
Valentine’s Day Wish of Joy, Love & Prosperity to my beautiful friends & family! Want an amazing life that breed’s JOY, LOVE & PROSPERITY each and every day?

Surround yourself with dynamic soulful people who are already vibrating at this frequency!! My valentines wish for you…. check out my video now!

Learn something new this week that challenges you. Set your heart on what you desire, and relax as to the form in which it shows up. Trust and Believe it will.

My beautiful client said to me the other day “If God gave me the desire to want something, he/she also gave me the ability to embrace it.” I loved this perspective and it’s true. If, however, we doubt then we have fear to release, rooted emotion at the cellular level that bought into a story. This story is ancient, old and untrue.

We simply have to look around us at the thousands of scenarios where someone was told IT couldn’t be done or THAT couldn’t be accomplished – it’s impossible! Only to then see it be ACCOMPLISHED when no other believed.

If you have a calling, if you have a desire, it is so!!! Embrace yourself with open minds and hearts, and surrender and allow, then watch the miracles of life unfold before your very eyes!

Stepping up, I’ve delivered a couple of awesome talks in February titled “Connecting Life & Death: Bringing Joy & Success back into Life.” A video will be out later with my on stage presence at BIL Conference Vancouver 2016. A take-off of the all-famous, inspirational TED Talks.

What are you going to do this week that challenges and expands your soul to a new level? One of my commitments was to expand my knowledge of my inner health. Here is the link to my associate Rick Fischer who educated and presented at the Vancouver Wellness Show on the importance of testing your Mineral levels with the HTMA test: 

HTMA is a powerful diagnostic tool that uses hair from the scalp and accurately indicates mineral toxicity and imbalances and provides the evidence required to to design a highly effective nutrition program (food and supplements) to create more harmony and balance in the body.

Ask about my complementary “Discovery Connect” call for a breakthrough Reset Your Vibe consult. By aligning yourself inside, shifting your energy to FEEL GOOD, you become a powerful and magnetic attractor to whatever your heart desires

Valentine’s Day Wish of Joy, Love & Prosperity


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Love, Blessings & Vibrant Health
Colleen 🙂