A Personal Opinion
Now, more than ever before, we are being guided to go inside, listen to our voices and hearts, and seek ways to simplify our lives to reduce stress and enjoy optimal healthy living.
Our bodies, minds and spirit are feeling the collective pressure of global change. Triggered by our desire to expand personally & professionally, address our health needs, meet business and family commitments, and respond to economic shifts, our bodies are facing information overload.
Sometimes, this translates as feelings of extreme overwhelm. We may lash out at those closest to us, assuming the problem is outside of ourselves, in the other person or situation. Some of us are experiencing feelings that consist of a pressure cooker bubbling over or a daily emotional rollercoaster ride.
If we continue to look outside ourselves, blame the other driver, the unhappy customer or our spouse, we will never reveal to ourselves what’s eating us.
Life As It Should Be
In truth, we are meant to live joyful, prosperous, loving, passionate lives. Most of us, at one time or another, will operate from our ancient beliefs passed down from generation to generation.
Through cellular memory, the cells in our body store every experience we’ve been exposed to, including limiting thoughts about ourselves that we believed to be true. The cellular voice may communicate such ideas as:
“I’m not good enough, talented enough, successful enough, pretty enough.”
“Life must be difficult in order to achieve my goals and dreams.”
“The reason I don’t have what I want or feel the way I’d like to, is due to my inabilities and the incompetency’s of those around me.”
Becoming aware of our limiting thoughts, which are non-true beliefs about ourselves and others, will assist to transform these thoughts into something better. One way to achieve this is through the simplicity of taking time to relax and go within.
Take time to Relax and Rejuvenate
When making time to unwind and go within, we begin to hear ourselves more deeply. By treating ourselves lovingly, our true thoughts and emotions can be revealed. From this place of relaxation and inner quiet, we can then decide what beliefs work for us and which old stories no longer serve our well-being.
There are endless ways to de-Stress. Listen to your heart to guide you in selecting what works best for you. Here are a few of my suggestions that may help you better respond to stress. Say “good-bye” to limiting beliefs and live your best life.
Women’s Wellness Retreat
FOR WOMEN ONLY, October 16-18th, 2009, this amazing retreat is being hosted by Sheryl Stanton, a Registered Nurse, Stress Relief Coach and author of four stress-relief books. This is your chance to release pent up energies and stresses to return to a healthy and balanced state!
If you’re feeling stressed, burned out or just need to get away from it all, this could be your big chance! For more information about this unique retreat, email Sheryl at stressrelief@shaw.ca or visit: Women’s Wellness Weekend
Exercise brings mental clarity, physical well-being, and assists to restore emotional balance. Consider joining a local sports team or hiking group, enjoy trail walks in nature, attend yoga or martial arts classes, or anything else your heart desires.
If already active, add flavor to your routine by working with a Personal Trainer. If you reside within the Lower Mainland (Vancouver, BC), I highly recommend Blair Polychronopoulos.
Blair Polychronopoulos has been a certified fitness professional since 2003. Registered as a BCRPA Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Weight Training Specialist, Blair will assist you to reach your personal fitness and health goals. Visit: Active Horizons Fitness & Coaching or contact Blair at (604) 763-8854.
Nutritional Supplementation
Did you know that consumers are spending a mind-boggling $80 billion annually to combat stress and fatigue through mood enhancers, sleep aids, energy drinks, coffee, and more? I was blown away by this number!
These temporary ‘fix-it’ aids are not a solution. They are at very best a band-aid, never addressing the real reason. I’ve also been educating myself about cortisol, a major stress hormone that when out of balance, contributes to health concerns like depression, weight gain, osteoporosis and hypertension.
Brand new to the Wellness industry is a natural solution called Eleviv. Eleviv is helping people improve VIGOR. In psychology terms, vigor is scientifically measurable and refers to: Physical Energy, Emotional Balance & Mental Acuity.
Visit www.Eleviv.com and enjoy the entertaining 1-minute video about The Human Flag.
If you know anyone who is Tired, Stressed, Depressed, or Poor Sleep, you will want to share Eleviv with them. Stress is a fact of life. How we respond to stress, is up to us!
Colleen’s Massage – Couples and dual bookings receive 25% off
Massage and various forms of bodywork is undeniably an excellent choice for reducing stress and connecting with your body’s innate wisdom. Massage will also help transform beliefs held in the muscles, tissues, cells, and energy body that have kept us feeling trapped and in pain – emotionally, physically and mentally.
I equally love giving massages and receiving massages. To see people deeply relax and connect with their brilliance, peace and joy, returns me so much love.
I have a Gift for You. Receive 25% off when you schedule a Couples Massage for 2 sessions for yourself.
To view client testimonials, visit: Bodywork/Massage Testimonials
Thanks for contributing to my life. Keep shining your love and light!
Colleen Wynia
HeartLink Consulting