Spirit Signs from loved ones are everywhere. In Spirit, loved ones who have transitioned (passed over, died) regularly communicate with us through Spirit Signs. There are countless methods Spirits will choose to capture your attention and communicate in a way you can recognize them.
Spirit Signs from loved ones through moving objects is one of the ways to recognize signs from spirit. My sister Corrine shows her presence through “Moving Objects” by capturing my attention Boxing Day late evening.
I open up the washer/dryer closet and bam, I witness the string attached to the light looped TWICE. Not once, like oh maybe I did that when I last turned the light off. It was TWICE, eliminating ANY doubt I had that it was my doing.
In all the years living at my home this is THE FIRST time I’ve witnessed a wild occurrence of this nature. There have been many other objects moved and rearranged, but this one was like non other. And, nobody else was at my home during my Christmas evening absence.
My sister Corrine is nearing her 10 year anniversary on January 14, 2016 and always communicates more often during holidays and anniversaries. This all makes sense. Stepping up the game shall we say. I love her so much, she’s so playful, yet because of my BELIEF in Spirit Signs, I have less pain and feeling of loss in my heart because her beautiful spirit is with me daily, or whenever she and I choose to connect.
Learn more about Spirit Communication:
Spirit Communication
One of my personal favourite mediums and educators on the subject of Spirit Signs from Loved Ones is James Van Praagh. Learning from many teachers helps us design our unique flavour and style for receiving and interpreting messages: James Van Praagh
Suffering a loss, I can help you!
There are steps we first experience from disbelief to surrender to acceptance, to opening to the possibility of continuous communication. It’s possible to heal the pain in your heart: Transforming Grief and Loss
Experiencing signs from your loved ones yet still doubting or confused, I can help!
Wondering how to interpret the meaning of signs, I will help you develop your innate intuitive knowing and develop deeper trust in yourself!
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Your partner in HEART! Believe friends, believe…
Thanks for sharing your sister story, Colleen! It moved me (and made me giggle) and reminded me of my dad who has played pranks on me! On his birthday in January one year, he hid a sock in my curtain and on Halloween, his favourite “holiday”, he hid the key to my gate so I couldn’t get out of my driveway! I had to call my fireman friend to cut the giant lock, but then the key magically showed up!
It’s been a while since I’ve “seen” from my dad. Thanks for the reminder Colleen to be “open” to such visits and that loved ones are always with us!
Oh Cate, how exciting is that! I love your stories of your dad’s mischievous ways to connect with you. My Mom and I have this happen OFTEN to us, as do many of my clients and friends sharing cool happenings like you. Your dad is truly a blessing in your life and reminder to “lighten up.” His wish for you to feel lighter, a sense of more freedom in your energy body. I’m hearing his great sense of humor right now saying “LIGHTEN THE LOAD GIRL !!” Did you ever see the youtube videos of my Mom’s disappearing watch? Like you, her watch magically reappearred about 2 months later in the kitchen sink…after she purchased a new one!!
Disappearance and Reappearance of Objects:
Part One: https://youtu.be/uMWRMusU2wc
Part Two: https://youtu.be/oIjIG5jfRZ4
WOW! What a bold sign, how exciting to see that! I love that you have captured and shared this experience. I cannot recall seeing any signs of moving objects, though perhaps I was just not paying attention to notice them. Your video definitely raises my belief level in the possibility of seeing these kinds of signs. I do notice 11:11 and other repetitive numbers a lot on license plates, clocks, signs etc. to capture my attention. That loop is so cool, and how beautiful that you continue to connect with your sister! Thanks for sharing!!! 😀
It was indeed exciting Jodi, always a heart-felt reminder how near my sister truly is. As well how much loving support and guidance she offers me and our family while living the human existence. I’m delighted to know my spirit signs video is supporting your belief our loved ones who pass can communicate with us, and are there for us as much as we are for them! Seeing numbers like 11:11 is powerful. New doors and new chapters are opening and have opened in your life, the divine is “Brilliant” inside of you! I see 11:11 so often on my clocks (stove, clock radio, iphone), I’d love to send you a screen shot. In addition to moving objects, here is a list of the Top 8 Ways to Interpret Spirit Signs: CLICK HERE