
Feeling good emotionally is absolutely essential to ‘allowing in’ your Dreams and Desires. Equally important is feeling good physically. The fastest way I know to align yourself to receive those desired gifts of love, joy & prosperity is to climb the Emotional Guidance ladder.

Simply put, in each moment do something that makes you feel a little better, or a lot better, than the moment before. If you are feeling depressed, you want to move up the ladder.

One of the fastest ways I know to positively shift the energy frequency you are vibrating at is to get a Massage. It’s worked tremendously for me, especially when mixed with intuitive guidance and relaxation breathing.

Trilby’s video testimonial is ‘in the moment’ and very moving. If you haven’t viewed it, click here:


Ask me to donate a gift certificate to your next fundraiser!

There are unlimited ways to feel good or feel better, including exercise, meditation, being in nature, eating good food and consuming quality whole food supplements for wellness and prevention of good health. In future posts I’ll elaborate….stay tuned.

Take a deep breath and SMILE!!
