Spirit Communication Signs: When someone dies, their spiritual body continues living in an alternate vibration or frequency if you will. This is not another time or place as some believe, but here and now, among us. Our loved ones passed on are always available to communicate as WE and THEY desire. Are you a Believer?
My sharing today about Spirit Communication Signs is exciting. It’s from my friend Natasha who awoke recently one morning to find this occurrence in her girls’ bathroom. She has two daughters. Without a doubt she said the shower curtain and hooks were not in this position the night before. Take a close look at the incredible pattern formed. The curtain was closed, bunched to one side, and when Natasha pulled it open – THIS IS WHAT SHE WITNESSED!!
Immediately Natasha thought of me and texted the photo and recalled her surprised experienced. I sensed grandmother energy (great grandmother) watching over her daughters. My sister Corrine has intermittently continued to communicate her love and spiritual presence by either unhooking or re-hooking my home shower curtain and our Mom’s in unique patterns that have captured our attention.
Moving physical objects is a favourite form of Spirit Communication Signs because I am an organized person. Most items in my home have a place, so when a picture frame or candle or angel ornament is suddenly turned about or moved inches from its original location, I take notice.
If you are a not a highly organized person, it’s less likely a loved one passed will elect to communicate this way. Rather, they will engage in another form of Spirit Communication through Signs that will capture your attention, inviting you to “Stand Up and Take Notice. “
Spirit Communication Signs and methods can include:
- Moving Objects
- Dreams
- Electrical Occurrences
- Temperature Changes / Sensations
- Smells
- Inspirational Thought / Download
- Synchronicity Events
- Visions
When clients ask me, “How do you know it’s this person or that person who died and is communicating?” I respond with, “You will know, it comes from within like an Ah Ha moment.” Trust your first instinct and feeling, the one before your mental chatter interferes. Our intuition is always right – it’s only a matter of sharpening our skill to hear, deeply listen and interpret the meaning.
The chosen form of spirit communication at a given time is highly personal. Emotions may range from sadness, anger or grief to joy, laughter and exhilaration depending on what is occurring in life and what the moving object represents to each being.
Whatever the message, it’s beautiful for you and yours to interpret its meaning. You know you BEST, trust yourself, and trust your intuition or knowing!
Want to expand your inner psychic and intuitive abilities? Read how I can help, click here:
Spirit Messages through Intuitive Guidance
Spirit Communication ways to Connect: Interpret Spirit Signs
Read Client Testimonials: Spiritual Guidance
I believe the energy of our loved ones is around us. I don’t believe they can move things about however.
Thank you Savannagh for sharing your belief. I love knowing how others perceive their own experience. All is welcomed. Know there is always room for new experiences to come into our lives.
Being Natasha’s mother I know how connected she and our family are to the spirits around us. Our family home has always been known as that “haunted house’. We have had spirit visits, T V’s turn on and off by themselves, glasses fall off the counter full of water and land upright full of water. When my brother passed a glass I had just picked up shattered into a million pieces while in my hand. My brother had the ability to shatter glass from a distance when alive. When my mother in law passed and my husband called to tell me the gingerbread house I had just put together, exploded into a million bits on my counter. When you are open to “seeing'” the messages they are right in front of you.
Will me and Bruce be together again as husband and wife and stay together for entity? and can we do things couples do like cuddle and hold each other and things couples do? and how long do I have until u can with Bruce again how many months or years do have to wait until we’re together again for entity? please I need to know please
Elaine, thank you for reaching out here and on my YouTube channel after watching this video Communicate with Your Loved Ones Who Died. This is clearly a very difficult time for you. There will be many questions that rise up during this period of deep grief, due to your love for Bruce.
These are not questions I can answer directly for you, as we are multi-dimensional spiritual beings and you are in your body for now and he is in spirit form. Are you working with a grief/loss counselor who is supporting you? This may be our first step together to offer you loving support & understanding from someone like myself who’s been through many losses. Learn more here: Transforming Grief and LossTransforming Grief and Loss.
Finding hope and renewal in this life RIGHT NOW is most important for you. While learning how to open to Spirit Signs that Bruce can be with you also – in a different way. Email me for a Discovery Call to see if we are a good match to help you find answers emailme@ColleenWynia.com