was on the same carpeted spot. Now I am wondering if this was an energy form that did it.
Dear Betty,
Thank you for sharing your experience of the laptop being moved off your bed.
Sounds like you have a very playful, active spirit working diligently to get your attention Betty. Twice now. When Spirit calls your attention, by way of an energy form or a loved one who passed over, you are most often being guided to go inside and tune into the ENERGY OF THE MESSAGE or HAPPENINGS. You are always supported, but need to support yourself by LISTENING inward more and get the “working so hard off your bed.” Beds are for relaxing. There may be some insights for you about what you are “working on trying to figure out or a healing that is up for you.”
Ask yourself, “What am I most seeking an answer too?” and lean into that energy by listening, sensing, feeling.
If you’d like to schedule a consultation, write me at or click here: CONTACT COLLEEN
Or subscribe to my YouTube channel to learn more about connecting with messages from Spirit and Signs of your Loved ones. This video will help you understand more:
How to Connect to your Spirit Guides through your Heart
My older sister passed away this February 2024. In June 2024 my two cats were staring at my front door. June was my sister’s birth month. The next day, I opened the front door and was startled and noticed my outside door mat was flipped upside down. Then, on another time, my downstairs neighbor she passed away in August 2024 after my sister passed away in February 2024. Her daughter and her friend were cleaning out my neighbor’s (her mother’s),who had passed away, apartment. I bought her daughter and her daughter’s friend lunch and gave her daughter $100 in cash (because culturally that is what my culture does when someone passes away and give their surviving relative money). The next day, I went to clean my porch area (my apartment is upstairs on the second floor). I noticed and it startled me that a sign I hung with a string on a nail on the front of my door to my storage was flipped backwards. It was a pretty heavy sign and the string that it was attached to was not twisted and someone or something would have to had to lift it up and off the nail and turn it around.
Dear Cecilia, thank you for visiting my website and sharing your wonderful “moving objects” experiences with loved ones who passed. The games our beloveds play to make us smile, give us hope, communicate a message, and be present in helping us turn our lives around if they need that. I’ve personally experienced many signs and messages for over 25 years and love guiding my clients to connect with their intuition and help them aspire a life they love beyond grief and loss.
Have you asked yourself what the “flip around” means for you Cecilia?
If you desire a personal reading or spiritual guidance, write me here: CONTACT ME
I’ll invite you to check out my YouTube Channel Videos, as I have videos on the Spiritual Communication Playlist that will help:
3 Ways Loved Ones Who Died Communicate
Power of Channeling Spirit through Emotions
Moving Objects: Signs Your Loved One Is Communicating for REAL
Hi, I have never commented on a forum like this, so for sure out of my comfort. My children’s father died unexpectedly this past January. I have had several things happen to me. First, I could smell cigarette smoke in a bedroom downstairs which had just been renovated and no one smokes in my house. I opened my daughter’s room and pure smoke filled my nose. I was pretty frightened by this, I wasn’t in a good place mentally after his passing, it triggered panic attacks almost daily! Also, he has visited me in my dreams. I and know it was a visit! He appeared in his jacket he wore all the time at work and although I couldn’t see his face, he was standing right be side me and did a hand movement and it was peaceful. And as of recently he appeared in my dreams three more times, one tome he had just shaven and took my hand and had me feel his face.
I’m trying to it be scared to receive signs. I think I’m scared to see dead people.
Dear Kristen, thanks for visiting my website blog and having the COURAGE to not only share your story, but also to admit you have some fear of receiving signs and seeing dead people. My heartfelt blessings for the recent loss of your father so suddenly. It’s not easy losing our loved ones, my Dad whom I wrote the blog about Spirit Communication passed in 1995. My dad also surprised me with his regular visits and continues to show his presence in ways to me like moving objects.
I know it can feel scary, but it doesn’t have to feel this way. I offer spiritual guidance and healing to help people TRUST themselves and become more comfortable and open to what is happening for you in the spiritual realm, and learn to recognize and receive signs and messages with greater ease. it helps the healing process.
Please write me or CONTACT COLLEEN if you’d like to book a private consultation for support.
Listen to my YouTube videos to help gain more comfort and understanding:
5 Spiritual Signs Your Loved One Died is Communicating with you
Power of Channeling Spirit through Emotion (trust your intuition)