
Vancouver Event: Tapping into Spirit Signs & Dream Vision Circle

Do you have a Dream or Vision of what you want your life to LOOK, FEEL and BE like? Do you want a smoother, faster track to run on? If so, change begins within…..

Our November event was such a hit, insightful and TRANSFORMATIVE evening, I’m hosting another on February 5th. This time with a greater emphasize on FREEDOM.

Do you know an entrepreneur, parent or friend who has been through a lot and is CRAVING more Emotional Freedom in their Heart? How about less anxiousness and more Time Freedom in business and life overall? (I do !!! Me too please!!!)

We’ll explore EVERYDAY SIGNS and messages from the Universe showing us a CLEARER WAY to Vibrant Health, Love, Money & Magic! What we need is always present before us. It is our job to listen within and around us for clearer direction that will guide us to the next best feeling, person, place or experience.

From Divine Source to Spirit Guides to your Deceased Loved Ones cheerleading you on, by truly recognizing, interpreting and honoring these signs / signals happening all around you, and through your body’s wisdom, you can very quickly and significantly Up Level Your Life in every way!

In this creative, open-hearted interactive gathering, you’ll work with Spirit and I to access wisdom to enrich your life through tapping into the everyday, ever present Universal Signs. You’ll collaborate and increase your capacity at one or more of these:

  • Healing your Heart following the death of a loved one
  • Recognizing Everyday Signs & Interpreting what they mean to you
  • Raising Your Vibration to faster align with your Mindset & Inspiration to pursue your Dreams
  • Deepening Your Intuition for Wise Decision Making
  • Trusting yourself to better access your body’s wisdom for direction
  • Improving your Energy, Health & Stress Levels, Digestion, Metabolism & Weight, and even organ health can improve when you release anxiety, doubt, grief, and fear
  • Expanding your creative energies for personal & business
  • Enjoying more Energy, Health, Love, Inner Peace, Joy, Money & riches
  • Igniting an open mind to things you can’t always tangibly see (sometimes you see them)

If you want THINGS TO CHANGE this year, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE! Self development is your #1 most valuable asset.

Event Details:

Date: February 5, 2020
Time: 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Location: North Vancouver, BC – location provided when you RSVP
Cost: $45 (If $$$ is your barrier, reach out, let’s talk)

PLEASE RSVP to 778-288-6202 or

Spirit Signs or Universal Signals may include events that are happening, sensations in your body, an inner calling to adopt a healthier nutrition or fitness program, money and blessings that pop up unexpectedly and ‘Out of the Blue’ that nurture and reward your Heart in a BIG way!

Prepare yourself with a head start by popping over to my YouTube video playlist SPIRITUAL EDUCATION .  LIKE & Subscribe to get notified of new videos.

If you want to develop or deepen your skill to tap into the powerful Universal indicators and your personal cheerleading squad that’s ALWAYS ROOTING FOR YOU, while getting better at tapping in and listening to your body’s wisdom for making more EMOTIONAL & TIME FREEDOM choices and healthier habits, you’ll want to be at my intimate gathering.

Not 100% sure if this event is for you, no problem! Let’s schedule a Discovery Call. We’ll find out where you are at, what you most need right now and if this will help get you there! This event will move you closer… that’s for sure.

You can read here for what transpired for one attendee at the November 6th event.

Do you live outside the Vancouver, British Columbia area? Great news! You can always book a personalized Reset NOW Coaching call by phone, or Zoom Video.

I love you, I appreciate you, and I wish you Vibrant Health as we move into a new decade, a powerful 2020 and beyond that is based in CREATION, not circumstances.

In Vibrant Health & Blessings

Your Reset NOW Coach
Love Colleen  xx