
Health, Wellness and living a good life are essential and important to us all. In the past 15 years, I have witnessed an alarming number of family members, friends, and clients endure a wide range of health problems, including fatal conditions such as cancer.  Dis-ease is a process that occurs over a period of time and there are numerous factors contributing to the arrival of an illness.

In understanding that we are ‘energy’ and the cells in our bodies respond positively or negatively to every single experience and the environment we expose ourselves to, we must make choices that are alive, nurturing, and loving to lead a vibrant, healthy life.

There are lifestyle choices that contribute to cancer and other illness. On a daily basis, our bodies are bombarded with toxins; harsh chemicals in our food, water, household and personal care products.

This edition of HeartLink Insights will discuss the toxins and harmful ingredients found in personal care products, reference some alarming studies, and introduce a revolutionary skin nutrition line that is the first skin care to be 100% clean, safe for our bodies and the environment, and highly  results oriented with tremendous anti-aging properties.

Ingredients in your Personal Care Products may be dangerous to your health

Many cosmetics, skin care and beauty products contain harsh chemicals that are being linked to poor health and even dis-ease. A recent study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found startling results about personal care products on the market today:

• 33% contain ingredients linked to cancer

• 45% contain ingredients that may be harmful to the reproductive system or to a baby’s development

• 60% have ingredients that can act like estrogen or disrupt hormones

Another study by the EWG stated that only 11 percent of the 10,500 ingredients in beauty products have been tested for safety. Of the ingredients tested, a high percentage were found to be toxic chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive disorders, respiratory concerns and even biological mutations.

Further to the study, women use on average 12 personal care products daily. In June 2004, a survey of 2,300 adults was conducted by the Environmental Working Group and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics about personal care use. Under current trends, the survey concluded an average of more than 160 chemicals is absorbed through the skin every day.

The 12 Most Toxic Ingredients to Avoid

The skin is our largest organ in the body, and some even refer to the skin as the 2nd kidney. Our personal care products are absorbed into the skin, so even trace amounts of harmful toxins may set up an environment for the early stage of dis-ease or illness.

I am discovering that even the most commonly used and best known skin care products in the market today often have a percentage of chemicals in their ingredients. To research the toxicity level in some of the personal care products you may use, visit the EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database: and enter a Product, Ingredient or Company.

The European Union has banned many of these chemicals, though in the United States and Canada our products continue to be manufactured and sold unregulated. I invite you to research your bathroom cupboards and toiletry kits for the following common toxic ingredients to avoid:

Propylene Glycol (PG) and Butylene Glycol
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
DEA (diethanolanine). MEA (Monoethanolankine) & TEA (trieethanolamine)
Sodium Hydroxide
DMDM & Urea (Imadazolidinyl)
Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Alcohol, Isopropyl (SD-40)
Mineral Oil
FD&C Color Pigments

For details on these common harmful ingredients, visit: Skin Deep Cosmetics Database

Glimpse, Intuitive Skin Nutrition by XanGo™

Following the inception of XanGo Juice™ 6 years ago, made from the whole Mangosteen fruit, a Billion Dollar company with a single product, XanGo™ has launched Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care.

Using Green chemistry and a proprietary technology called Japanese biofermentation, Glimpse is a safe, toxin-free, topical skin nutrition with the anti-aging benefits of the Mangosteen. Studies suggest the anti-oxidant potency to be greater than Vitamin C, Resveratrol, CoQ10, and measuring up to 30 times the anti-oxidant levels of Green tea.

To learn more, please join me Thursday, March 26th for a Glimpse/XanGo presentation at my North Vancouver home. Please contact me for complete invitation details. If unable to attend, please ask for a FREE CD to learn about Glimpse Intuitive Skin Care by XanGo™.

If you desire to generate a substantial 2nd income during times of economic downturn, ask me about the exciting Business Opportunity with XanGo™ – one of the fastest growing wellness companies in the world, and a product that statistically sells during even the most challenging economy.

In joy & good health

Colleen Wynia
HeartLink Consulting
