by Colleen Wynia | Feb 20, 2020 | Insights
A Love Story about Life and Death: Spirits show us a Healthier Way There was a time over 20 years ago when I deeply grieved the loss of two loved ones, my father Gerry (Gabe) and like-a-bro cousin Rob. Both suffered cancer & died within nine months of each other ?...
by Colleen Wynia | Jan 31, 2019 | Insights
CLICK HERE to watch this video on my YouTube Channel Spirit Signs in Mexico, Moving Objects Inspire Joy and Ease Grief. When a loved one dies we can feel overwhelming grief. What if you could ease emotional pain and increase your joy factor? Would your relationships...
by Colleen Wynia | Jan 8, 2019 | Insights
CLICK HERE to watch this video on my YouTube Channel Transform negative mind chatter and stop ruining your goals. In business and life it’s paramount to change your mindset beliefs and how you speak to yourself. If what you are saying to yourself is doubtful,...
by Colleen Wynia | Aug 5, 2018 | Insights
3 ways to Embrace FREEDOM on Independence Day will help you align and balance your emotional, physical and financial health with more ease and less resistance. It’s a facebook video that feels important to share to inspire how to embrace more freedom and lightness in...
by Colleen Wynia | Apr 21, 2018 | Insights
Spirit Signs Your Loved Ones Are Visiting You: Moving Objects and Electricity. Energy is Everything and Spiritual Signs from Loved Ones in the afterlife are real. The curiosity of the AfterLife is growing exponentially around the world and people are seeking Colleen...