Transforming Grief and Loss at a faster pace is absolutely possible. We do not have to stay stuck in our pain body. I can help your heavy heart feel lighter and joyful again.
Has a loved one died?
Has a marriage or long term relationship suddenly ended?
Have you experienced financial devastation?
Have you endured a health set-back?
Have you lost a sense of connection with yourself?
When we lose a loved one (person or animal), a committed relationship ends, our quality of life is severely impacted, or we’ve lost a sense of connection with our self, the emptiness a person feels can be devastating. When a loss occurs, there are varying emotions of grief a person may feel including shock, overwhelm, anger, guilt, sorrow, aloneness and even fear. Transforming Grief and Loss is an important part of the healing journey.
Having personally experienced each of these devastations at varying times in her life, most more than once, Colleen brings a compassionate, insightful and highly skilled intuitive approach to her clients. In a confidential setting, you can expect to feel safe and accepted as you are guided in exploring your thoughts and emotions resulting from your loss, so you may feel better sooner.
“Love knows not its depth until the hour of separation.” – Kahlil Gibran
In a co-creative collaboration, we will design the optimal approach for you. We’ll begin from the awareness that we are, by our very nature, Quantum beings, comprised of Energy. All change or transformation is derived from Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA).
QEA is a level of awareness in which we begin to see ourselves as multi-dimensional beings with the ability to change our lives. This includes how we think, how we feel, how we create opportunities and much more. By taking steps, internally and externally, we can begin to positively transform our painful or difficult experience as a result of the Grief associated with Loss.
QEA encompasses all multi-faceted forms of our being: Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. QEA is the opposite to our linear way of viewing ourselves. In becoming aware that we are the creators behind our intention, for transforming pain or improving the way we live our lives, we take 100% responsibility in the shared creation of what happened and what will unfold next.
What this means to you is absolute acceptance, love and understanding for what you are experiencing. By placing our attention on your present thoughts and the changing emotions you feel in each moment, transformation can naturally begin with the most ease. Our intention will be to assist you in moving forward beautifully and joyfully with your life, in a way that brings the most beneficial long term results to enrich your life, even when trauma or devastation has greatly impacted your heart and mind.
Emotional Healing after Loss
The most important gift we can give ourselves while transforming Grief and Loss is to become increasingly aware of our thoughts and feelings, allowing them to be expressed in a supportive, nurturing environment.
By embracing grief, we give permission for all possible emotions to arise and our beliefs to show up. Although this may feel painful, acceptance of emotion, and its related thoughts, visions or memories, allows the complete grieving process to unfold so that in time you will return to a peaceful state-of-being, with a level of deeper appreciation and acceptance for the blessings that will eventually derive from the loss, no matter how devastating at the time.
Did you know…
Every thought not expressed
Every feeling not embraced
Every dream not pursued
Has the potential to manifest in the body as pain or dis-ease?
– Colleen Wynia
Feelings repressed, or not expressed, may result in the body as physical, mental or emotional illness. What we resist, persists. When not acknowledged, expression and creativity lacks a vehicle of direction, becoming trapped in the body. This entrapment is potential for the development of a variety of health related concerns.
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”
~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Using a few simple approaches combined with QEA, Colleen will guide you in tuning into your heart and transforming grief and loss. Your ability to permit the emotions and thoughts that arise will play an essential role in the speed at which you return to a state of peace, love, and clarity to embrace the transition with renewed courage.
The first step to transforming grief is to be aware of it. The next step is to allow and accept it. Often easier said than done. In listening to your body’s wisdom, however, Colleen will support you in encouraging grief to speak which is key to moving forward. If your grief had words and a voice, what would Grief say?
What to Expect
Although symptoms of Grief & Loss may be universally shared, every individual is unique in their personal loss and certainly in their collective life experiences. Therefore, no two people are supported same and every session offers unique solutions.
Together, we co-create and intuitively design a single session or series of consultations that speak personally to you. Our intention will be to transform the grief and eventually, in time, assist you to feel renewed from the loss. There are many ways to weave the threads of loss into a blessing that gives you inner awareness and strength you may not know you have.
Tuning into your Heart with Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA) and surrendering to your emotions starts with dialogue. Accompanied with the ESM model, we will transform physical and emotional pain at the cellular level where core beliefs and memory are stored.
The quickest way I know for transforming grief and loss is by integrating dialogue with various forms of Quantum Energy Awareness therapy including:
Spirit Communication
Bodywork & Massage
Rebirthing / Conscious Connected relaxation breathing
How we determine which approach to take is up to your body’s internal guidance. The body has innate wisdom that will show us, as we co-create together the steps in moving forward. Staying present in each moment naturally guides us and your body to the next step or experience.
You may experience a range of sensations:
- Renewed Vigor & Vitality
- Increase in Physical Energy
- Release of both emotional and physical pain
- Visual images
- Body sensations, tingling, vibrations, warmth, cold
- Enhanced mental focus
- Clarity and insights to your questions
- Past Life memories or future visions
- Sense the presence of a loved one passed over
Grief is a process. By integrating the ESM model and Quantum Energy Awareness (QEA), while receiving some form of Quantum Therapy like Bodywork & Massage, you will significantly speed up the time frame for the healing of your heart and mind.
To heal on all cellular levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – it is essential to recognize the Inherent Stages of Grief for healing to begin.
Call or Email Me to book your FREE phone consultation
My daughter is going through a 5 year breakup and loss of her grandmother. She inherited anxiety, depression and panic attacks. I try to massage her almost everyday because her body feels very tense. How can I help her to get her out of this stage.
Thank you for reaching out. This must be very painful for you to see your daughter going through deep turmoil like anxiety, depression and panic. I know I’ve been there myself with my sister and felt so helpless even though I extended so much effort. You are already doing what you know and showing up for her. Is your daughter asking for help in any way, or are you wanting it for her to be different?
This may be difficult for you to hear, but I’m being guided to encourage you to shift your attention by putting more focus on yourself because this experience cannot be easy for you. There are options you can do for your daughter when she is open to receive. Until then, getting support for yourself (like you are asking for) will shift the energy and invite her to become more responsible for her recovery. Some helpful links:
CLICK HERE for Client Success Stories
READ HERE for Inherent Stages of Grief
How to Lower Anxiety, Breathing to view Video Blog
If you are located in the Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada region I can work with you / your daughter professionally in person or distance with phone/skype/zoom. Write me back here at and we’ll setup an appointment. I can elaborate and help you both! Sincere blessings, Colleen